


A mother

A lonely room

Come together

And share.


Little knickknacks

Strewn about


And remembered

By them



A rock sits

Once loved and cherished

A reminder of birthdays past

And when cheap gifts were worth



The mother looks around

Scared of what

These items left behind

Mean more to her

Than to the owner

No longer present.


A book for a child

Sentimental value

More for the giver

Than the receiver

But given when both could

Appreciate the lesson.


An old doll

Used and loved to disfigurement

Always found: Reminders of

Him who gave the present- gone

Long ago.


A thought-

Does she still have that dime?

Lost and found, then

Lost again-


Or that picture he drew for her

Why did it have no name?

Her first gift from someone

So special

And is there a blessing on the item

Keeping it intact?

The guitarist turned artist

Bringing feeling to pen

And thought to drawing.


Many things are in this room-

Candles, racks, books and pins;

But the most important

Item in the room

Is no longer here.


And the mother sighs as she leaves,

The room stays imperfectly still,

Both forever waiting for an




Because everything in this old room

Both here and remembered

Are a part of those


That are called love.




                                                                                                26. January 1999

                                                                                                C. C. Price




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