This song is called "Let Me Loose."

It's pretty depressing.  It's just a song - don't take it too hard.

It started with a simple riff on the Martin.  The riff sounded a lot like a mundane routine to me.

There was once this episode of the Twilight Zone, featuring this guy who played Darren Stevens in Bewitched (the ugly one, not the better looking one).  I think the episode was called 'Once in a Blue Moon,' or something like that.  Darren gets the ability to read minds for a day.  One of the things that happens, he overhears this bank clerk telling himself he's going to steal all of the money and run away to Mexico or somewhere, and Darren turns him in.  The guy confesses that every day he imagines he's gonna take the money, and run away somewhere exotic, but he never actually does it.  Then he tries to figure out how Darren knew.

Anyways, that's kind of the theme for this song. 

The song is based on that riff.  But it really doesn't get going until you hear the chorus.  The chorus was originally intended to be a break, but kind of took over the song. 

Also note:  this song includes actual drumming.  I used the drum machine to lay down the bass drum track, but recorded the remaining drums with the set I bought for the kids last Spring.  Not exactly high fidelity, but more interesting than the machine, that's for sure.

Here's the link to my mp3 file server, where you can get the song.  There's a new version of the song from 10-2-04, where I added the chorus after the third verse, and beefed up the thirds on the gretsch during the chorus to add a little more punch. For dial-up access, try right-clicking the song, and using save target as... to download the song.  For high-speed access, just clicking the song should play it on your computer.

Here's a link to the lyrics, if you are interested, in a word file.
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