Matt Golub
For those of you interested in paying Matt a visit at Beth David Cemetery, please email me and I will give you that information.  I don't know if it's appropriate or not to give out this info so I'd like to keep it private for now.
I don't mean to sound hippocritical by having this page.  I won't lie.  Matt and I hadn't talked since my wedding day back in November of 1999.  Do I feel guilty about this?  Absolutely.  Can I change this?  No.  What I can do, however, is pay him tribute in the only way I know how and that is by this page.  In addition, I have a book in the works that I am floundering on due to the overwhelming amount of material I have.  Those of you who knew the Matt and Nicole saga have an idea of what I'm talking about.  Truth to be told, only he and I know the true extent to how deep our relationship(s) once were.  It's strange, but in a way I feel like the closest thing Matt had to a widow.  Odd considering I'm happily married to my true husband.  I guess the feelings come from the long duration of my relationship(s) with Matt.  He kind of feels like an ex-husband.  Either way, I don't feel the need to question these feelings any longer.  I loved him once, and give him credit for much that has happened in my life.  I therefore dedicate this page to you, Matt.
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One thing about being an English teacher is that you get an opportunity to be an influence in a young person's life.  During the first six months of teaching I assigned a project to all my classes.  It was to choose a song and tell what it meant to them and relate it to their lives.  A common learning tool is to model what it is you expect of the students yourself.  I wrote my sample essay using the song "I'll Remember" by Madonna and how it reminded me of Matt.  Not only did this essay nearly set my kids into tears, but it got compliments from the ladies in the copy room who copied it for distribution to my classes.  Apparently, it touched a chord with some people.  I've included it here for those who are interested.  
My Eulogy to him
Memories of Matt
This page includes any poetry, thoughts, memories or other about Matt(
all friends/family please email me so I can post them here)
"I'll Remember" essay
This page is by no means complete so continue checking back and don't be surprised if some things happened to change.  I'm a perfectionist.  Those of you who share my disease will understand. 
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