September 2008

My friends at BFF Ryan's Wedding.
Awesome, eh?

Ryan's hair half finished.

Sam putting on my makeup.

The bridesmaids (Sam & I were maids of honor)

Woody (the groom) fixing his
soon-to-be stepson's tie. Awww.
(This is Karl's son. Karl Passed 4 yrs ago.)

Me. The black doesn't show my giant belly.

Ryan's mom doing the finishing touches.

Sam tying Aidan's bow.
(this is Karl's daughter)

Touching up that lipstick.

Me and my aisle partner.

Aidan & Ian.

Here comes the bride!
Her brother gave her away.

Woody's reaction to seeing his bride.

Here they go!

It was breathtaking.

With this ring, I thee wed.

Wendy threw us a small baby shower.
This is the only picture!

Stunning, no?

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