She's Alone

This song is about a neighbor girl, we'll just call her Atilla.  She can't seem to keep friends around much - she's often seen playing with younger kids.

I felt sort of sorry for her, until I struck up a conversation with her.  She took the first opening in the conversation to let me know that her view on the subject was the only possible view, and she passionately defended her position, although it seemed terribly short-sighted to me. 

She really put me off.  I stopped feeling sorry for her. 

Then I met her mother.  It was uncanny.  The mother did the exact same thing to me.  I excused myself as soon as I could, and haven't been back since. 

Now I'm starting to feel sorry for the girl again.  13 years old with no friends and an uncompromising will must surely be hell on earth.  And I'm wondering, is this inherited, or learned behavior?  I suppose the strength of will and firmness of opinion is inherited, and the unfettering of the propensity to be unabashed about it is learned. 

But can you unlearn this?

On the music side, I'm excited about the guitar intro on the Gretsch.  It's got a nice warm reverb that drops you right smack into the first verse.

Here's the link to my briefcase folder, where this and other songs are available for the taking. 

Here's a link to the lyrics, in a .doc file.
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