Chapter Two


Not everyone was feeling pure embarrassment that day. You could say that others were enjoying the sunshine and freedom of the day. Or maybe they were excited that most knew it would be the chance that it was complete and utter freedom.

One guy was just enjoying the pleasure of reading. He wasn’t a bookworm, but rather just a guy who enjoyed books. He had a lot to forward to. He was out of school for the summer. He was waiting to see his girlfriend and the most important thing was that he could finally see all of his best high school friends buds.

One of his friends was the complete opposite. He didn’t care about reading. All he cared about was sex, parties, alcohol, and most importantly, girls.

It was morning in Dale University and Ejay Day was reading Shakespeare. His girlfriend had recommended it to him and he found himself attached to it. He loved the words and ways Shakespeare put things.

Ejay was so into his reading, he didn’t even notice his best bud from high school and his former lacrosse teammate full of mischief.

His friend was Jim Verranos, Party Animal.

Jim walked up to Ejay and dropped a note on his book. Ejay shook his head at Jim and sighed. He knew Jim liked to play pranks. He picked up the note and read it. It read: You Fucking Pussy!  Jim had drawn an arrow on the note with it pointing up at Ejay. Ejay couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hey, ya fuckface!” Jim greeted.

Ejay gave Jim a highfive. “Mornin,’ dude,” he replied.

Jim stretched his arms. “Come on, E. It’s showtime. Before we go to Parkingson to pick up Tamyra, I’m gonna show you what’s you’re missin’.”

Ejay allowed himself to be escorted by Jim into one of the halls. When they arrived, there was a class in session.

“What are we_” Ejay began to ask.

“Let’s see what they today, see what they are today…” Jim mumbled to himself, looking carefully at something. They passed a girl sitting in the fourth or fifth row. “Okay…the moment of truth,” Jim told Ejay. He pointed to the girl, looking up her skirt. Ejay looked uninterested and bored.

“OOOH! There’s little hearts on her panties! There’s little hearts on her panties!” he said excitedly to Ejay, hoping to see some excitement on Ejay’s face, but there was none.

“Come on, look! You pussy, look! What the fuck, man! C’mon! I’m disappointed in you. Here it is the end of our freshman year and you screw one girl. One! You’re a disgrace to men everywhere.”

Ejay rolled his eyes. He hated how Jim blew things out of proportion. He wasn’t as immature as Jim was, where he could have sex with every girl that came into focus and not care about feelings. He was a different guy. And that was why he was happy he had Tamyra, his girl.

The two sat together in their desks, waiting for the professor.

“I mean, look at the Jimmeister. I got laid twenty-three times this year and I’m not counting the hummer I got in the library stacks, baby,” Jim bragged.

Ejay was getting fed up with Jim at this point. “Okay, Jim. Here’s a new idea for you, okay? You find a girl, you two become best friends and you don’t bother counting the number of times you have sex. You just laugh at the people who do count.”

Jim stared at Ejay for a second. And then, he suddenly burst out laughing.

“I got an idea for you. I’ll get you a spoon, so you can eat my ass,” he told Ejay after he finished laughing.


Later that day, Ejay drove up to meet his girlfriend and best girl friend, Tamyra Gray. Tamyra went to Parkingson Music University to study choir. Ejay’s best friend, A.J was also in the school, so Ejay was waiting for them both.

When Tamyra arrived, Ejay felt his heart stop. Damn, she’s hot, he thought.

“Ejay!” Tamyra squealed excitedly. She ran up to him and kissed him.

“How are you?” Ejay asked after they’d finished kissing.

“Fine.” Tamyra told him.


“I can’t believe I’m doin’ this summer abroad thing. Last thing I need is more classes.”

“You’re gonna have a great time,” Ejay assured her.

Tamyra wrapped her arm around him.

Then A.J Gil appeared. He looked relieved to be out of school. “Hello summer! Hey, did those exams blow or what? Hey, E!”

“Totally sucked,” Tamyra agreed.

Ejay and A.J highfived one another and hugged.

“What’s up? How are you?” Ejay asked.

“I’m good. Put your party hat one, man. We got 12 weeks of immortality ahead.”

“Yes, sir!” Ejay shouted as he, Tamyra, and A.J piled up in Ejay’s old pickup truck


Back home at the Guarini residence, Justin looked around inside his old room.

“Weird,” he muttered. Mostly everything he had had was gone. He looked around his room and stopped to look at a collage of pictures from high school. One of the pictures was a picture of Ryan Starr, the prettiest, sexiest, and most poised exchange student. He remembered last year, when he’d made a fool of himself on the Internet, dancing for Ryan, and then_

“Ah, the one that got away, huh, son?” His stepfather replied from behind him.

Justin sighed. “Yeah.”

“Yeah…you guys made quite the handsome couple on the Internet...”

Justin stared at his stepfather in shock. He’s seen it?

“Oh…I didn’t see it. It was brought up at a PTA meeting.”

“Oh,” Justin said, nodding.

“Anyway, my point is these little sexual debacles shouldn’t get you down. ‘Cause you know what? They happen to the best of us. In fact, the first time your mother and I…got together, I used a condom. Well…she referred to it as ‘shrink wrapping’,” he remembered, chucking a little. Justin laughed a little.

“But, I got over it,” Jerry continued. “Anyway, keep your chin up and you keep pluggin’ and good things will happen.”

He patted Justin’s back. “It’s good to have you home, son.” He then left the room.

Justin stood and stared at his half-empty room again. “It’s good to be home, Jerry,” he said to himself.




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