Ella, July 2004

Grandma Moravek is funny!

Going for my first swim at Mommy's gym

These are my friends, Ian & Aidan
(Ryan's kids)

Me and Mommy

Me and Mommy again

Mommy, Ryan and Me

Happy 4th of July!

I'm so tired daddy.

Ryan made my blanket
(and gave me my bunny!)

Aidan and me and our 2 bunnies. Aidan's bunny is the same as mine, but 3 1/2 years older!

Me and Ian and Aidan again

Very happy baby!

Deep in thought.

Great Grandma Vicky's 85th Birthday!

Grandma Leisher kisses me all the time!

The Grandpas have to share me.

Us at Helen Hunt Falls

Hiking is so easy w/ Mommy!

Chris, Mommy, me and Wendy

First time in jumper and the first time I grabbed a toy by myself.

My brand new bad habit.

I'm 3 months old today!

I like my exersaucer.

Go Red Sox!
(edited by my friend tim)

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