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"The Grass is Brown"
    Everyone is always saying that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.  Well, how do they know?  Have they been there?  And if they have, why did they come back here?  Why would anyone want to be here?  Anyway, that�s beside the point.  The thing is, I have been there, and they�re wrong.  The grass is brown on the other side of the fence, just like the grass on this side, and the grass on both sides of every fence.
     Who am I kidding, anyway?  No one even cares about the grass anymore, or the trees, or the flowers, or anything.  Everyone�s all hung up on being cool, and popular, and having all of the latest fashions, and all that garbage.  That�s what I have to live with.  That�s the reason why the grass is brown.  I can relate.  I�m not feeling too green, myself.
     Believe it or not, the sun still bothers to come up every day.  Not that anyone cares about the sun, either.  Is it expensive, and can I get new ringtones for it?  No?  Well, then, who needs it?  Well, I still need you, sun.  I appreciate you.
     Oh, of course, I�d been talking about the fence.  Yes, I have seen the other side.  As I said, it�s exactly like this one.  The wind blows through the trees, the flowers smell sweetly, the sun is warm and bright...and the grass is brown.  Brown because of vain feet in overpriced shoes stepping all over it.  So, I decided I needed a new fence.  Maybe the grass will be green on one side of this one.
They have chain link fences, picket fences, and even the ever-popular barbed wire fence.  Let me tell you, I checked both sides of all of them.  All I found was more brown grass.  By then, I was feeling so down that I gave up and went back to my own fence.
     It�s a nice fence.  It�s blue and shiny and it�s mine- both sides of it.  So, here I sit, on one side of my fence.  I don�t even bother going to the other side anymore.  I already know what�s there, anyhow- just more brown grass to make me feel, well, blue, I guess.  Yes, here I sit with my beloved fence.  I�ve got my feet in the brown, dry, grass.  There�s no wind today.  I�ve got nothing to listen to.  I�ve got nothing to do, either.  I suppose I can just sit here and enjoy the sun.
     Well, now you know where I stand.  I�ve done what I came to do.  I figure I�ll just fly on home now.  Not that I enjoy being around the other birds anymore, anyway.  They�re just as bad as the humans.  All they care about is who has the biggest nest, or who gets the most food.  I doubt if they�ve even noticed how brown the grass is.  Not just on both sides of this fence here, but everywhere else, too.  All of the grass is brown.  And nobody cares but me.
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