Chapter 12……..Blood


Students should be able to:


·        Identify the pick up and delivery jobs of the blood

·        Explain the pick up and delivery system in animals without blood

·        Describe the living and nonliving parts of blood

·        Give the function 0f the blood cells and cell-like parts

·        Explain the problems that may occur with blood cells and platelets

·        Compare the red cells and plasma proteins in the four main blood types 

·        Explain why blood types can’t be mixed

·        Describe how the immune system works

·        Explain how shots prevents disease

·        Discuss the AIDS virus



Chapter Outline



1.     Pick up:


a.     oxygen from the lungs

b.     carbon dioxide & wastes from cells

c.      nutrients from villi


2.     Deliver:  


a.     oxygen to cells

b.     carbon dioxide to lungs

c.      wastes to the urinary system

d.     nutrients to cells

e.      chemical messengers


         3. Animals with no blood must be in water to exchange substances by diffusion


4.     Blood:


a.     plasma: 90% water + dissolved and non dissolved substances


b.     cellular part :

                                                                         i.      RBC : not nucleated , 5,000,000 per drop , disc shaped, produced in the red bone marrow , contain a red pigment = hemoglobin that transports gases

                                                                      ii.      WBC : nucleated ( mono or multi) , many shapes, produced in the bone marrow and lymph nodes , they defend the body against any foreign bodies

                                                                   iii.      Platelets : 200,000 per drop , cell parts produced by budding from giant cells in the red bone marrow

, important for blood clotting and healing the wounds


5.     Blood problems :


a.     anemia: reduced red blood cells number

b.     sickle cell anemia : non functional red blood cells due to their sickle shape

c.      hemophilia : unable to produce a blood clot


6.     Blood typing :


    a. Blood type A   :   antigen(cell protein) a ,   antibodies (plasma protein) b

    b. Blood type B   :   antigen(cell protein) b ,   antibodies (plasma protein) a

    c. Blood type AB  :  antigen(cell protein) a & b ,   antibodies (plasma protein)  none

    d. Blood type O   :   antigen(cell protein)  none ,   antibodies (plasma protein)  a & b

    e. positive (+) :        have antigen Rhesus

    f. negative (-) :        have no antigen Rhesus but ability to make anti-Rh


          7. Blood Transfusion : the donor antigens should not match with the recipient antibodies       


8.     Immunity : white blood cells can fight against foreign bodies in two ways:


a.     Phagocytosis: where a WBC engulfs  the foreign body and breaks it down

b.     Antibodies: where a WBC produces a specific antibody against the foreign body


9.     Shots :  or vaccines are inactive antigens the provokes the production of antibodies


10.            AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome  caused by HIV = Human Immune Virus that attacks the   human immune system and it is transmitted by:


a.     sharing needles

b.     blood transfusion

c.      from a pregnant woman to her fetus



Blood transfusion lab                    Study Guide Papers 67-72





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