December 2006

First "big girl" plane ride

Allie had to share a lap on the way to Phx

Allie loves her carebear!
(16 months old)

Grandma Moravek and girls

Grandpa Moravek & Ella

What a great picture!

Grandma & Allie in Phoenix

Ella getting brave!

Grandpa Moravek

Allie has been jumping for months!

Nancy and her Dad.

They liked the stairs in the pool.

Allie chlllin'

Ella following suit.

They are inseparable!

Mommy looking a touch tan for a change!

Allie ~loves~ swimming!

Ray, Carole, Allie, Ella & Nancy

Ella & Mommy

Mommy being goofy!

Don't believe her Ella!


A really weird picture of Nancy

Ryan giving the girls a tickling!

I used to chase Ryan's kids
through the "hallway track"

Now I'm chasing my own :)

Allie likes her bling when eating

This fork is as big as Ella!

Plane rides and running
really wears them out

Ella didn't even notice the cat!

Tom & Ella walking to park w/ Ian

Allie's favorite thing - the swing!

Allie checked out everything

While Ella played with Aidan.

They had a 4 person bouncy thing.

Ella couldn't get enough of it!

Aidan isn't too old for it!

Ian liked to be daring

Aidan tried to do it
but didn't quite make it

Daddy & Allie

Ian one-upping himself

Aidan trying to follow her big brother

We're driving!

Ella totally loves Aidan

Aidan inside a tunnel slide.

Swing with me Mommy!

Ryan making yummy food.

All dressed up and nowhere to go

Grandma thinks I'm so pretty!

She thinks Ella is too!

Twas the night before xmas ...

And so it starts.

Allie is so serious
about opening gifts.

She got her baby!!
which she LOVES

Ella got some Dora jammies

Daddy had to help with
some of the presents.

Allie feeds her baby all the time.

Ella thought it was a good idea

(Dora's house)

Allie ~puffy hearts~ her Zebra

Allie and her 1st stocking!

It was filled with art supplies.

Alexa (3rd cousin) & Ella

Mommy & Allie
(at great grandma's house)

I look as tall as the tree!

Stuck at the kid's table again!

Alexa put lots of makeup on Ella

I told you Allie loved her baby!

Ella and her gingerbread house

Allie helped make it too

Allie coloring

Ella extremely happy!!

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