



Look Into A Book is a not-for-profit community-based organization located in the Fort Green community of Downtown Brooklyn.  We serve children in its surrounding communities and throughout the five boroughs of NYC, providing literacy support to young children. Our inception in February 2003 was inspired by our desire to enhance reading among children of color. This nascent organization began as a small group of only five children ranging in age from 7 to 19 years old. Initially housed at the home of founder, Landu Kialeuka, the program has since evolved to include several initiatives and has moved into the cultural arts wing of the renowned Paul Robeson Theatre.

The program currently serves approximately 25 active children with efforts on the way to build our capacity. We expose children to varied cultures and literacy resources, history, geography, literature and the arts. Our program offers trips around and beyond the New York City metropolitan area, convenes biographical/literary discussions on published authors and their body of work, presents lecture series, and develops writing projects and self- authored works of children for our annual children theatrical production. A photography media introductory seminar is currently being developed.

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