Curling is a game played on a specially marked sheet of ice. The aim of the game is to get your stones as close as possible to the centre of the rings -the house- at the opposite end of the ice. For each stone beating your opponent's, you receive one shot.

Sheet of curlingice

The stone is delivered via a carefully balanced slide from the hack, where your brush is extended to your left, the stone is ahead of you in the right hand, your weight is on the left foot (on which you have a slippy sole) and your right leg trails behind you.

the sliding

As you release the stone you give it a slight twist which causes the stone to draw as it travels along the ice, bending it's path, and so enabling it to curl behind another stone. You aim at the brush held upright by the skip (the team captain) on the head -he has positioned it so the stone will come to rest at a specific point, should the player's weight and line be perfect.

the skip's  in the 'house'

Each team consists of 4 players, who deliver 2 stones each. While one player delivers their stone, the other two follow it up the ice, sweeping in front of it should the skip request, in order to make the stone travel faster, further, and straighter.

The Sweepers

The opposing teams take alternate turns to play their shots until all 16 are played. Then the thirds (vice-captains) decide who wins, and by how much. This concludes one end. The length of a game depends on the time allowed, but a standard game lasts for 8 or 10 ends.

There are many different shots allowed- strikes to remove a stone (or more!), point scoring draws, short and long guards- the possibilities and strategies are endless.
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C U R L  I N G
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