New London High School Class of 1984 Reunion
Class of 1984
Reunion Registry & Information


New London's Harbor Light

E-Mail Your Contact Information to the Reunion Committee.

Our MIA List
Are You On It????

Sign NLHS 1984 Guestbook

Look At NLHS 1984 Guestbook

Plans are still evolving for the 20th Reunion, however, plans for the Class Picnic have fallen through. It wasn't as easy as we first thought, LOL! However, we now believe (with enough support and ticket sales) we will have a buffet dinner at Ocean Beach Park some time between September and October of 2004. Prices should range between $25.00 and $30.00 per person. We believe this to be within everyone's price range.

WE NEED YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION AND INPUT! Please submit your contact information and/or offer your assistance for this project please E-Mail NLHS Class of 1984 ASAP. Include your name (maiden if applicable), address, telephone number and how many tickets you will need.

This is your Reunion! Help us make it as big of a success as it can be!

PLEASE NOTE that we encourage ALL Classmates to view and sign the Guest Book, however, signing the Guest Book does NOT guarantee contact with anyone helping with the Reunion. You must send an e-mail with your contact information to the above address to be included in the reunion.

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