This is a short story. I did not like the blizzard so I have changed this a little to make it a real Ned and Alexis story. Enjoy!!! This story is from 1999.
First, all the stuff with Stefan did happen.

Alexis' suite

Stefan had just left Alexis suite, slamming the door behind him. Alexis walks into the bedroom and picks out a red short dress to wear to Ned and her Second Annual Valentine's Date. Alexis wipes her tears from her face, frustrated with Stefan. Alexis grabs diamond earrings, necklace and walks into the bathroom. She splashes cold water on her face since she does not want Ned to see her like this. She grabs her brush off of the counter and throws it at the mirror. "Damn you, Stefan Cassadine." The mirror breaks into a million pieces which causes her to cry harder. She wipes her face with her hand once more and takes a couple of deep breathes. "I have to calm down or Ned is going to know something is wrong," Alexis tells herself out loud. She grabs her purse, keys, and Ned's Valentine's Day gift and leaves the suite. Thinking about Ned makes a smile form across her face. She hopes that this Valentine's Day is just as special as last years.

Alexis' car

Alexis is listening to Ned's music tape that he has given her. She has been in the car for about five minutes when Stefan's voice filters through her head, the music not getting Stefan's voice out of her head. "You are more dangerous than Helena in your own way. You are my enemy, a weakling, and murderess. You have broken faith with me for the last time." She wipes more tears from her eyes. Alexis can barely see through her tears. Alexis' car skids on a patch of black ice and runs into a tree. The airbag does not go off and Alexis hits the steering wheel which knocks her unconscious. Alexis has a big gash over he right eye. The snow is falling heavily and Alexis' car is started to get buried.

The Gatehouse; an hour later

The Gatehouse is decorated for Valentine's Day, red and white candles are all around. Ned is going to whisk Alexis for a night away from both their families and worries. Ned looks at his watch realizing that Alexis should have been here an hour ago. When Ned had talked to Alexis this morning, she was very excited about seeing him that night. Ned picks up the phone and calls Alexis suite. When she does not answer, he is worried a little. Then he calls her cell phone which he knows that she never leaves without. He does not get an answer at that worries him more. Ned decides that he has to go find Alexis. He grabs his coat, cell phone, keys off the desk, and leaves the Gatehouse. He looks up and notices the snow coming down heavily. He prays that Alexis is safe in her suite. Ned gets into his jeep and leaves the Gatehouse.

Alexis' car

Alexis' lips are turning blue from the cold since the car's battery has died. She is shivering a little. Five minutes later, Ned's jeep comes around the corner and Ned notices Alexis' car. He pulls up behind her and gets out of the jeep. "Alexis!!" Ned runs to the driver's side door of Alexis' car and sees her. Ned opens the door and sees the condition Alexis is in. "I have to get you out of here." Ned takes Alexis' face in his hand and looks at her forehead. "Alexis, honey. You have to wake up." Ned gently unbuckles Alexis' seatbelt and picks her up. He gets her out of the car and walks to the passenger's door of his car. He opens the door and places her in the passenger's seat. Ned buckles Alexis into the seat and he runs over to the driver's seat. Ned decides to bring Alexis to the cabin, that they were going to go to later, since it is closer than the Gatehouse. Ned talks to Alexis, trying to see if she will wake up. "Alexis please wake up. It's Valentine's Day and I have something special planned for you." It takes thirty minutes to get to the cabin which usually takes ten minutes to get to in good weather.

The Cabin

Ned carries in a still unconscious Alexis and places her down on the couch. Ned leaves Alexis and goes upstairs into the bedroom to get a blanket. Ned comes downstairs and gently places it on Alexis, who's lips are still blue. He feels her face which is as cold as ice. He moves her over and lays next to her on the couch. Ned takes out his cell phone and calls Monica who is at the hospital.

"Hello Monica. Alexis was in a car accident and she is not waking up," Ned tells her close to tears. "It's snowing to hard to get her to General Hospital."

"Ned listen to me. First, you have to calm down. You are doing Alexis no good. Take a couple deep breathes." Ned does what he is told. He looks over and Alexis and notices that she is shaking.

"Monica, Alexis is shriving."

"Ned she might be going into shock. Wrap her up in blankets. I will give the paramedics the information but I cannot guarantee that they will get there with the weather."

"Thanks Monica."

"Call if anything changes."

"I will." They hang up and Ned looks over at Alexis. He gets up and walks into the bathroom to get some bandages and peroxide for her wound. He comes downstairs and sits down next to Alexis. He gently cleans the wound and puts a bandage on it. He places the bottle of peroxide on the coffee table and lays down next to Alexis. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her close to him. "Alexis you have to wake up. I want to tell you that I love you.

An hour later, Ned leans down to see how Alexis is. She finally gains consciousness and sees Ned's smile face above hers. "What happened?"

"You hit a tree, I got worried, and went out looking for you. You're freezing. I am going to change you into a sweat shirt and sweat pants." Ned grabs the clothes that he had put on the coffee table and unzips Alexis' dress.

"You know I would be turned on if my head did not hurt."

"Oh quiet. Be a good patient." He removes her clothes and puts the sweats on her. "Seriously, how are you feeling?"

"I feel sore. My head is pounding," Alexis tells Ned as she starts to close her eyes.

"No you can't fall asleep. You might have a concussion."

"Yeah...yeah." Alexis closes her eyes. Ned gently shakes her awake. Just then the power goes off so Ned gets up to make a fire in the fireplace. He grabs a comforter from the couch and puts it on the floor in front of the fireplace. He picks up Alexis from the couch and lays her down in front of the fire. Then he grabs the other comforter, lays down next to Alexis, and covers them. Ned wraps her arms around Alexis, while she drifts off to sleep. Ned gently leans over and kisses her forehead. He holds Alexis close to him, knowing that she should not go to sleep. Ned decides that she can sleep as long as he watches her carefully.

Four hours later (11 PM), there is a knock on the door so Ned gets up to answer it. "Hello Mr. Ashton, Dr. Quartermaine told us that someone got into a car accident and you brought them here."

"Come on in. She is laying over by the fire." Ned and the paramedics walks over to Alexis. He gently puts his hands on the shoulders to wake her. "Alexis, sweetheart, you need to wake up. You?fre going to the hospital. How are you feeling?" Alexis slowly opens her eyes.

"Miserable. My head really hurts." Ned gently picks her up, the blanket still around her, and puts her on the stretcher. She slowly closes her eyes and then opens them again. She holds out her hand and Ned takes it. "Are you coming with me?"

"You bet," Ned tells her as he kisses the side of her forehead that is not bruised or cut. "I am not leaving your side." Ned grabs Alexis' coat and his before they leave. The paramedics load Alexis into the ambulance and Ned gets in with her. He sits right next to her. The paramedics start working on Alexis, check her wound and putting an oxygen mask over Alexis' mouth and nose. Ned looks out the window and notices that it is snowing lightly. There must have been at least six inches of snow on the ground. It takes them awhile to get to the hospital.

General Hospital

The paramedics wheel Alexis in with Ned at her side holding her hand tightly. Monica is standing there since she has been snowed in at the hospital. She spots Ned and Alexis and walks over to them. The paramedic hands her the chart and leaves. They go into an exam room. Monica looks at Alexis. "How are you feeling?"

"My head really hurts." Monica looks over Alexis making sure everything is all right. She takes the bandage off and looks at the wound.

"Well it looks like you are going to need stitches and we should do a CAT scan to make sure everything is all right ." Monica gets a needle to numb Alexis?f head and Ned gets pale. Monica sees him , laughs, and grabs a chair. "Sit. I don?ft need two patients." Ned sits down and Alexis gives his hand a squeeze it. Alexis closes her eyes tightly while Monica numbs her head and stitches her up. Monica put a bandage back on Alexis?f head and tells her not to get it wet. Monica practically has to pry Ned?fs hand off of Alexis?f as they take her for the CAT scan.

As Monica and Alexis leaves Ned calls out, "Take good care of her, Monica." Monica looks at Ned and smiles. Ned goes into the waiting room and sits down, patting his pocket that still has Alexis?f Valentine?fs Day present in it.

Thirty minutes later, Monica walks into the waiting room and sits down next to Ned. "Alexis is going to have to stay overnight. I will be up with the results of the CAT scan. She?fs in her room now. Room 686 and she is asking for you. I should tell you Alexis is on medication so she might be a little tired."

"Thanks Monica," Ned tells her as he hugs Monica. Ned leaves the waiting room and goes upstairs.

Alexis?f hospital room

Ned opens the door and sees that Alexis is sleeping already. He walks over to her and sits down next to her, taking her hand that is free of an IV. Ned gently leans over and kisses her cheek which cause her to wake up. "Happy Valentine?fs Day," Ned tells her. Alexis looks over at the clock.

"It is February 15th, Ned." Alexis moves over and pats the bed next to her. "Sit." Ned lays down on the bed next to Alexis and puts his arms around her waist. Alexis leans back,., being careful of her IV.

"We did not get to celebrate Valentine?fs Day yesterday so we are doing it today. I have something for you." Ned grabs the gift out of his pocket and hands it to Alexis.

"What is this?"

"Open it." Alexis opens it and finds a gold locket. She takes it out of the box and stares at Ned. She opens it and on one side there is a picture of Ned and her from Monte Carlo and the other one is just of Ned.

"Ned, I love it." Alexis hands it to him. "Can you put it on?"

"Sure," Ned says as he puts it on and kisses her neck.

"I left your gift in my car so you will have to wait."

"All I care is that you are all right. Would you tell me what happened that got you upset?"

Alexis tenses. "Nothing."

"Don?ft lie Alexis. Something to you upset." Alexis turns around and looks at Ned.

"Stefan and I got into a fit he told me that ?eI was no longer his sister but his enemy.?f" Alexis is sobbing now.

"Shhh?c.Everything is going to be all right. I promise you." Ned pulls away from Alexis and wipes her tears away. Ned pulls Alexis back to him and gently smoothes her hair back. "Try to get some sleep." Ned tries to get up but Alexis grabs his hand.

"Please stay."

"I will now close your eyes." Alexis does as she as told. "I love you, Alexis." Alexis opens her eyes widely and turns to Ned.

"What did you say?"

"I love you." Alexis looks like she is going to protest so Ned kisses her to silence her. When they break away Alexis looks at Ned.

"I love you too, Ned." Alexis kisses him again.

THE END (For Now)
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