March 2007

Allie wants to be on survivor

Ella does too.

Mommy isn't the only one who
uses the treadmill!

Allie joins the Clean Plate Club

Mommy and Daddy took us to The Wiggles!

We ~all~ had a wonderful time!

Allie isn't afraid of the giraffes

Grandma tried to talk Ella into it

Cool new stroller

Can you believe Grandma L got on it too?

The girls had a wonderful time

Mommy was on too, helping our friends

After the zoo, we had a big cookout
corn on the cob is good!

Allie was completely tuckered out.

Mommy & Daddy went to Arizona
Daddy played with Ian

While Mommy hung out with Ryan.

And Dana

Ian looks so much like Karl

The next day, Mommy went to breakfast
with her family. This is my Uncle
Mike talking with Grandpa M.

Grandma M, Uncle Mike, Mommy & Grandpa

Mommy & Uncle Mike

Mommy & Grandma M

Mommy & Grandpa M

Uncle Mike & Grandpa M

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