Allison's 1st Birthday, August 18th, 2006

Allie's bday present
from Mom & Dad

Ella likes it too

Cutie Patooties

Birthday Girl

Just chillin' before the party

Birthday Party!

These were just half of the guests
(thanks for coming!)

Allie, Emma & Ella

Here, let me show you.

Oooo. What's next?

The birthday girl's cake

Our princess!

She had a blast w/ the cake


It got everywhere!!

Ella says "happy birthday!"

Uncle Mike & Aunt Sally
surprised us by showing up!

Pete & Laurel brought a
bouncy castle for me!!

Oh my, I just love it!

I learned how to bounce w/ mommy

I loved the tunnel.

My friend, Malia

I didn't want to get out ever!

The adults playing with the kazoos.

Uncle Mike tried to get me!

c'mere ella.

Alright, I'll just get in too!

Grandma M played with me too.

Check out all my loot!

Grandma L and the girls.

I can play drums!

I can shake too!

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