Man in the Moon
I developed this tune after a burst of playing Beatles songs from a songbook I bought last year. 

At first the tune was intended for the story of this sad, bossy little neighbor girl who can't seem to keep friends because she won't release control of every situation.

I couldn't make those lyrics fit this tune, without really forcing it.

Then one night, when out walking last summer with Nancy, I saw someone's face in the moon just as plain as day.  I told Nancy that there is a song here.

I wrote the lyrics while sitting on the beach in Michigan in August 2003.

Here's where I use the 'ball park organ' from my Roland keyboard.  I just use it as fill - nothing really flashy, but it seems to work with the mood of the song.

The tune is mostly about the chord progressions.  The melody is found in the chords, and the harmonies are intended to make the melody more palatable.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the recording.  It is short, and could use another verse or a solo, but I'm not going back to it for now.
Here's the link to my briefcase, where this and my other songs are available for downloading.  Once you get there, either right-click and use save target as...,or just click on the song name to play it (preferred for high-speed users).
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