

Many people write to Zeke from the lists:


What I am seeing here is a complete reversal of what the original plan was. Not to get overly religious but I do believe that things happen for a purpose. It appears to me that in trying to make Zeke's last days into something special it has become something so much bigger. It is in what Zeke is giving you and everyone that meets him, and that is something very significant.

This is one of those dogs that is going to remain in your heart and your memory forever. God bless you Zeke, if I could wave my magic wand and make you better I would in a heartbeat!

You have stolen all of our hearts big guy!

auntie jo

I want to tell the list about Zeke, from the point of view of one of his aunties! Please do not feel sad for this boy. Zeke is, without a doubt, one of the happiest dogs on earth. He has found heaven with his new mom and dad. He enjoys every single minute of his new life, his brothers, his sister, and his doting aunties. If Zeke could understand that you feel sorry for him, he'd be totally lost as to why. Zeke is living life to the fullest, enjoying every moment and there is NO way to look at that boy without breaking into a smile. 

So, feel bad for someone else, please, Zeke is living high.... Amy

AAAHHHHH!!!  You Da man ZEKE... You go enjoy life to the fullest.... Hugs, Kisses and tons of Woobies.... Carol

Oh Pam, what a sweetie he is!! I love the pool picture. And talk about living each day as it comes; we can all learn that lesson from  Zeke.......Auntie Arlene

I'm so glad I got to meet him. What a happy boy he is. Zeke is now in woobie paradise and loving every minute of it. What we have to learn from all of this is the happiness and love they give us. Zeke is giving Pam and Greg so much happiness and love right now, and he is just glowing with it. We have to every one of us, live day by day with them, remembering we have to stop and enjoy them. For one thing I have learned is you never know how long you have with any one you love. And it doesn't matter how long it is, you want more, it is never long enough. With our goofs time is just too short as it is, so we have to pack a lot of love and memories in those few short years. I am so happy for Zeke for he has found so much love from Pam, Greg, heck all of us. And that boy is so darn happy, he doesn't feel sorry for himself. One thing I noticed while I as there, he is happy, he is confident, he is not afraid of people, and he is gentle. And he is just enjoying life, celebrating every second he has. We should all do that with him. Celebrate his life for as long as we have. No sadness, just joy to see this goofy guy lay on his back and wiggle his happiness for the world to see. Every day with one we love is a gift. I think his joy of life is such a learning process for us all.
WAHOO Zekie......Janie

Arrrrroooooooooo Zekie, my Man!

We must be belated! I beheaded a wabbit woobie this week, too. I been working on Hoppy Da Not So Happy Now fur some time, and finally his head came off. Der he was, hopping around wiffout his head, bumping into fings, doing headless summersaults and waving his arms aimlessly. lick he was magician or sumpin.

Finally, I stepped on him and said "Silly Wabbit, tricks are fur kids........Scoutie

Great pictures! Thanks for sending them. Zeke looks so happy. Too bad the poor boy doesn't have any woobies though. LOL....Sue

I think what we're crying for is the younger Zeke who didn't get the love, care, and attention he's basking in now. And he reminds us, of course, of the multitude of dogs who continue to endure loneliness and neglect and who will never know the joy of being a valued, fully- fledged member of a family....Brenda

I think Zeke has touched all our hearts. When I think of him its in a happy way because he's found a wonderful new home, but also tinged with sadness. God bless folk like Pam and her family is what I say....Barbara

I am soooooo berry happy dat dis day was for you and "HAPPY NEW LIFE DAY." And my mom says only the good go young, so I was tinking maybe you could come ober and I could show you how to be berry, berry bad hehehe, now dat would make me smile berry big. Dat was a berry special ting your mom and dad did for you and I was tinking, yep, you just go boy! Liber pate, gosh my drool is all ober the pwace now. Maybe you should be calling me ober, cause I know how to go to your house when my mom gets to take me out.

My mom said phanks for the recipe cause now she can make it for me and my sisters...eben doh, this world is all bout me. K, so I hab to go lick my moms face clean now cause she's soooooooo happy you're part of the famiwy, and she's real happy your mom always tells us these stories bout you, and dat you can eben write TOO....Shasta



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