
He found me when least expected
And influences my life-
My inspiration.

He�s been there
Calling me across the pages
Of what I read-
Bards, ladyfairs, knights, specters
Almost as if
He could hear me.

In my own writing
I know he�s behind me
Guiding my hand, my heart
Acknowledging the work in me
And softly, firmly pulling, pushing
When it does not come forth.

He has always been there
Even when I did not know;
Too blind in my grief to see
That someone was near
Carrying me, holding me
Sharing, taking away my fallen

When first did I notice him?
That awful night I sought an end
To the pain, the fear-
And stopped my destructive thought which
Almost dissolved my own final act
Into tragedy.

I still feel him with me
Although he no longer has a name;
A character, more than a man�

But perhaps that closeness I feel
Is also from me...

I shall never meet him, but
Perhaps have in heart,
He knows me and my crafts,
(For He has chosen carefully)
Watching, waiting, weeping
With me,
For new sorrows try to overtake me

He found me when least expected
And influences my life-
My inspiration.
- 23. February 1999
  C. C. Price
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