Krissy is about 3 months old and Ned and Alexis have been in a relationship limbo ever since they brought her home. Alexis is still living in her apartment and Ned is still in the Gatehouse.


~ Christmas Tree Lot ~

Alexis is walking around trying to find the perfect tree.

�You know I think it was better when we didn�t celebrate Christmas.�

Jumping. �Nikolas what are you doing here?�

�Gia didn�t like the tree I brought home three hours ago so she sent me back out.�

Laughing. �Well if you ask me all trees are alike.�

�No they aren�t.� Ned said coming up behind them. �And if you ask me the tree you bring home says a lot about you.� He points to a straggly old thing maybe two feet high, and that�s being generous, practically dead in the corner.

�I think that sums up my life lately.� Alexis replied.

�Daddy daddy I found the bestest tree ever.� Brooke run up yelling. �Can we get it daddy huh can we please?�

�Brooke you sure have grown.� Nikolas replies bending down. �The last time I saw you�.�

�Was at daddy�s non-wedding.� Brooke said noticing Alexis. �Why�d you break my daddy�s heart?�

Ned picked Brooke up. �Honey we�ve talked about this. Remember I told you that Alexis was just scared and getting married at that time of our lives would have been a big mistake.�

�And having a baby with her NOW isn�t?�

�The kids gotta a point.� Nikolas laughed walking away.

�Nice seeing you to.� Alexis smirked

�I want to see my baby sister.�

Putting her down. �Only if you promise to be nice.�

Crossing her arms. �I promise.�

�To both Alexis and Krissy.�

Looking at Alexis. �FINE I�ll be nice to Krissy AND Alexis.�

�Alexis would it be okay if Brooke and I stopped by sometime next week?�

Not knowing what to say. �That would be fine.�

�Hey look it�s uncle Jax.� Ned yelled trying to get his attention.

Jax came walking over. �Is that little Brooke-Lynn.� He shakes his head. �No it can�t be. The Brooke-Lynn I remember wasn�t as tall as you are.�

�Uncle Jax don�t be silly,� She jumped into his arms. �Of course it�s me.�

�Uncle Jax why don�t you show Brooke all the lights at the other end of the lot.� Ned suggested

Jax looked at both Ned and then Alexis and got the point. �I�d love to.� He put her down and took her hand. �Come on Brooke let�s leave this old people back here and check them out.�

�Cool.� Brooke yelled as they walked away.

Ned walked over to Alexis and took her by the hand. �I really am sorry. I have no idea why she acted that way. When I told her that we were having a baby she was so happy about it and then when I called her and told her the baby was born she seemed excited.�

�Ned that was months ago. Why didn�t you tell me you told her. I totally forgot.� She shakes her head. �Of course she hates me. She probably thinks I�m keeping her baby sister from her.�

�I never taught about that.� He wipped his hand down his face. �I�ll talk to her Alexis and explain everything to her.�

�No if you don�t mind I�d like to do that?�

�Alexis it�s my fault I haven�t brought her to see Krissy yet not yours.�

�Ned I�m just as much to blame as you are.�



�Fine then maybe we can tell her together?�

�I really think I should be the one to talk to her. I honestly think it would do us both some good.�

He thought for a moment. �Fine but I want to be near by when you do.�

Alexis shook her head in agreement as Jax and Brooke come up from behind.

�Daddy you should see the pretty lights Uncle Jax bought for our tree.�

Ned peeked in the bag she was holding. �I guess that means we really do have to find a tree then doesn�t it?�

�It sure does.� She held her hands open wide. �And I want a real big round one.�

Jax looked around. �Ashton I think you�ve come to the wrong place.�

Alexis pointed to the tree Ned made fun of earlier. �I think that ones starting to grow on me.�

Jax placed his arm around her. �Are you feeling alright.�

Ned walked over and picked it up. �You know with a few lights a couple of candy canes.� He looked the tree up and down. �And a few��.ornaments, maybe some garland.� He placed the tree back in it�s corner. �Nope sorry Alexis but nothing is going to help this tree.�

Jax laughed and Alexis smacked him in the stomach. � I don�t care what either of you think I�m gonna get it.� Just then a man walked over. �Excuse me sir.�

�Find something you like.�

Pointing �Yes I�ll take that one.�

The man looked at her. �You want that one?�

�Afraid so.� Ned laughed

Jax tried his hardest not to laugh �Do you think we�ll need more people to get it in the back of her Lexis?�

Hitting him again. �Don�t you have a tree of your own to look for?�

Pulling on his coat. �Come on daddy, let�s go find our tree.�

�Brooke Honey.� Alexis said bending down. �How would you and your daddy like to come over tomorrow night and spend Christmas eve with your little sister.�

�Can we daddy please can we?�

Ned looks at Alexis. �We�d be honored.

~ Christmas Eve ~

Alexis places Krissy in the cradle near the window. She walks over to the Christmas tree and sighs. �I so can�t believe I bought this thing.� She walks over and pulls some lights out of a box. She�s just about to put them on when the door bell rings. �Wonder who that can be.� She looks at her watch. �Oh my god is it that late already. �One minute.� She yelled running over to the mirror. She pulled her hair out of the pony it was in and straightened her clothes. �God I look awful.� She took a deep breath and opened the door. �Ned Brooke please come in, I can�t believe how late it is.�

�We didn�t come at a bad time did we.� He looks at his watch. �You did say five right?�

�Yes I did.� She picked some stuff off the coach . �Please have a seat, can I get you anything to drink?�

�I want to see my baby sister.�

�Why don�t we take our jackets off first?�

�Okay daddy.�

Ned helped Brooke with her jacket and then removed his. Alexis took them from him. Ned placed his arms on Brooke shoulders and pushed her towards the window. �You have to be real quiet because I bet she�s sleeping.�

�I will daddy.� Brooke whispered sticking her head over the edge. �Daddy she�s so tiny.�

�You were almost that small when you were born.�

Brooke�s eyes lit up. �I was?�

Alexis walked up behind her. �Would you like to hold her when she wakes up?�

�Can I really?�

�Sure you can.�

Brooke looked back over Alexis�s shoulder. �What happened to your tree?�

�Nothing, I just haven�t gotten around to decorating it yet.� She looked up at Ned with puppy dog eyes. �Maybe you and daddy could help me?�

�I want to put on the candy canes.� Brooke yelled racing over to it.

Ned walked over and whispered in Alexis�s ear. �Please tell me you have candy canes.�

Biting the bottom of her lip. �Those would be the runny looking things that tasty like peppermint?�

Ned grabbed his coat. �Brooke honey I have to go out for a minute, be a good girl for Alexis.�

�Where ya going daddy?�

�I have to go to the store for some milk for the baby.�

�But mommy says Krissy gets her milk from Alexis�s�� she covers her mouth and laughs. �Booby.�

Alexis takes Brookes hand �Yes honey your mommy is right Krissy gets her milk from me but I need milk in order for Krissy to get milk.�

�Oh.� She shrugs her shoulders. �I�ll be good daddy.�

Ned kisses both Brooke and Alexis on the cheek. �I won�t be long�

Brooke drops her hand from Alexis�s and runs over to the baby.

�I�m sure she�ll be awake soon.�

�I can�t wait to hold her.�

�Until then do you think maybe you and I could talk for a little bit.�

Still looking at Krissy. �About what?�

Alexis sits on the couch. �I don�t know maybe about why you haven�t been able to see Krissy until now.�

�I already know.�

�I really don�t think you do Brooke and if you come over and sit with me I�ll try my best to explain it.�

�I�d rather watch Krissy sleep.�

Getting up and walking over to her. �Brooke your daddy did tell you that Krissy was sick when she was first born right.�

Looking at Alexis for the first time. �Mommy said that Krissy was born way to early and that she had to stay in the hospital.� She looked back at Krissy. �And when I asked her why she didn�t really answer but I know why.� Tears began to form in her eyes. �If she left the hospital she would die.�

Alexis wiped the tears from her own eyes and then turned Brooke towards her face. �Brooke Krissy is very strong now and there�s no chance of her dying.�

�It�s all your fault.� Brooke cried �You didn�t want me to see Krissy while she was in the hospital and if she didn�t come home I wouldn�t of been able to ever see her.�

�Brooke honey I wasn�t trying to keep you away from Krissy.�

�Yes you were.�

�No I wasn�t I just didn�t think you seeing her while she was so sick was a good idea.�

�But if she would have died in the hospital then I would have never gotten to see her.�

Alexis thought for a moment before she placed her arms around her. �Brooke I�m sorry I never even thought about that. I was trying to do what�s best for both of you and I never thought about what if Krissy never came home.�

�I know you don�t like me Alexis but I would never hurt my sister.�

Alexis pushed Brooke back and walked over to the couch with her. �Brooke I don�t hate you, I love you. You�re a very special girl and you hold a very special place in my heart.�

Ned walked through the door unnoticed.

�So did my daddy and you hate him.�

�I don�t hate your daddy Brooke I love him. There hasn�t ever been anybody in my life who means as much to me as your daddy does.� She looks over at Krissy. �That was until I meet you and had Krissy.�

�Then why did you hurt him so badly? I�ve never seen my daddy cry before that day.�

�The last thing I wanted to do was hurt your daddy. And I know no matter what I say or do I can never make that up to him, but Brooke you have to believe when I tell you I wish I could. If I could just live that day all over again I would do things so much differently.�

�Would you of married him.�

�Knowing what I know now, you bet.�

�So why don�t you do that day all over again?�

Ned eyes widened.

�Honey it�s just not that simple.�

�Why you love my daddy and my told me last night that he still loves you very much.�

Clearing his throat. �I�m back, did I miss much?�

Alexis with tears in her eyes looked back at him. �No Brooke and I were just talking about Krissy.�

�Daddy Alexis says she still loves you, and wants to marry you again.�

Alexis was about to say something as Krissy began to cry.

�Alexis can I hold her now.�

�Let me just change her diaper and we�ll see what we can do.�

�Meanwhile you can help your daddy with the groceries.�

�Ok Daddy.�

Ned raced Brooke into the kitchen and after they finished putting everything away they came back into the living room.

�Can I hold her now?�

Ned picked Brooke up onto the couch and helped her hold her hands out. �Sure you can, but you have to hold her very carefully.�

�I won�t drop her daddy.�

Alexis carefully placed Krissy in Brooke�s arms and then sat besides them.

�Wow she�s so tiny.�

Ned took a seat on the other side of Alexis placing his arm behind her head. Alexis used it to her fullest advantage as she placed her head against his chest.

�Hi there Krissy my name is Brooke-Lynn and I�m your big sister.�

�I think she likes you.� Alexis whispered.

�I like her too.� She looked up at Ned. �Can we spend the night here daddy please can we?�

Ned was about to object when Alexis opened her mouth. �I think that would be a wonderful idea.�

�Can I sleep in her crib with her?� Brooke asked as Krissy cried out.

�I think she�s hungry?� Alexis took the baby from her. �I�m going to go up stairs and feed her I won�t be long.�

�Bye bye Krissy.� Brooke waved. �So daddy can I sleep in Krissy�s crib with her?�

Ned picked Brooke up and placed her on his lap. �Krissy doesn�t sleep in her crib she sleeps in a basinet at the end of Alexis� bed.�

�Then can I sleep at the foot of Alexis� bed right next to her?�

Ned couldn�t help but laugh. �I�m so glad you like your baby sister.�

�Daddy I don�t just like my baby sister. I LOVE my baby sister.�

A Few Hours later Alexis with the help of Ned is decorating the tree. Brooke is sitting on the floor next to Krissy coloring.

�Brooke sweetie you sure you don�t want to help your old man?�

�No daddy I�d rather stay here with Krissy.�

�Ned what are you trying to do?� Alexis asked noticing how much trouble he was having reaching around the tree.

�Instead of standing there laughing you could try and help.�

Alexis reached round to the back of the tree. �You�ve got the lights tangled in the branches.� He pulled back on them. �Ned don�t do that you�ll��

The tree began to fall backwards both Ned and Alexis grabbed it just before it hit the floor.

�You got it?�

�I was hoping you had it� Alexis stated.

�I can�t pull it up from this angle.�

�Ned if I reach any further over this tree both of us will be on the floor.�

�Okay I�m gonna let go and I�ll pull you both back.� He began to let lose. �You have it?�

�Yea but make it quick.�

Ned ran to the front and placed his arms around Alexis and pulled her and the tree back. Once the tree was back on the table Ned wrapped his arms around Alexis.

Turning in his embrace. �Thanks.�


Her eyes meeting his. �You can let go now I�m fine.�

Bringing his lips closer to hers. �Maybe I should hold on until you and I talk about this concept you have of wanting to marry me.�

Alexis�s face turned beat red. �Just how much of that conversation did you hear?�

�More then you wanted me to.�

She buried her face in his chest. �I was afraid of that.�

He hugged her tight and then kissed the top of her head before letting go. �I know now isn�t the time to talk about this but since you promise Brooke that we could spend the night we have plenty of time.�

Alexis walked over and picked up a box of ornaments. �I never said you could stay.�

�You never said I couldn�t either.� Taking the box from her. �Brooke you want to help with the ornaments.�

Coloring. �Nope just the candy canes.�

Ned and Alexis exchanged a few seductive looks at one another while placing the ornaments on the tree.

�I think we�re ready for the candy canes Brooke.� Alexis stated

Pointing at Brooke �I don�t think she heard you.�

Alexis turned around and couldn�t help but smile seeing Brooke and Krissy both sound asleep on her blanket. �Poor thing, I know we should have decorated the tree before dinner.�

�Oh well the candy canes can wait till morning.� He took the garland and wrapped it around the front of her pulling her back against his chest. �However I can�t.�

�Ned the garland will look better on the tree.�

�Kissing her neck I kinda like it on you.�

�They look so peaceful.�

�I�ll carry Brooke up and then come back for Krissy.�

Taking the garland off of herself. �I can get Krissy.�

Ned bent down and picked up a sound asleep Brooke while Alexis picked up Krissy. They quietly walked up the stairs and placed them into bed. Alexis turned on the baby monitor, before partially closing the door. She then ahead of Ned started down the stairs. Ned grabs her and turns her body before she reaches the last step. He then pulled her body towards her and kissed her. She broke the kiss just long enough to look him in the eyes and pull him into an even more passionate kiss.

Ned finally breaking the kiss. �What was that for?�

�If you�re going to use the mistletoe as an excuse for kissing me then I want the most out of it.�

Ned whipped the lipstick from his lips as she walked across the room. He couldn�t help but smile when she bent down to pick up the fallen garland. She turned around quick enough to catch a glimpse of the look on his face. �Are you going to stand there looking at me or are you going to help me?�

�Is that a trick question?�

�Come again?�

He walked towards her. �I asked if that was a trick question?�

�I think I�ve missed something.�

He looks her up and down. �No I think you�ve got everything.� He places his arms around her landing his hand on her butt. �And all in the right places.�

�Ned Ashton what has gotten into you?�

�The beauty in you.�

Blushing. �Ned.�

Pulling her closer. �Maybe it�s just the season but there�s just something that�s making me feel like anything is possible.�

�Maybe it was the kiss under the mistletoe.�

�Well there�s no mistletoe here, why don�t we try again and see what happens?�

She places her finger on his lips. �I don�t know if I�ll be able to stop.�

Removing her finger from his lips. �Would that be such a bad thing?�

He didn�t allow to speak the words that were about to come out of her mouth. His mouth opened with hers and he pulled her in. The kiss started off sweet but quickly grew into a burning passion. It made the kiss of the steps look like nothing more then a quick goodbye kiss you�d give your loved one just before they left for work.

Her hands found their way into the inside of his shirts, softly massaging his back as they continued to kiss. Ned lifted her feet just off the floor and they made their way over to the couch. He broke the kiss as he sat down couch pulling her onto his lap. �If you tell me what you want for Christmas I�ll tell you what I want.�

She looked deep into his eyes. �Why don�t I just show you.�

�My my Ms. Davis I wonder if you want the same thing I want.�

�I don�t know, but don�t worry,� She began kissing his neck �if not I�d be happy to let you show me.�

Ned pulled her blouse from her skirt and allowed his hands to wander as she brought her lips to his. It didn�t take long before clothes were tossed aside and the two of them let each other know just what it was they wanted for Christmas.
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