Ella, December 2004

That is *my* shadow?

giving my lamb a kiss.

another great mood!

just up from a nap

mental note: don't drop
crate of books in attic.

Daddy, Mommy & me in Arizona

Me and Grandpa.

Mommy and Dana

The Moravek Family

Ian, Mommy & Aidan

Whoa. A Goat.

Mommy, Ryan, me & all my friends
at the Phoenix Zoo.

I want my mommy!

Dirty Face!

I'm 8 months old!
(I think i'm 10)

I can't wait for xmas.

I still love my jumper

These are for me?

Wow! Blocks!

I can't wait until I'm big enough for this.

Me and Grandma & Grandpa Leisher

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