Chapter Three


If there were one place anyone would remember about high school, it would be the hangouts. Justin and his friends loved to hang out at a place called McKenna’s. The food was delicious, the price was cheap, and the service was wonderful, so the guys loved to go there.

The ‘guys’ consisted of Justin, Ejay, A.J, and R.J, another friend of theirs.

A few of the guys were already eating. Only R.J hadn’t arrived yet and everyone wanted to know what he was up to, since he hadn’t went to a school in their own area.

“It’s gonna be nice to hit Verranos’ tonight after exams. You get through them, E?” A.J asked.

At that point, R.J showed up. “Oh! There’s the mystery man!” Ejay exclaimed.

“R.J!” A.J exclaimed.

R.J began to greet everyone with a foreign greeting. “Abner, Co-knee-che-wa. Justin, Co-knee-che-wa…”

Everyone shrugged at each other and looked at R.J, dumbfounded.  RJ smiled briefly. “It’s Japanese. It means hello. Hello.”

“R.J, what the hell happened to Latin?” A.J asked.

R.J took a seat next to Justin. “I met a Japanese girl at the art museum. We changed majors. Wanted to understand all those things she was moaning.”

Justin stared at R.J in shock, awe, and amazement. “You got laid in an art museum?”

“And the Met…oh, the Guggenheim with Francesca. And then my social psy professor in the Baskin Robbins.”

“Alright. Enough, R.J,” Justin replied.

R.J smiled to himself. “But I’ll tell you all, none of these women even compare to_”

“Verranos’ mom!” Everyone chorused.

“Verranos’ mom is a goddess. For a deaf woman, she’s completely amazing.”




At Jim Verranos’ house, things were in full swing. Music was blasting, everyone drank their fair share, people were disappearing in bedrooms or elsewhere and the party animal had found his prey; A girl.

He was feeding her drinks, one too many, but she kept them coming. She was only 17, but she was half-intoxicated and tired. Jim gave her drink after drink.

“How about some more of Jimmeister’s collegic concoction?” he asked the girl.

The blonde girl made a face “This stuff tastes like half alcohol. You’re just tryin’ to get me drunk.”

“Emma Masterson. Would I do that to you?” he asked innocently.

The girl gave him a funny look. “My name’s Carmen. And my last name is Rasmusen.”

“Oh. Carmen. Rasmusen. Carmen Rasmusen. Beautiful name…” He said, walking away.

“Like it matters,” he muttered when Carmen was out of earshot.

“Hey, how ya doin’!” he asked a couple of guys. He took off a cowboy hat off one of the guys and put it on. “Howdy, howdy fucker partners! KC, how’s it goin’? Good ta see you!”

He was just being a houseguest.

“Whoa! Looks like someone gained the freshman 15! This will help!” he said to a freshman girl.

He covered her face with the hat.

“You’re an asshole!” The girl yelled.

The doorbell rang. “Missed you, too!” he said to her. He opened the door

“Alright! Everyone’s having a good time! Ladies! Fellas, how’s it going! The keg’s back there as always. Enjoy!”

He walked up to two ladies. “Ladies, I’m Jim Verranos and I have and 11 inch penis. AROUND! Think about it!”

He continued walking until he found geeky Clay Aiken, the guy he always loved to tease.

“Aiken!” Jim yelled, pretending to be happy to see him.

But Clay wasn’t buying it. “Ok, Verranos. Take your shot. Ha-ha.”

“Naw, come on. I’m really happy to see you, man,” Jim replied, offering his hand out to him.

Clay grinned widely. “Alright!” He began to high five Jim.

Jim moved his hand. “You stupid fuck!” He replied, bursting into laughter.


Meanwhile, Justin, R.J, and A.J were standing around in a bunch, drinking cups of beer, and watching all the action of the party.

“Back at Jim’s. Just like old times,” A.J remarked.

Justin shook his head. “Now, one difference. We’re college men now. Some of these girls are from the grade below us. I might actually have a chance.”

At that moment, two girls approached Justin.

“Hey, I remember you,” Trenyce Cobbins said to Justin.

Justin began to act suave. “Oh, do you now?”

“Yeah, you’re that guy who blew his load on the Internet.” she replied, beginning to laugh.

“Splat, oh no, Ryan, Don’t go! Splat!” Kimberley Locke chimed in.

They began to walk away and continued laughing.

“Pathetic,” Trenyce said.

“Loser,” Kimberley added.

“Just exactly like old times,” R.J mused.


At the airport, Ejay was watching Tamyra leave for her summer abroad trip to France. Neither one wanted to part with each other, but Ejay knew it was for the best, so he kept persuading Tamyra to go.

“I’m gonna miss you,” Ejay told her.

“Miss you,” Tamyra replied.

They kissed.

“I’m gonna call you when I get in, ok?” Tamyra told Ejay after they finished kissing.

“Go have fun,” Ejay replied.

“Okay, bye.”


Tamyra boarded her plane and waved at Ejay. Ejay smiled at her and watched her go.


“I can’t believe those two girls, A.J,” Justin replied. He was still bent out of shape after what those two girls had said to him.

“J, it’s not a big a deal,” A.J said to him.

“No, no. They toyed with my emotions…Hello, hello, how are ya?” he said as a cute redhead walked by.

“See, there’s other girls. You got nothing to worry about,” A.J replied.

Justin was no longer paying attention. He noticed two familiar girls with pink hair.

“Hey, Nikki and Vanessa are here…” he announced to A.J. Then Nikki moved her head and another familiar face popped up. “With Christina. And…Christina got HOT!” Justin marveled, staring at Christina.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” A.J asked, rather defensively.

“Look at her!”

A.J didn’t feel like staring at Christina, but he finally gave in and looked.  She looked darker, she’d cut her hair, and she looked even more beautiful than last year, he couldn’t help but notice.

“Yeah, Justin. I see her.”

Christina noticed A.J and she waved to him. “Hey, A.J,” she said to him.

“Be right back,” A.J told Justin.

He walked away from Justin and walked up to Christina. “Hey, Chris? How are you?”

“What’s up?” Christina asked.

“I’m okay.”

“Yeah, I’m good,” Christina said.

“Good,” A.J said.

“Good,” Christina replied.

“It’s good to hear…” A.J trailed off.


“Talk about uncomfortable,” Vanessa remarked.

“Well, this is about as comfortable as a high colony in Taiwana and I would know,” Nikki quipped. “I need a drink,” she muttered, walking away.

“Me, too,” Vanessa muttered.

“They’re right. Why is this so weird?” Christina asked.

“Actually, I have no idea,” A.J replied.

“See, I knew it. I knew that you’d be mature about this. You know, and we can still be friends, right?”

A.J nodded uncertainly. “Yeah.”

“I missed you, A.J!” Christina exclaimed. She jumped up to hug A.J, but he went in to kiss her. Neither succeeded.

“Whoa…Friends…Right?” Christina said.

A.J looked nervous. “Um…right. I mean, I know you said friends. And I…I…I just…I’m sorry…um…it was, it was just an old habit. A friend kiss.”

“You sure?” Christina asked.

“Chris, why wouldn’t I wanna be friends with you?”

A.J extended his hand to Christina. “We’ll just do this, okay?”

They shook hands.

“Friends,” Christina said.

“Friends,” A.J chimed in.


Bored with the antics of the party, R.J walked upstairs and wound up in Jim’s mom’s room.

“Jim’s mom’s room,” he muttered. He was thrilled, excited, and enchanted with all the things the woman kept in her room.

He looked up at a picture of Jim’s mom and smiled at her smiling face. “How did you do that magic you did?” he asked the picture.

He picked up a bottle of perfume and smelled it. He then spotted a book called Tantra on the dresser and picked it up, flipping through it.

“Tantra,” he muttered.

Just then, he smelled trouble. Jim was in the room!

“What the fuck are you doin’ in here!?” he angrily demanded.

R.J tried to calm Jim down. “Now, Jim…you just relax.”

“You get out of my house!”

“Jesus Christ!” R.J yelled, running out of the room.

“Come back here, you little fucker!” Jim yelled, chasing after R.J.

Halfway down the stairs, they bumped into the other guys. “Come back here!” Jim yelled.

“Take it easy!” R.J yelled.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Justin shouted.

“That’s enough!” Ejay replied.

“Guys, we went through this last summer, alright? R.J got a black eye and Jim got six stitches,” Justin reminded them.

“He fucking bit me!” Jim shouted.

“You touch me, I bite,” R.J replied.

“You two just relax and shake hands,” Ejay reasoned.

Jim grabbed his crotch. “Shake this!” He replied, stomping away.

“R.J,” Justin replied, trying to reason with R.J.

“I need a drink,” R.J muttered, walking away.

On his way to the hallway, two kids he passed were waiting to use the bathroom.

“Why is everyone taking a piss right now?” Corey Clark complained.

As R.J passed them, Charles Grisgby remembered him. “Hey! You’re that guy who boned Verranos’ mom! Hey, you are a GOD!”

“Holy shit! Dude, if I didn’t have to hold my dick ‘cause I gotta piss so bad, I would shake your hand,” Corey replied.

R.J didn’t feel like talking to these clowns. “Uh…I’m honored, guys.” He walked away.

“Oh! Don’t leave! You must teach me how…HOW!” Corey yelled.


Outside, Jim found Carmen and managed to bring a bottle of champagne with them.

“How old are you really, Carmen? You ain’t 20, are you?”

Carmen flashed her blue eyes at Jim. “I can be any age you want me to be, sweetie.”

Jim smiled. “Really. How old are you?”

Carmen smiled. “I’m in the doghouse, huh? Okay. I’m 17, but I’ll be 18 in a few months.”

“Good…Oooh! Look what I found, Carmen. Champagne.”

“What a coincidence,” Carmen remarked.

“I’ve been saving this for a special occasion, for a special girl…just like you.”

Carmen grinned sweetly. “You are so sweet,” she replied.

“That’s what they say,” Jim said, opening the bottle and purposely pouring it on Carmen, playing it off like it was really an accident.

“Oh, my god,” Carmen muttered.

“Ooh, weird. I split some on you. Maybe I should mop that up.”

“Thanks,” Carmen replied.

“No problem.”

Jim began to lick the champagne off Carmen’s chest.

“Whoa…wow...hey…take it slow…come on,” Carmen replied, trying to push Jim’s head off her chest.

“Right. Ya, know, they warn us about these situations in college. Now, you may be intoxicated…Oh, yeah…Are you certain you wish to engage in consenting…”

“Hey, don’t hatch your chickens, buster,” Carmen warned.

“I’m just playin’ by the rules, baby.”

“I make the rules,” Carmen said seductively, kissing Jim.

“That’s a pretty good fuckin’ rule!” Jim replied as they collapsed on the patio chair.


Corey and Charles ran up to the balcony. “Dude, why such a long line?” Corey complained.

“You can make it,” Charles told him.

“It’s gonna happen now. Get my back.”

“Alright. Go, bro.”

Corey began to piss right off the balcony, where it hits right on the lounge chair where Jim and Carmen are.

“Turn it off,” Charles said.

A girl named Mandy-Karen found her best friends and joined them on the balcony.

“Hello,” Mandy-Karen replied.

“Oooh…oooh…Mandy-Karen, how are you?”

“Good! Awesome!” She exclaimed.

Charles high fived Mandy-Karen. “Mandy-Karen, hi…good…really good,” Corey said to her.


Carmen picked up the bottle of champagne. “How ‘bout I give you some champagne?” she asked.


Corey turned to Mandy-Karen. “Why don’t ya go downstairs and get us a couple of beers?”


Carmen couldn’t wait to do this. She tipped the bottle of champagne just a little, but none came out. “I’ve got a surprise for you. Close your eyes and get ready!”

Jim was excited, too. “Oh, I’m ready!” he yelled.


“You want a beer? You want a beer?” Mandy-Karen asked.

“Alright, yeah, alright!” Both guys yelled.


The bottle was coming closer….


“Alright, go!” Charles replied.

Corey accidentally knocked over a plant that fell over and hit Carmen right over the head, knocking her out, while Jim is still waiting.

“This is kinda kinky…and I like that!”

Jim waited for the champagne to come from the bottle.  Corey continued pissing off the balcony while Jim is bathed in it, thinking it was Carmen’s champagne.

“Oooooh! Yeah, that’s it! Bathe the Jimmeister…OOOH! That’s great!


“OOOH! That’s great!” Corey replied in relief.


“How’d ya get so nice and warm? Aahh! I can taste the bubbles…yeu. Arugg…actually, I can’t…”


“Much better!” Corey sighs. He zipped up his pants and left with Charles and Mandy-Karen.


“Wait a second,” Jim muttered, knowing something wasn’t right. He licked his lips and opened his eyes.


“Let’s go get a burger or something. Bring Mandy-Karen if you want.” Corey replied.


Jim looked down at Carmen. “Carmen?” He asked. Carmen was on the ground, unconscious. “Oh, fuck!” Jim whispered.


Meanwhile, Justin, R.J, A.J, and Ejay were all surrounded by a table, playing a game of cards.

“Okay, now. Do these high school kids think that were cool, because they’re at a college party. Or are we those weird older guys that try to hang out with high school kids but we don’t know it?” Justin asked.

“No way. We’re definitely not those guys,” Ejay said.

At that moment, a party guy came into the house, warning people of the cops.

“Cops! Cops!” he yelled.

Two police officers entered the kitchen. “Alright, break it up. Party’s over. Let’s go.”

“Day, Gil, Welcome back,” One officer, who recognized them, said.

“Where’s Jim Verranos?” The other officer asked.

Just then, Jim walked in, wet, embarrassed, and tired.

“I got peed on,” he announced.

Nobody could do anything but stare at him.




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