OBE NEWSLETTER (November, 2003)

Dear OBE members,

There is much discussion today about the movie Matrix and how it may relate to out-of-body experiences and the universal spiritual quest for enlightenment. When you look beyond the techno, marshal arts façade of the plot you see a profound story of spiritual awakening and self-empowerment. Many believe that the story of the Matrix is a representation of the human enslavement to matter and the essential need for us to escape from overpowering and deceptive illusion of form.

In the movie the lead character Neo suddenly awakens from the sleep of unconsciousness and realizes that the reality of his day-to-day life is a complete illusion. His entire concept of reality is shaken and then collapses. Reluctantly he awakens to the shocking reality of his true existence. Through trial and error he recognizes that he is not the person he believed he was. He becomes aware of the shocking fact that all of humanity is deceived, manipulated and completely dominated by a powerful energy matrix. This energy force is everywhere and controls the minds of all of the inhabitants. Slowly, Neo realizes that he possesses the ability to escape the illusion of the matrix (form). He discovers that he is far more creative and powerful then he ever dreamed. With the help others that have also awoken from the mass deception they attempt to overcome the powerful grip of the consensus illusion. In doing so he is labeled a nonconformist and a disruptive enemy of the established belief systems that dominates all human consciousness. Of course, his mind bending personal mission in the movie is to recognize and destroy the mental prison and free himself and all humanity from the grip of the matrix.

There are numerous similarities between out-of-body experiences, the nonphysical realities and the computer driven matrix presented in the movie. For example, during an OBE you can easily fly, float or do whatever you believe you can. There are no limits but what you believe within yourself. In addition, the unseen dimensions are naturally thought responsive so you can alter your reality with the focused power of your mind. Your outer form, method of motion and your perception abilities are derived from your self-conception so there are no limits but what you conceive.

The parallels of the Matrix and our physical world are also apparent. Just like the movie the vast majority of humanity live in a matrix of ignorance. Today most people remain tragically unaware of their authentic self and the truth of their existence. They live in complete ignorance, clinging to archaic beliefs; they don't know what they are and where they come from, they don't know where they are going and what their purpose is. The natural transition of death remains a great unsolvable mystery and continues to frighten the masses. The illusion of form is so effective that the majority of the physical inhabitants are content to remain completely ignorant of their true self and their purpose. They believe they are their physical body and their mind. They are satisfied to accept the grand deception without question and play their temporary physical parts in the great drama of life.

Just for a moment examine your life objectively. Examine the strange reality that you dwell within. Notice how beliefs are accepted without question. Observe how primitive religious and cultural beliefs dominate the landscape and the group consciousness. Every day people fight and kill their neighbor because of their religious and political beliefs, skin color and national origin. Take a moment and examine the ever-growing list of primitive beliefs that dominate the group consciousness. Clearly see the insane matrix of deception and lies that continues to manipulate the group consciousness of our species. For those that doubt the validity of my analogy be aware that the existing matrix of ignorance has led to the mass murder of 100 million people in the last century alone. If this physical world is not an insane mental matrix of deception and lies then what is?

Today humanity is so ensnared by the illusion of form that escape is almost impossible. In fact the deception is so effective and pervasive that most inhabitants will make no attempt to escape. They are comfortable in their little consensus world of make believe. Ignorance is bliss. They are conditioned from birth to follow the beliefs of their culture and society. Most accept and believe countless falsehoods including the primitive belief that they are their physical bodies and their programmed mind. They live and die completely unaware of the shocking truth of what they truly are. The next time you watch the movie be reminded that your primary spiritual quest is to awaken from the matrix of form that dominates this strange, dense landscape.

How do you obtain freedom from the dense illusions that dominate this reality? What method can you use to achieve true freedom from the energy matrix? This is achieved by consciously going inward within your self. Self-initiated out-of-body exploration is one effective method to achieve liberation from the matrix of form. To do so you will need the courage and self-reliance of an explorer. No longer can you depend upon the ideas and beliefs that are generated by the energy matrix. Question every thing, every belief, every assumption and every conclusion. Go within for the answers. The ultimate quest of your life is to escape the powerful deceptions of form and the first step is within you.

All my best,William Buhlman

I am pleased to announce that the new OBE FORUM is now operational. I invite you to visit Astral Information

Also check out the online magazine Soul Traveler, it is filled with fascinating information. Soul Travel

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