Alexis glances back and forth between Sonny and Ned. 

Alexis: I think I forgot my toothbrush.  She runs upstairs.  Ned and Sonny glance at each other.  Alexis gets to the bathroom and closes the door behind her.  Leaning against the sink she lets out her breath.  Toothbrush?  Alexis what were you thinking!  She closes her eyes hoping that when she opens them the whole mess will be out of the way.  She glances at her watch, 6:15.  She was supposed to leave with Ned already.  She glances at the mirror and can almost see an Alexis on each shoulder.  G-d it�s like having to choose between them.  What do I do?  I gave Ned my word!  I can�t break his trust, not again, but I can�t lie to Sonny.  He needs to know about Courtney. 

Ned: Alexis!  Are you ready yet!  Alexis�s eyes open wide.

Alexis: Um� Ned, I can�t find that thing you wanted, could you come up here a second?  She lets out her breath again.  That was a real good attempt Alexis.  Ned glances at Sonny, who raises his eyebrows.  Ned runs up the stairs and into the bathroom.  He closes the door behind him.

Ned: Alexis, what�s going on?  You�re not planning on telling him are you?  Alexis turns to face him, still leaning against the sink.  Alexis?

Alexis: Ned, it�s his little sister.  Just think if that were Emily out there with Zander, wouldn�t you want to know where she was?  Ned sighs.

Ned: Alexis that�s not the same thing, I wouldn�t kill Zander.  Alexis thinks for a moment.

Alexis: What if we take him with us?  Ned opens his mouth to say something but Alexis continues.  What I mean is, not tell him where we are going but take him along.  That way he can see his sister and know that she�s safe but we�ll be there to protect AJ.  Sonny wouldn�t do anything to AJ if you and I were there.  Ned stares at her for a moment.

Ned: Did you just hear what you said?  You want to take this mob boss on a plane without telling him where he�s going.  Then you expect that just because there are witnesses, Sonny could keep from doing something to AJ.  I should have known I couldn�t trust you.  He runs a hand through his hair.

Alexis: Ned.  She grabs his hand.  Ned.  Realizing what she�s just done, she lets go.  I haven�t told him anything yet.  Ned sighs.

Ned: I know that, but you seem to be hinting� You just� Alexis, you want to tell him don�t you?  Alexis thinks for a moment.  She nods. 
Alexis: It�s just not fair to me.  I promised both of you my word.  It�s not fair to make me choose between�  She pauses.

Ned: The man you love and the man you used to love?  Alexis sighs, closing her eyes briefly.

Alexis: No, that�s not what I meant.  She looks up at him, pressing her lips together.  Ned nods.

Ned: Okay, let�s see what Sonny thinks.  He walks out.  Alexis�s eyes open wide, realizing what he meant.  She grabs her toothbrush and runs down the stairs.  As she gets to the bottom, she looks back and forth between Ned and Sonny.

Sonny: You got the toothbrush?  Alexis stares at him for a moment.  Realizing it�s in her hand she smiles, relieved.

Alexis: Yes.  I don�t know why but I must have misplaced it.  See I recently changed where I put it, but last night I must have put it back in the old place.  Suddenly I realized I didn�t know where the old place was, but I was with Ned then, so I thought he might remember.  I mean I really did search for it for a while�

Sonny: Breathe.  Alexis lets out her breath and smiles slightly.  Ned looks at Sonny angrily.  Sonny smiles, staring only at Alexis.  Ned clears his throat.  Sonny and Alexis look up at him.

Ned: Alexis?  Do you want to make the deal?  Alexis glances up at him timidly. 

Alexis: Yes of course.  She looks at Sonny.  Sonny� She lets out a breath trying to decide what to say.  Sonny, you have to let me speak and then decide what to do.  She glances at Ned, who stares back.  Sonny, Ned knows where your sister is.  Sonny glances at Ned, who doesn�t look back.  Sonny�  She moves his face to look back at her.  Good.  We are going to find her and I would like you to come with us.  Sonny stares at her angrily.

Sonny: You weren�t going to tell me?  Alexis stares back at him.

Ned: She promised me that she wouldn�t.  Sonny ignores him.

Sonny: So you�re not going to tell me where she is, but you expect me to come along?  Alexis nods.  Alexis, as a friend, you know me.  Do you really think I�m going to agree to this? 

Alexis: I hope you will.  Sonny, I�ve told you before I don�t trust the fact that you won�t do anything to AJ, in fact you as much as told me you would.  By coming with us, Ned and I would be able from keeping you from doing anything illegal.

Sonny: But you�re not going to tell me where she is?  Alexis sighs glances at Ned.

Alexis: Not until we�re on the plane.

Sonny: You trust me more than him?  He flicks a hand in Ned�s directions.

Ned: I�ve never given her a reason not to. 

Sonny: Just when she needed you the most, you walked out on her.  You didn�t take the time to listen to her, why should she trust you?  You don�t really trust her, except for this moment, all you seem to do is hurt her.  Tell me Ashton, tell me little man, tell me why she should trust you.  Alexis has her eyes closed trying to wish herself out of this place.

Ned: All I�ve ever done for Alexis is love her and protect her.  I don�t know why she doesn�t trust me, but I know now that she never has.  He glances at Alexis and back at Sonny.   But I�m not going to throw the question back at you, for her sake.  Besides, we all know why you can�t be trusted. 

Alexis: Ned.  She stares down at the ground.  Ned sighs looking up at Sonny angrily.  Alexis rubs her forehead and looks up at Sonny.  So the deal is you come with us or we bring her to you.  Sonny stares at Alexis.

Sonny: You�re serious.  Alexis nods, looking back down at her feet.  Ned looks at her, shocked.  He sighs.  Yeah� He rubs his chin.  Okay fine, let me go get my stuff.  He brushes Ned�s shoulder as he walks out the door.

Alexis: If you think you�re proud of me for betraying a friend�

Ned: No, that�s not it at all.  She looks up at him.  I�m just glad that I told Jax the truth, that you didn�t break my trust.

Alexis: I will never do that again if I can help it.  Ned nods.  He picks her stuff back up.

Ned: We should go.  Alexis nods.

Alexis: I can take that.  Ned shrugs.

Ned: I�ve got it.  Alexis smiles.  She walks across the hall and bangs on the door.

Alexis: Sonny, I know it doesn�t take you that long to throw a shirt in a bag.  Now get your�  She stops, thinking about what she�s going to say.  Just get out here!  Ned smiles.  Alexis glances at him and shrugs.  Sonny opens the door, a scowl on his face.

Sonny: Let�s go.  He slings a bag over his shoulder.  Ned walks over and presses the button for the elevator. 

Alexis: Sonny.  He looks at her.  You�re doing the right thing.  He stares at her for a moment and then nods.  She glances at Ned as the elevator door opens.

The Villa in the Caribbean

Ned, Alexis and Sonny stand outside the place.

Alexis: Do we knock or what?  Ned glances around.

Ned: I thought Jax was going to be here.  Sonny raises an eyebrow.

Sonny: Jax, you invited Jax?  This is ridiculous; I�m not going crawling into a pit of snakes.  He turns to walk away.  Alexis throws Ned a look.  She runs over to Sonny, laying a hand on his arm.

Alexis: Sonny�  He stops and glances up at her, taking in the full beauty of her body.

Ned: Jax told me where Courtney was, that�s why Jax is coming. 

Jax: No, correct that, Jax is here.  Alexis and Sonny glance up to see Skye and Jax walking up the beach.  Jax has an angry look on his face.  Alexis glances at Ned.  I told you that you couldn�t trust Alexis.

Alexis: Excuse me!  She removes her hand from Sonny�s arm and stalks over to Jax.  Did you really just say that Mr. Ex-Husband?  Skye raises an eyebrow.  Alexis has an exasperated smile on her face.  I can�t believe it.  The fact that Ned can�t trust me I understand, but you!  You, Jax, I�ve never done anything to hurt you except that I wouldn�t play Helena�s game and run away with you.

Ned: You asked Alexis to run away with you?  Jax rolls his.

Jax: I just wanted to protect her and Kristina, hide them on my yacht.  Sonny raises an eyebrow but says nothing.  However it seems pretty clear that even though I told you not to, you went running to Alexis, who obviously told Corninthos.  Sonny rolls his eyes.  Alexis glances at Ned.

Ned: I expect that you should have more faith in her than that. 

Skye: Oh come on Ned, you knew, she�s here and look, its Sonny. 

Ned: Shut up Skye!  He glances at Alexis.

Alexis: Ned and I agreed to bring Sonny along without telling him where his sister is.  She turns to Jax.  You put me in a really hard position, you do realize that?  Jax raises an eyebrow.  I wanted to keep my promise to Ned and also my word to you and Sonny.  So, no, Ned did not lie to you, I did not go running to Sonny, Sonny happened to come over and I wasn�t about to lie to him.  And, no, I didn�t tell him where we were going, in fact he didn�t know until we got here.  Ned glances at Jax.

Sonny: Can we stop playing who�s to blame and get my sister out of here?  Ned turns and walks up the stairs and opens the door.

Ned: The vacation is over!  Everyone else glances between them and follows him.  Whoa, get� He glances back at Sonny. 

AJ: Ned!  What are you doing here?  Alexis steps up behind Ned.

Alexis: AJ, it isn�t just Ned, and I would advise you and Courtney to get yourselves together.  They are both lying on a bed holding the blankets up. 
Courtney: Is Sonny here?  She looks absolutely embarrassed.  Ned glances at Alexis.

Ned: I should warn you there are a lot of people here.  Go get dressed.  Ned closes the door.  You�ve got two minutes!   Ned and Alexis glance at each other again.

Jax: Well that went nicely, but it may have been better without him here.  He motions toward Sonny.  Alexis rolls her eyes.

Ned: If we�ve got AJ�s sister here, then why can�t we have Courtney�s brother?  Jax sighs and Alexis smiles up at Ned.  I�m not doing this for anyone but both just want what�s best for their family.  Maybe if you had left AJ�s sister at home�  Jax rolls his eyes.

Jax: We are not going to have this conversation Ned. 

Ned: I�m coming in!  He turns and opens the door as Alexis follows him in the room.  AJ is sitting on the bed putting socks on.  Courtney walks out of the bathroom in a flowered sundress.  Ned smiles.  Looks like we�re all getting an early start to our morning.  Courtney throws Ned a sour look.  Jax, Skye and Sonny walk in.  AJ rolls his eyes.

AJ: You guys can give it up, we�re adults we can handle ourselves.

Skye: AJ, I�m not sure you can.  Alexis glances at Sonny who is staring mutely at his sister and AJ. 

Courtney: Well you guys can forget it, we�re already married.  Alexis�s eyes open wide as she glances at Ned and then back at Sonny.

Skye: Oh you didn�t!  AJ, don�t think I can get you out of this mess.  Jax lays a hand on Skye�s shoulder.

Jax: I�m sure this whole thing can be sorted out.

AJ: Yes, the white knight of Port Charles is here to save people from being in love. 

Jax: No I�m here to keep you from being stupid and getting what you deserve!   Alexis sighs.

Alexis: Look I�m sure that there is a way to solve this amicably.

AJ: Solve what Alexis?  Would you stop being Sonny�s mouthpiece for once and look at the situation?

Alexis: I am AJ!  From my point of view, you really shouldn�t be talking!  Jax clears his throat.

Jax: Listen to her.   AJ smirks.

Courtney: You know it wasn�t your place to bust in here as if you own me!

Ned: We�re not doing it because we own you.  Some are doing it to save AJ�s life and others just hate to see a young girl like yourself being used by a guy like Junior.

Courtney: How many times do I have to tell you people?  I trust AJ, he�s the only one who likes me for me.  And one more thing, I love AJ!

Skye: No, you just love the man you think is AJ.  Alexis glances at AJ.

Alexis: Are you enjoying this?  AJ shrugs.  Alexis looks back at Sonny.

Ned: Can I talk to my cousin alone?  Jax and Alexis share a look.

Jax: Fine, I would like to talk to Courtney, if that�s all right with you?  He looks pointedly at Courtney.  Courtney glances at AJ.

Courtney: Fine.  She and Jax walk out.  AJ smirks.

AJ: Oh this should be interesting.  Ned glances at Alexis.

Ned: Can you take Skye and Sonny outside?  Alexis raises an eyebrow.

Alexis: Fine, but if they kill each other its not my fault.  Ned smiles.  Alexis, Skye and Sonny walk outside.

A bench facing the water

Jax: So you guys got married?  Courtney looks at him, sadly.

Courtney: Yeah we did.  She walks over and sits on the bench.  He glances at her and then looks back at the water.  Sometimes I think it�s real, that we�re really in love.  When other people are here, I just get the feeling that you guys are right.

Jax: Who�s right and wrong doesn�t really matter, what really matters is who AJ really is.  Courtney looks down at the ring on her finger.

Courtney: But you should just see him when he�s with me, he�s so wonderful.  I know that what he did in the past was wrong but people can change.  Jax looks back at her.

Jax: Then how come you don�t believe your brother can change?  Courtney presses her lips together.

Courtney: You know my brother.  You don�t trust him Jax, why should I?  Jax chuckles.
Jax: Well I think I�ve got a better reason.  If you�re not willing to hear what people have to say about AJ, you shouldn�t listen about Sonny.

Courtney: So you think I should go home with Sonny and be on my merry way?  Jax sighs and turns to face her.

Jax: No I want you to listen.  If everyone, even AJ�s sister, believes that he�s not doing what is right for you�  Jax runs a hand through his hair.

Courtney: Skye thinks that AJ�s just trying to hurt me?

Jax: Courtney, I don�t want to do anything to hurt you.  I�m sorry that it has turned out this way, that you�ve become involved in something that�s larger than even you realize.  Do you know what you�ve taught me?  Courtney�s eyes fill with tears but she shakes her head.  Grudges are wrong.  By keeping a grudge I am going to end up one day hurting someone because of it.  AJ�s done it and so have I.

Courtney: You didn�t hurt me.  Jax sighs. 

Jax: No, not you.  He glances back at the water. 

Courtney: Will you take me home?  Jax glances back at her and smiles faintly. 

Jax: Sure.

Inside Villa

Ned: Are you crazy?  AJ rolls his eyes and begins to make the bed.  Ned puts his hands on the chair in front of him.  Do you honestly think that you can just run off and marry Sonny�s sister and you�ll get away with it?  AJ smirks.

AJ: What bothers you is that you didn�t think of it first Ned.  You don�t have a way to get back at Sonny for stealing the woman you love.  Ned rolls his eyes.

Ned: This has absolutely nothing to do with Alexis!  Do you have a conscience at all?  Courtney is a young girl!  She has feelings!  What makes you think that you can use someone else to get back at Sonny!  It doesn�t matter how much you dislike Sonny, this is not the answer!  How can you hurt an innocent person just to get what you want?

AJ: I�ve heard it all before, Ned.  You do realize that by saying all of this you believe like mom and dad that I�m capable of it.  All of you have proved to me by believing this that you don�t believe I can win any other way.  Well, Ned, you�re right.  I have no other way out.

Ned: So you�d trade Courtney�s life for yours?

AJ: She�s young.  She�ll find other loves.  Come on Ned, you went through zillions of women before you found the one you loved and you couldn�t even marry her. 

Ned: Shut up AJ!  First of all, we�re not discussing Alexis.  Second, I would never hurt someone.  You know how much it hurts to feel used.  You know how painful it is to have your heart broken!  How can you willingly let Courtney go through the same thing?  AJ shrugs.  Well I�m not going to allow it.  Jax is going to take Courtney back and for some reason I�m going to save your life, but this is the last time. 

AJ: Don�t you touch Courtney!  He runs to the door just as Skye opens it and closes it behind her.  Move out of the way Skye!  Skye pushes him back.

Skye: Sit down AJ, we�ve gotta have a talk.

AJ: I already talked to Ned, this getting ridiculous.  I need to go find my wife.  He smiles to himself.  Yeah, my wife�  Wow.  Skye raises an eyebrow.

Skye: Not so fast AJ!  The way I see it, you have two choices.  AJ smirks again.

AJ: Oh really, what are they?

Skye: Sit down and listen to what your older sister has to say or you can go outside and feed yourself to Sonny.  AJ stares at Skye for a second.  Come on AJ, I heard everything that Ned said.  Besides, Jax is taking Courtney home now. 

Ned: How are you getting home? 

Skye: With you, Sonny and Alexis.  Ned rolls his eyes.  Can I talk to my brother alone?

Ned: Feel free.  He gives AJ a hard look and leaves.  AJ chuckles, watching him go.

Outside the villa

Alexis kisses Jax on the cheek.  Courtney looks over at Sonny.  Jax takes Courtney�s hand and they leave.  Alexis walks over to the beach and looks out at the water.  Sonny watches Jax leave with Courtney.

Ned: Jax isn�t going to do anything to Courtney, don�t worry Sonny.  He walks down the stairs.  It just seems that Courtney trusts Jax at this point and I would say you could go with them but I don�t really think you want to be alone in a plane with Jax.  Sonny looks up at Ned and rolls his eyes.  Ned looks over at Alexis.

Sonny: Ned, not that I forgive the fact you wouldn�t tell me where my sister was, thank you for trusting Alexis enough to tell her so that we could both know my sister was safe. 

Ned: I didn�t do it for you.  He walks over to Alexis.  Sonny smirks.

Sonny: Yeah I figured you�d say that.  I�m going to see if I can get another way out of here, cause I�m sure I don�t want to be on a plane with AJ.  Ned glances back and nods.  Sonny pulls out his cell and walks a little away.  Ned touches Alexis�s shoulder as she continues to look at the water, her back to him.

Ned: You did a good job keeping Skye and Sonny from killing each other.  Alexis nods and smiles faintly.

Alexis: I didn�t do that much, Skye spent most of the time listening to your conversation with AJ.

Ned: And Sonny?

Alexis: He didn�t say that much, I think he�s trying to control his emotions.  Ned smirks.

Ned: That�s new for him.  Alexis crosses her arms and sighs slightly.  Anyways, I wanted to thank you Alexis.

Alexis: You already did.  You�re glad that I helped you to better Jax.  I�m glad to have been of service.  Ned touches her shoulder slightly.

Ned: No, Alexis, no that�s not what I meant.  Alexis presses her lips together.  Thank you for helping me to realize that even though I don�t like Sonny, Courtney is his sister.  I�m glad that you came up with a way to get Sonny to his sister without breaking your word to either Jax or me.  I�m sure I put you in a really hard position.  Alexis glances over her shoulder at Ned, who looks sincere and looks down. 

Alexis: Whatever we are to each other, I know I can trust you and I want you to know that you can trust me.  She turns to face him.  However many people claim that I am Sonny�s lapdog or his mouthpiece, I want you to believe that I�m not. 

Ned: Do you really care what I think of you?  Alexis smiles faintly.

Alexis: There was a time when that was all I cared about.  Even though that time is in the past it doesn�t mean I care any less, Ned.  She pauses.  Thank you for believing in me.  I know that this doesn�t change much between us, but at least we have something.  Ned smiles slightly.  He stares at her, sadness in his eyes.

Ned: It�s nice to know we�re the same team we always were.  We always accomplished things more successfully together.  Alexis smiles.

Alexis: Yes we did.  Her smile fades slightly. 

Ned: Do you really love him?  Alexis glances past Ned at Sonny and sighs.  She looks back up at Ned and walks away.  She walks over to the water and stares out for a moment.

Alexis: I�ve been thinking about that a lot lately.  When you told me where Courtney was I had a lot of time to think about it.  As I packed, it almost reminded me of Monte Carlo, packing in a hurry for some exotic adventure with you.  She smiles.  It took me an hour to remember that we weren�t together anymore.  But I know now what I didn�t know yesterday.

Ned: And what�s that?  Alexis turns to face him.

Alexis: That Sonny is attractive.  Ned looks unhappy and raises an eyebrow.  Alexis smiles.  But that is it.  She looks down and kicks the sand a little.  Kristina called me while you were talking to AJ.

Ned: Kristina.  That�s an interesting topic to bring up right now.  Alexis sighs.

Alexis: Do you love Kristina?  Do you love my sister?  Ned stares at her for a moment and shakes his head smiling.  Alexis doesn�t look away.  Ned glances behind him at Sonny, who has been watching them most of the time.

Ned: If I were to tell you the truth would it matter?  Could you ever give up on him?

Alexis: Why wouldn�t you tell me the truth?  It has always been one of your finer qualities.  It�s something that I always found comforting, that no matter what happened you could tell me the truth, no matter what it was.  Ned nods.

Ned: I�ve always found it easy to tell you the truth.  He pauses.  No, I don�t love Kristina.  I don�t know if I ever could and I�m sorry for it because I promised I wouldn�t hurt her.  Alexis nods solemnly.
Alexis: You tried your best, I appreciate that.  Kristina�s a very understanding person.

Ned: I don�t know if she would understand this.  Alexis raises an eyebrow.  It�s just that I told her over and over that we were over but somehow my heart never believed it.  Alexis, I�m still in love with you.  No matter how much we fought or I disagreed with what you did, you�re still the lady of my heart.  You stole the key to my heart many, many years ago and I�ve never gotten it back.

Alexis: Would you like it back?  Ned stares into Alexis�s eyes, seeing hope and despair all at once.  Because�  Alexis takes a deep breath.  She says her words very carefully.  I don�t know if I can give it back.  Alexis looks up at Ned timidly, her eyes wet with tears.  Ned walks closer to Alexis until he is less than a foot from her face.  They stare at each other for a moment. 

Ned: You can say it Alexis.  Alexis nods, trying to gather her thoughts.  She bites her lip.

Alexis: This is harder to say that second time around.  It�s not that I don�t want to; it�s just slightly frightening.  I mean not like jumping off a cliff.  No, I think this is good scared.  I mean jumping off a cliff would be�  Ned touches Alexis�s arm.

Ned: Alexis.  Alexis nods.  You don�t have to be hysterical with me.  Truth, honesty, that�s all I�m asking.

Alexis: You want the truth?  I love you Ned Ashton.  I always have and I always will.  Alexis�s eyes grow wide and she looks down, realizing what she has just said.  Ned touches her chin and forces her to look into his eyes again. 

Ned: Thank you.  Alexis smiles softly through her tears.  Ned leans in slowly, his hand still on her chin, and their lips touch just slightly.  Alexis opens her eyes and looks into Ned�s and she smiles.  They kiss.  Ned smiles as they stare at each other for a moment.  Let�s go get AJ and the rest and go back to Port Charles.  Alexis smiles softly.

Alexis: Agreed.

Just outside the villa

AJ and Skye walk outside.  Sonny glances up and Ned and Alexis walk over.  AJ looks at Sonny warily. 

AJ: This had better be worth it.  Sonny smirks. 

Skye: You promised Sonny.  Your sister is safe now don�t touch my brother.  Ned and Alexis glance at each other.

Sonny: No my sister is not safe.  She is, at this point, married to AJ.  Planning to have it annulled?  AJ smirks.

Ned: AJ, you don�t truly believe that Sonny forgot you two were married?

AJ: Did Jax really take Courtney back to Port Charles with him?

Alexis: Yes he did and I would advise you to return as well.  Your family deserves an explanation for your actions and it is also a better place for us all to sort this out.  AJ looks at Alexis shaking his head.

AJ: You advise me?  Correct me if I�m wrong but you�re Sonny�s lawyer, not mine. 

Ned: She�s telling you what is best for your own good. 

Skye: I don�t care; you can stay here and wallow in self-pity for all I care.  AJ, I want you to know you won�t be getting any help from me in the future.

Ned: And I�m sure we all can believe that one.  Skye shoots Ned a dirty look.  Sonny�s cell phone rings. 

Sonny: Hello.  Yeah okay.  He glances at Alexis.  My plane is here.  Alexis looks at Ned.

AJ: I�m not riding back in a plane with him!  Skye rolls her eyes.

Ned: No, you and Skye will return with me in the family�s jet.  Alexis? 

Alexis: I can�t let Sonny go alone.  Ned nods.  I�ll see you back in Port Charles.  Ned smiles.  He takes her hand and squeezes it and she leaves with Sonny.  Ned glances at AJ and Skye.

Ned: This ought to be interesting. 

Q Mansion

Ned, Skye and AJ walk into the family room.  Edward, Alan and Monica are there.  They stand up, shocked, seeing AJ.

Ned: A welcome home would be nice.  Alan shoots a look at Ned, who rolls his eyes. 
Monica walks over to AJ, touching his face.

Monica: Oh AJ.  She hugs him, tears in her eyes.  AJ, I was so worried.  She looks at him again.  I�m sorry for never being the mother you needed.  Alan walks over and touches AJ�s shoulder.

Alan: The same goes here, son.  What you always needed was for us to be there and we never were.  Skye raises an eyebrow.

Skye: An apology, that�s all he gets?  Monica shoots look at Skye.

Edward: Not that I agree with Skye.  Oh no, that will be the day.  However, this young man needs more from us right now than what you�re giving him.  AJ smirks.

AJ: Is it time for the ritual AJ bashing?  Ned rolls his eyes.

Ned: That�s what you would like isn�t it?

AJ: What do you want Ned?  You want to be the hero as always, well congratulations; you brought the screw up home, unharmed.

Monica: AJ, stop that.  We are glad to have you home, but that�s not everything.  What you did, AJ, was wrong, no matter whether or not it was to earn our love.  Monica glances at Alan.

Alan: Your mother�s right, AJ.  I thought that you truly loved that girl, but I never should have helped you.  You lied to me do you know how that feels?  You used me by making me believe that you had found the happiness you were always looking for.  I�m sorry that you were never able to find it, but that doesn�t mean you can use Courtney.

Edward: Young man, I�ve thought long and hard about this.  At first, I wanted to applaud your efforts to stand up to that bully Corinthos, but Alan�s right, you can�t just use the little girl. 

AJ: I only thought that this way I could win for once.  He glances at Ned.  And I had, until he showed up. 

Ned: Oh, AJ, I saved your life.  He puts up his hands.  But I understand, no thanks necessary.

AJ: Good you wouldn�t get it.  He shows his hand to his parents.  Courtney and I got married.  She loves me, she believes in me. 

Skye: No, AJ, we had this discussion.  She believes in what you pretended to be.

Alan: Do you love Courtney?  AJ thinks for a moment.  Monica puts her hand in front of her mouth, upset. 

Edward: Answer your father, young man.  Do you love this girl or was this all some twisted little game?  Ned smirks.

Ned: I think you have your answer there, Grandfather. 

Alan: Ned, shut up!  He glances back at AJ.  AJ?

AJ: No Dad, I don�t.  His eyes are wet.  I did it so that I could best Sonny it was my one chance. 

Skye: I�m not sorry I blew it AJ.  AJ nods sadly.

AJ: Skye you helped me.  You did your best.  I should have realized when it went too far.

Monica: AJ, it was too far the entire time!

AJ: I know Mom.  I hoped that if I beat Sonny that you would see that I�m not incapable. 
He walks over to the bar.  But I guess I am.

Edward: AJ, now I know I�ve never said this to you, but I don�t believe you�re incapable.  You just need to figure things out. 

Alan: Son, if you let us, we can help you get out of this.

Ned: Yeah first get his marriage annulled.  Monica shoots Ned a look.

Monica: Ned, thank you for bringing my son home, but your duty here is done.  Ned frowns at her.

Ned: My duty?  As if it is my job to save AJ from himself every time he screws up!  My profession is one of a businessman, to my company L&B.  Everyone here seems to believe all I desire in life is to save each of you from your mistakes. 

Alan: Oh Ned, come off it.  It gives you joy to help us when we mess up!  Ned looks at each of them angry.

Ned: Does it?  Does it really?  Do you know what gives me joy?  Joy is when I write my songs or I make a business deal.  Joy is when I�m with my little girl.  Joy is when I can look into the eyes of the woman I love and know she loves me back.  I�m not having fun now I�m just protecting the reputation of my family.  He sighs.  Maybe it�s time for me to go have some of that joy and happiness.  He turns and walks out shaking his head.  He meets up with Lila and Reggie in the hallway.

Lila: Ned dear, I couldn�t help but to overhear the end of the your conversation.  He smiles faintly.  He takes her hand.  Ned, I want you to go find that joy, even if you have to travel over to Brooklyn to get it.  He smiles down at Lila.

Ned: Thank you Grandmother.  However, Brooke and Lois are on a music tour. 

Lila: Well you deserve to have a little happiness in your life right now, you�ve just been so sad lately.  I was worried about you.

Ned: You don�t need to worry.  I don�t have to travel to Brooklyn to find my joy today, just across town.  He smiles and turns to go.

Lila: Ned?  Ned glances back at Lila.  Send Alexis my best wishes dear, tell her that she is welcome anytime and I would love to see her soon.  Ned smiles softly.

Ned: Thank you Grandmother, and I will.  He glances back at the family room.  I do hope everything turns out all right in there.  He smiles again at Lila.  Bye.  He leaves.  Reginald wheels Lila into the family room.

Edward: Reginald, I thought I told you that my wife was not supposed to know that AJ was missing!  Lila looks at him crossly.

Lila: AJ is my Grandson I know everything that he does.  I know all of his wishes and his dreams.  She holds out her hand to AJ.  Come here, AJ.  He walks over and takes her hand.  Dear boy, you�ve been through a lot in your lifetime and I can say that none of us has helped to relieve you of your burden.  However you cannot blame Alan and Monica for your actions or even Edward and Skye.  What you did AJ was your decision and you will have to accept the punishment alone.

AJ: I know Grandmother.

Lila: That doesn�t mean that we think any less of you dear.  Skye still loves you just as much.  Skye smiles down at Lila.

Skye: Yes, Grandmother, I do.  I don�t agree with AJ�s actions but I still love him because he is my brother.  AJ looks over at Skye and smiles faintly and then glances at the rest of his family.

Lila: We all still love you.

Monica: I am sure that Courtney has already realized the truth.  Now the next step is to help her through this and know that you deserve what ever she decides to do.

Edward: And only what she decides to do.  Skye nods.

Skye: It is not Sonny�s decision what your punishment must be. 

Monica: And then we will work together, even with Ned, to make this family whole again, with or without your son.  Eventually this will all work out.  AJ looks up at Monica, tears in his eyes.

AJ: Do you truly believe that?  Monica walks over and cups AJ�s face in her hands.

Monica: More than I�ve believed anything in my entire life. 

Sonny�s Penthouse

Sonny: Thank you for accompanying me home.  Alexis smiles slightly.

Alexis: It wasn�t a hard task.  She glances around his penthouse.  Are you going to be all
right?  Sonny glances around.  Do you want to talk about it?  Sonny glances at her.

Sonny: I�m trying to keep myself from doing something I would regret, but marrying my sister, that was out of the question. 

Jax: Sonny it�s more like they married each other.  Jax and Courtney step into the place.  Alexis smiles at Jax and then glances back at Sonny.  Sonny stares at Courtney. 

Courtney: We, um, thought we should come over.  She glances at Jax, who stares at Sonny.

Alexis: That was a good decision to make.  She glances at Sonny.  We�re both glad to see you and know that you�re safe.

Sonny: Did he hurt you?  Courtney shakes her head as her eyes well up.

Courtney: AJ was really nice to me the whole time.  She looks down.  But I guess that�s not the real him.  She presses her lips together trying to not cry.  I thought I loved him that I had finally found someone I could trust. 

Alexis: He made you believe that, you know that don�t you?  Courtney nods.  Because you can trust us, all three of us.  She glances up at Jax, who nods.  Courtney looks at Sonny.

Courtney: I�m sorry that I didn�t believe you.  She glances at Jax and Alexis.  Any of you.  I wish I had earlier, because I wouldn�t be so hurt right now.  I guess I just had to see for myself what AJ Quartermaine was really like.  She fingers her purse.  Alexis glances at Sonny, whose anger is fading.  I don�t know if we can be the siblings that Alexis and Kristina are, but I want you to know that I trust you Sonny.  Courtney stares at Sonny, who is trying to figure out just what to say.

Sonny: Thank you Courtney.  I�m glad to see that you�re all right and I will help you get through this.  If you need me for anything�

Courtney: Well I do need Alexis to help me.  Alexis raises an eyebrow but nods when Courtney holds out her hand.

Alexis: I will get on that one right away Courtney.  Don�t worry.  Jax smiles at Alexis. 

Courtney: Sonny, I still don�t want you to try to tell me what to do, but I know that when you were telling me about AJ, you were only trying to help.  I�m sorry that I didn�t believe you.  Sonny walks over to Courtney and touches her arm.

Sonny: We�re going to work on this because�  He pauses.  I love you Courtney and I don�t want you to ever get hurt again.  Although now I know I can�t protect you from your own decisions.  Courtney smiles faintly.  Slowly and awkwardly the two hug.  Courtney looks at Jax.

Courtney: Thank you for helping me to figure things out.  The two hug.  Thank you Alexis as well.  Tell Ned and Skye thank you as well.  Alexis nods.  She walks over and hugs Alexis, who is slightly surprised by this.  Alexis smiles faintly. 

Alexis: Okay then.  So where are you going to live?

Courtney: Jax said I could live with him for a while.  She glances at Sonny.  I know you don�t like Jax, but he�s not going to hurt me.  Sonny looks up at Jax.

Sonny: You take good care of my little sister.  Jax nods.

Jax: I will.  He smiles at Courtney.  They all walk into the hallway and Jax presses the button to go down.  Sonny, we�re going to have to work on our differences.  Sonny raises an eyebrow but says nothing.  Jax takes Alexis�s hand and kisses her.  He murmurs.  Sorry for not having faith in you.  Alexis smiles and hugs him.

Alexis: You get away with it just this once.  Jax smiles back.  The elevator door opens and Ned walks off.  Jax raises an eyebrow.  Ned looks at Alexis and smiles. 

Courtney: I�ll stop by soon.  She and Jax get on the elevator.  Sonny waves shortly and the elevator door closes.  Alexis and Sonny glance at each other.

Sonny: Thanks for helping out.  Alexis nods.  He smiles at Ned.  I see you have your own plans for celebration.  Hey Ned.  Ned nods to Sonny.  Sonny smiles and walks into his apartment.  Alexis turns to Ned.

Alexis: Would you like to come in?  Ned nods.  They walk into her penthouse.  So the summation on my part is that Courtney knows who AJ really is and she wants the marriage to be annulled.  She and Sonny have also accepted each other more.

Ned: That�s good.  On my part, AJ�s finally realized some of the wrong he�s committed I think.  The family seems to want to work together to get through this.  He sighs staring at Alexis.  But that�s not it.  Alexis raises an eyebrow.

Alexis: What else?  Ned smiles.

Ned: I�ve realized that the final step is that we need to work together to make us work.  Alexis smiles.

Alexis: I would really like that.  Ned chuckles.  He leans in and kisses her.

Ned: Alexis, you�re starting to feel like home again.  Alexis smiles.

Alexis: That�s all I ever wanted to be.  Ned puts his arms around her waist as they stare into each other�s eyes for a moment. 

Ned: My grandmother says to send her love.  Alexis grins.  I suppose you return the favor.

Alexis: Of course.  She stares up at him again, putting her arms around his neck.  I would stay like this forever, standing here, in your arms, surrounded by love.  I want to feel like this forever.

Ned: Well you have my love forever.

Alexis: And you have mine.  They stare at each other again.  They lean in and kiss softly. 

Ned: This is joy.  Alexis smiles as they kiss again.
This short nexis fan fiction takes place just after the 4/09/02 episode aired.
I was so angry after that episode I just had to write
it. It starts out when Alexis needs to decide whether to tell Sonny
where she and Ned are going and break Ned's trust.
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