November 2005

Shouldn't a child be a little frightened?

I got a two-fer.

Allison slept through her first zoo trip.


never took a pacifier, but funny now!

allison has such big teeth!

Grandma L and Ali

Grandpa L and Ella

Ali's new chair!

Ella thinks it's for her.


rock on.

Ali is 3 months old today!

I've got a 102 degree fever
but mom caught a quick smile.

Ella is 19 months old today!

mommy combed my hair.
aren't i pretty?.

I fell asleep on the couch

Ali's professional pic.

Ella's professional pic.

Our girls.

In wyoming for Thanksgiving
(with Grandma L)

This tunnel is cool

the look of genuine happiness.

Ali snuggled in mommy's coat


it's cold outside!

Great Grandma L got into the fun!

What's up grandma?

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