The First Leisher Baby

August 21st, 2003 - April 23th, 2004 - Our baby story. From finding out to Ella's birth story.

We've decided to take pictures of my belly every 2 weeks starting with week 10. These are bare belly pictures taken with me only wearing pants and a bra (heck, it covers more than a bikini!), so don't look if you don't want to see these belly pictures of weeks 10-40.

December 3rd, 2003 - We had our ultrasound and she's a girl! Check out the ultrasound pictures

January 27th, 2004 - We went and got our 3D ultrasound. She was sleeping, so not many pictures, but we got 1 really good one. You can see the 3D ultrasound pictures here.

March 26th, 2004 - We finished the nursery! I can't believe how well it turned out. Our little girl has the best decorated room in the house! Take a look at some nursery pictures.

Just some miscellaneous pictures.

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