Evolutionary Principles

We have been discussing for the past several lectures some patterns of inheritance which result in the phenotypic expression of each individual's specific combination of alleles or genotype .

We have seen that through recombination, segregation of alleles, and independent assortment of homologous chromosomes during meiosis, much variation occurs among the individuals in populations. We have seen, too, that mutation is a source of increasing variation within populations.

Some inheritance patterns, such as multiple alleles of a single gene, and the continuous variation resulting from polygenic inheritance, are seen only within the framework of population genetics .

We have also mentioned that the frequency of a gene (or specifically, an allele) affects its appearance in populations. For example, in human blood types, B is a co-dominant allele, though not common within most populations, so that O type and A type phenotypes are much more abundant.

In the next few lectures we will look more at some aspects of populations, the variations which appear within populations, with reference to the way an individual "contributes" to the population's genetic mix or gene pool , and how this gene pool is changed from generation to generation, which is the study of evolutionary biology .

As an introduction, let's begin with a working biological definition of evolution , to avoid the confusion and misconceptions that sometimes surround this term.

Evolution is biologically defined as the change in the frequency of a gene's (or allele's) appearance in a population's gene pool from generation to generation (through time). More simply, as your texts states: Evolution is inheritable change in organisms over time.

Note the following:

It will also help to define what a species is: A species is a population of organisms that is naturally capable of interbreeding among themselves, but does not interbreed with other populations of different species. If interbreeding occurs, the offspring are infertile or less viable in some way.

As with most of what we study today in biology, the field of evolutionary biology has interesting beginnings.

In 1858 two naturalists, Alfred Wallace and Charles Darwin presented a paper to the Linnean Society of London on the origin of species by means of natural selection. They proposed that new species originated from preexisting species through descent with modification driven by natural selection. They based their paper on their observations while traveling extensively throughout the world as naturalists. They also had the advantage of knowing the works of others who had presented ideas about the origin of species, some of which we shall mention.

Their paper was received poorly. In part, because the prevalent view was that all things are "as is" with each distinct life form remains unchanged through time, and in part, because Darwin and Wallace were not able to provide biological validation for their sources of variation. Genetics wasn't yet known.

Throughout recorded history, humans have been trying to find natural explanations for our observations of events around us, including explanations for the vast diversity of organisms that inhabit this earth with us. Humans of all cultures have always tried to group, or classify organisms, in attempts to clarify what has been observed. One of the concerns in classification was to determine what comprised a unique group of organisms, what we now call a species, a question still debated to some extent today. In earlier centuries, most considered visual characteristics for defining groups or species; today, we mostly use reproductive isolation as the major determinant of a species. (More on this subject later).

Plato, the early Greek philosopher, proposed that each object on earth was a reflection of its divine "ideal form". Aristotle (PlatoÕs pupil) had one of the more interesting systems of classification among the earlier "biologists". He developed a "ladder of nature" from simple to more complex, using standards that made sense at that time.

In the 6th century BC, Anaximander proposed that organisms were not created, but animals changed through time. He proposed that vertebrate animals, for example, descended from fishes.

As centuries went by many schemes existed for classification, but the prevailing thoughts were that each species, or type of organism was seen to have a fixed place in the order of things, since the beginning of time, or creation.

The problem became more difficult as European biological exploration encompassed more of the world in the 17th and 18th centuries, and more and more different habitats and types of organisms were described.

By the 18th century, the prevailing thoughts on the "cataloging" of living organisms were being questioned, along with the long-held premise that each organism and indeed our earth had been created "as is" all at one time. Why was this so?

Evidences for a natural, scientific, system for explaining species diversity, and for questioning an "as is" creation.

By the 1800's there were a number of questions being asked, based on evidence from geology, fossil studies, distribution or organisms on earth and anatomical studies of organisms.

Fossil Evidence
Fossil studies showed that many organisms exhibit sequential little changes as time passes. Was it likely that these organisms were "recreated" each generation or would it be possible that organisms changed through time.

Age of the Earth
By the 1700's, evidence existed that the earth was significantly older than the prevailing European thought, based on biblical metaphor or a few thousand years.

Common Structures
Why did organisms, such as all vertebrates, have common anatomical structures, even where there was no need for some of these structures.

Distribution of Organisms
Why was the distribution of organisms in the world so unusual? How could some organisms be so common in one area and absent or rare in others with similar habitats (assuming, as was done in the 18th century) that all organisms and the earth were created at the same time?

Some proposed answers for these observations ---

Proposed by Cuvier in the 1700's and reinforced by Agassiz in the early 1800's, catastrophism hypothesized that species were created at one time, but a series of catastrophes periodically destroyed many species. The survivors of these catastrophes were found in the current world. However, the fossil record did not contain remains of any of the species from the current world, although one would think that at least some of the individuals of the surviving species would have perished in the catastrophes. Agassiz proposed multiple creation and catastrophe periods to answer that question, but to do so, he proposed that there had been 50 catastrophes and new creations.

Buffon and species changing through time
In the late 1700's, a zoologist, Buffon, speculated that perhaps there had been several "centers of creation" and that species were "conceived by nature and produced by time". His hypothesis was not widely accepted since he had no mechanism to explain how nature could do this, or how there had been enough time on earth for the modifications to occur. Buffon used the classification schemes of Linneaus to support his ideas on how organisms related to each other.

Geological Time Frame
Lyell and Hutton, geologists of the 17th and 18th century, argued that geological events did not require catastrophes, but were natural processes of weather, volcanism and earthquakes.

Lyell had argued that the processes that formed the earth's surface "today" had also been active in the past, proposing that the earth was millions of years old, instead of the few thousands that was believed at the time by most. This meant that the time needed for changes in living organisms could be put into a time frame of many millions of years, long enough for evolution to have occurred. Natural events, repeated over time, explained the findings in rock layers, a proposal given the term uniformitarianism.

Lamarck's Contributions
About this same time, Lamarck proposed that all organisms had been created in a simple state and were improved by gradual changes into more complex structures. He was much taken by the gradual changes shown in many organisms in the fossil records. The motivation for the improvement, according to Lamarck, was a innate "drive for perfection". The need to have a better structure resulted in some body force directed to fulfilling that need which was then passed on to one's offspring. Lamarck was the first to propose that one's environment was important to survival, although he erred in proposing how changes occurred, and were subsequently passed on from one generation to the next. (But he also preceded Mendel). Lamarck's work has often been called evolution through the inheritance of acquired characteristics, but that is not exactly what he really did.

Thomas Malthus
Thomas Malthus, made an indirect contribution to the growing question of how we get such variation among organisms when he proposed that all populations reproduce in great numbers but survival is limited by available resources. Individuals compete for those limited resources. As a result of competition, only those best suited survive. Malthus wrote his essay in 1798, and addressed his concerns to the rapidly increasing human population.

Along came Darwin and Wallace
As mentioned, both Darwin and Wallace made extensive journeys to collect species from lesser known parts of the world. Both, on return, set out ideas which might explain the origin of the diversity of organisms they observed. Their ideas were presented at the Linnean Society of London in 1858, followed by Darwin's book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859.

The theory of Natural Selection was developed to explain adaptations of organisms to their environment, or surroundings. The major statements of this theory are:

  1. Variations exist among individuals of a species.
  2. Species produce more offspring than can survive.
  3. The individuals genetically better adapted to the surroundings survive and reproduce more offspring (therefore passing on the better suited adaptations).
  4. The phenomenon is called differential reproduction and the successive generations have more individuals with more favorable traits (genetically better adapted to their surroundings).

  5. In natural selection , inherited traits that are adaptive (favorable) will become more frequent in the population at the expense of less adapted traits, which will appear less frequently in passing generations.

Note the importance of preexisting variation to the theory of natural selection, and how better suited variants in a specific environment are more likely to survive. Note, too, that Darwin and Wallace did not use the word, evolution. That term came later.

The existence of variations was well documented by the 1850's from all those biological explorations, from the evolutionary evidences of the fossil record, and from anatomical studies. What was missing was an explanation of the origin of variation, and the supporting evidence for the process of natural selection.

No one could point out the sources of variation, because at that time, we did not know how inheritable traits were passed on from parent to offspring (as mentioned briefly in the introduction to genetics.

Evidence for sources of variations includes the following:
Comparative Studies
Biogeographical Data

Genetic Origins of Variation
Evidence for Natural Selection
Darwin and Wallace had presented extensive examples of the variations observed in members of natural populations to propose their theory on origin of species by natural selection. To support this, Darwin also looked at artificial selection.

Darwin was much taken with the selective breeding of domestic animals, and used that as evidence for how selection could result in numerous variations. He used the domestic dog as one example of artificial selection.

We also have evidences in nature that demonstrate how natural selections works. During the Industrial Revolution, soot from using coal, coated and killed lichens on trees in England, and darkening the bark. At that time, the peppered moth came in two variants: dark and light. On trees where soot was not evident, birds were able to see the darker moths, and the lighter moths became more prevalent. In the industrial areas, the soot covered trees made the lighter form more visible to their predators, and the camouflaged darker variant became more abundant.

In more modern times, a mutation in cockroaches which resulted in a distaste for glucose resulted in populations resistant to a common roach treatment (a poison that contained glucose). It took only a few generations to accomplish this (thanks to the poison killing all roaches lacking the glucose distaste gene which ate the poison).

Antibiotic resistance in bacteria is another good example of contemporary evolution in action. We shall discuss selection as a mechanism for the process of evolution in more detail a bit later.

Virus evolution, including the evolution of HIV is also studied.

Although Darwin and Wallace presented ample evidence of the variations in species, there was no way to document the mechanisms by which variations could be passed from generation to generation for about forty years.

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