Welcome to Miss Feel Good & Look Great! Advice Column
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Featured Dilemma:
When you aren't losing those extra 10 pounds
Dear  Down & Counting,

This is a tough one since I don't know where you've been and where you stand in terms of your  eating and working out...

First, you got to get your head together. By that, I mean you must start to believe that the last 10 pounds will melt away.

You ever heard of stubbornness? Of course, you have... the body will not lose the pounds if you put it under more stress.  So, here are a few suggestions:

1.  Increase your intake of water as follows: drink 2 8-oz glasses upon arising, at 10am, at 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, and 6pm and if you don't mind getting up during the night, 2 more before  going to bed.

2. Increase your cardio activity load to 4-6 times per week for 40-60 minutes.   Brisk walking is good or whatever cardio you prefer ... if you have access, I would recommend the treadmill.

3.  Watch your diet. Not sure how much time you have but try this nutrition plan for the next 2 weeks: oatmeal for breakfast; fruit for snacks; lean meat and vegetables for lunch and salad for dinner.

Be sure to keep me posted and let me know your results..

Good luck!

Miss EJ
Dear Ej,

I was wondering if you could help me with a problem... I just can't seem to lose those last inches that keep me from getting into the wedding dress of my dreams... what do you suggest?


Down & Counting!
Charlottesville, VA
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