November 2008

28 weeks and from front,
you can barely tell.

Game over when I turn sideways though.

A mid november backyard picnic.

Sandwich all over her face.
How is that possible?

Fall in Colorado.
(taken by my father in law)

Taken in Aspen, Co.
(taken by my father in law)

This one is my favorite.
(taken by my father in law)

Or maybe this one.
(taken by my father in law)

Waiting for the food!

Waiting very nicely too.

Miss Allie
(taken by my father in law)

The whole gang.

Ella proving her "big girl" status,
using the big girl glass.

What happened to my baby??
Such a big girl too.

My "Before".

My "After".
(i do this every year)

The girls kissing their brother.


A very tired Nancy & Tom

I may be tired, but I'm still "Nancy"!
Rock on.

The yearly Christmas Parade

And this year, the girls got
to RIDE on Papa's float!

Papa was King Candy
of the Candyland float.

Taken during the parade!

Feeding the trout at the
Trout Fishery in Salida.

Allie had a wild arm.

See the fish jumping
on the left?

Ella was all about it.

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