Chapter Seven


The next morning, Ejay, A.J, and Jim were eating breakfast while R.J watered a plant in the kitchen.

As it seemed, the guys thought R.J was having too much fun watering that plant. He was moaning in orgasmic delight, his eyes closed. “That was it; right there, that was a pure Tantric moment. The ficus, the water; It was all erotic. One more stimulant and I would have had full release,” he said.

Jim stared at him with disgust on his face. “R.J, stay the fuck away from that ficus. That’s a jizz-free ficus.”

As R.J left, still in delight, Justin made his way downstairs for breakfast. “Hey, there he is! Mornin’, J-Man! How’s the twig and giggle berries, man?” Ejay asked, teasing a little.

Justin looked a little grumpy. “Ooh, very colorful. My dick looks like a paint-by-numbers.”

Jim laughed. “Justin, you’re the only guy I know who’s dick needs an instruction manual.”

Everyone laughed. The phone rang and Jim answered it. “Casa de Verranos…Oh, hey! What? You’re here now…No…That’s cool…You know…If you wanna hang out with these guys…Okay…Then, I’ll meet you out front.” He hung up.

“Hey, hey, Jim…was that_” R.J began to ask.

Jim walked away. “Eat shit, shitbreak,” he muttered.

R.J looked excited. “She’s here. My lady has arrived. I gotta prepare,” he replied, running up the stairs.

“Here we go,” Justin remarked, watching R.J go.

“Verranos’ mom is here?” A.J asked.

“This could be a disaster,” Justin added.

Ejay looked out the kitchen window. “Whoa. Not unless Jim’s mom drives a moped.”

Justin stared at Ejay. “Moped?”

The door burst open, Jim and another guy with a motorcycle helmet on. The guys pulled off the helmet, reveling his face. It was Jim’s little brother.

“Fuckers, fuckers, fuckers! How ya doin’, boys?” The boy asked.

“It’s Jim’s little brother,” A.J replied.

“What are you doing here?” Justin asked, a little annoyed. If anyone was more obnoxious than Jim, then it was his little brother.

“Pussy, man! I’m here for the pussy!”

Justin rolled his eyes. “Take a number.”

Everyone could hear R.J coming down the stairs. “Gentleman, why all the noise? Everybody knows that this is my special day,” he replied, marching down the stairs in an ancient, dress-like Tantric gown. He stopped when he saw Jim’s little brother. “What is that?” he asked, trying to hide his disappointment. Jim’s little brother stared at R.J with the same disgust Jim shared.

“Dude, is that a fuckin’ dress? Are you wearing a dress?” The boy asked.

Jim got the guys more acquainted. “Shitbreak, meet my little brother. Little brother, meet Shitbreak.”

R.J couldn’t believe what was happening. “That’s your brother?” he asked.

“Yes,” Jim told him.

R.J looked even more disappointed. “My lady is not coming,” he said, trying to keep himself under control. “My entire stock pile is WASTED AND I LOOK RIDICIOUS!”

He cleared his throat and regained his cool. “Excuse me,” he muttered, walking back upstairs. “ARRRRRRGGGHHH!” he screamed.

“That didn’t look too good,” Justin replied.

“Nope,” A.J agreed.

Jim put an arm around his brother. “Let’s go find your room,” he said.

“Dude, where are the fuckin’ females?” The brother asked as they walked away.


Later that day, Ejay found another time to talk to Tamyra. “I can’t believe I finally got you alone. That only took, what, like, six weeks.”

Tamyra grinned slyly. “So, are you alone, too?”



“I’m all alone,” Ejay replied, running his hands across his jeans for emphasis.

“Guess what I have in mind?” Tamyra said seductively.

Tamyra was interrupted by all of her flat mates. One of the guys tossed a bag of soccer balls on the couch on Tamyra.

“Hey, Marco? Can you get your balls off me?” Tamyra asked.

Who’s Marco? He has his balls on my girl? Ejay thought, fuming. “Tammy, what the hell’s going on over there?” he asked.

Tamyra sighed. “Nothing. It’s just one of my flat mates. I guess this is kinda a lost cause, huh?” she asked.

Ejay sighed. As much as he hated to admit it, he knew Tamyra was right. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“See you this weekend,” Tamyra replied.

“I can’t wait,” Ejay said.

“I can’t wait, either,” Tamyra whispered.


Justin walked into his bedroom to get a football from his closet. What he wasn’t expecting was to find Ryan Starr in his room, but there she was.

“Surprise!” Ryan shouted.

“OH! Ryan, you’re here! You’re here…Wha…What are you doing here?”

Ryan looked bubbly and excited to see Justin. “Justin, I got so tired of sightseeing,” she explained.

“But, you’re…you’re early.”

Ryan’s smile faded. “Okay…nice to know you…I will leave.”

Justin began to think quickly. “No! Um…Don’t leave. No leaving…No, it’s just…I’m not gonna be ready…I mean, the party won’t be ready until Saturday.”

“I can…stay here until then?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah. I’m gonna be right back. Is that okay?”

Ryan agreed. “Okay.”

Justin nodded and left the room. As he was closing the door, he muttered, “Ryan…Who’s in my room…Holy shit!”


Justin had stopped by at Kelly’s house, knowing she was there. The two were in her bedroom, planning on what to do with Ryan.

“Alright, I’ve got a plan,” Kelly replied. “Okay, how about I come back with you and you say ‘Hello, this is Kelly, my girlfriend’ and obviously, Ryan won’t expect you to jump in the sack. And then we break up the day of the party and you’re all healed up and back on the market.”

Justin shook his head, marveling at how clever, smart, plucky, and just downright devious Kelly was.

“You’re evil,” he replied.

Kelly shook her head. “No way! I’m like cupid. Plus, I know how to make a girl jealous. This is gonna be fun,” she said, grinning from ear to ear.


“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but we just started seeing each other a few weeks ago,” Justin explained to Ryan. Kelly was sitting next to him, with her arm wrapped around him. She kept giving Ryan smug smiles. “Um, but I’d love it if you stayed here. I think you should stay and have fun at the party.”

Ryan half-smiled. You don’t miss a good thing ‘till you lose it, She thought. I should’ve taken him when I got the chance.

“Good for you, Justin. Of course I will stay,” Ryan said.

“That’s great!” Justin exclaimed. He jumped a little, glaring at Kelly. Kelly had pinched his nipples and was smiling devishly but angelically. Ryan tried hard to hide her growing jealously.

Justin laughed nervously. “That’s my nipples,” he replied. “She just loves my nipples.”


As the weeks went by, almost everyone found something to do. Kelly was still giving Justin lessons on the beach that day while R.J was in his room, moping about and sadly taking down all the pictures of Jim’s mother.


“Whooohoo!” Kelly hooted as Justin carried her on his back, running all along the beach.

Justin stopped suddenly after twenty minutes, out of breath.

Kelly put away her stopwatch and draped her arms around Justin’s neck. “What’s wrong? You’re not tired already, are you?”

“After twenty minutes, I’m gonna take a break. And besides, we have to find Ryan.”

Kelly looked disappointed. “Okay. You’re right. Let’s go.”

The two packed up and walked back to the beach house.

“Hey, you guys want to play pool?” Ryan asked, holding a pool stick.

As they dumped their stuff, Justin couldn’t help but notice just how hot Ryan was. She was wearing short jean shorts, a black midriff top that showed off her tanned stomach and cleavage, high-heeled sandals, and light makeup.

Kelly noticed Justin was staring and couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. I wonder what Justin sees in her besides just her looks, Kelly thought.

She shook her head and grabbed a pool stick. “Sure. Let’s play. You playing, Justin?”

Justin nodded. “Um, sure. Yeah. Let’s play.”

Ryan jumped up and down. “Great!”

As Justin leaned down with his stick over the pool table, Kelly smiled at Ryan deviously. She pinched Justin’s ass to make Ryan feel even more jealous.

I got dibs on this guy, Ryan, she thought. The look on Ryan’s face made her feel better.


Ejay and Jim were outside, playing volleyball. Ejay and Jim were winning the game against two other they’d met. It was a sweet victory, but Jim was getting bored.

“T-Out!” he yelled.

“Hey, where ya goin’?” Ejay asked. “We were winning.”

Jim wiped his face on the towel. “I’m leaving. You play if you want, but I’m outta here.”

And before Ejay could even ask where Jim was going, he was already gone.


R.J was still in his room, moping. How can the most beautiful woman in the world forget about me? He thought.

R.J sighed. I’ll have to forget about her then.



“I’m sick of pool. I want to do something else,” Ryan replied.

Justin dropped his stick. “You’re leaving now? You were winning!”

Ryan shook her head. “That’s okay, Justin. You and your girlfriend can keep playing. I think I’ll go and sunbathe.”

Justin looked disappointed. “Okay, well…Kelly and I will continue playing. We’ll see you soon, okay?”

“Sure,” Ryan muttered. She left the beach house and went upstairs to change.

Kelly beamed. Yes! She cheered. She grabbed Justin’s hand and led him upstairs.

“Where are we going?” Justin asked.

Kelly smiled. “We have to continue our lessons, if you wanna get with Ryan,” she replied.


Jim and his little brother sat behind a sand dune with binoculars, looking for some hot girls to scope out on the beach.

“When are we gonna see some tits?” Jim’s little brother whined.

Jim groaned. “If you don’t shut up, I’ll_” he threatened, stopping suddenly at the sight of Ryan Starr in a red and black striped bikini.

“What? Can I see?” The brother asked.

Jim handed his brother the binoculars. “Awesome!” The boy exclaimed. He and Jim highfived one another.


“No. You’re doing it all wrong. You don’t just literally rip the bra off the girl. You gotta take it slow,” Kelly told Justin.

The two were in Justin’s bedroom, on the bed. Kelly was teaching him another technique. This time, Kelly had wrapped her bra around a pillow and was trying to teach Justin how to remove it using only one hand.

Justin gulped. “What should I do?”

“Just relax. That’s really all you can do.”

Justin nodded. Then he closed his eyes and reached behind the pillow, fumbling for the bra strap. A couple of seconds later, he’d taken the strap off.

Kelly beamed. “Hey! You did it! You really did it!” She exclaimed.

“Yes!” Justin replied. He brought Kelly into a hug. Kelly was taken off guard for a little bit, but she returned the hug.


R.J went downstairs and grabbed his old flask. He remembered the flask Nikki had given him in exchange for the earrings she had bought. A drink would sure be nice, he thought, taking a swig.


“And that’s why I can never eat another hotdog again!” A.J explained to Christina, laughing.

Christina couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “That’s a real funny story, A.J.”

A.J sipped his bottle of beer. “You really think so? I mean_”

Christina put down her own bottle of beer. “Really. See, this is what I mean. We’re out here, having a good laugh. That’s what friends do.”

A.J nodded. “You’re right, Chris. I think I like this friendship thing.”

Christina grinned. “Me, too, A.J. Me, too.”


The next morning, Kelly was in Justin’s room, cleaning her flute while Justin was in the bathroom.

“Oh, no! Oh, my God!” Justin replied, coming out of the bathroom.

Kelly looked up from her flute cleaning. “You still broken?” she asked.

Justin put the pad he’d been wearing away. “No, I’m fine. I might have to actually go through with this.”

He sounds nervous. I wonder if he even really wants to have sex with Ryan, Kelly thought. She frowned. “Justin, what’s the big deal with Ryan anyway? I mean, okay, so she’s like, 50,000 times hotter than most girls, but come on, it’s just sex.”

Justin sat next to Kelly on the bed. “Oh, no. You saw the thing on the Internet. Did it look like I might have had a slight interest in Ryan then? Well, add another year to that.”

Kelly suddenly had an idea. “Ok…Hey, why don’t you bring Ryan to the concert first? It’ll be a cool beans date.”

Justin shrugged sheepishly. “We’ll have to see how things go,” he replied. There a long pause as the two looked at each other. Finally, Justin said, “Kelly, you have been great. Thank you.”

Kelly smiled at him. “Anytime,” she replied. There was another long pause before Kelly got up and sighed. “You ready to break up?” she asked, knowing today was the day. Justin nodded.

Kelly opened the bedroom door and yelled, “You big stupid dummy!” She turned back to Justin and whispered, “Theater is sooo cool!” She pulled Justin by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of his room.


Ryan was sitting in the living room, reading a fashion magazine when she heard voices. That sounds like Justin’s girlfriend, she thought. She looked up just in time to see Kelly and Justin running down the stairs, Kelly looking really upset.

Maybe they’re breaking up! She thought happily.

“And I don’t care if you did give me ten orgasms in a row because you smell really bad!” Kelly yelled, realizing she made Justin look bad. “No! I smell really bad! It’s because we’ve been having so much sex and…and I haven’t showered! And I wanna shower! So don’t you go being all super sexy guy anymore because I am now impervious to your unrelenting machismo and sexual artier!” Kelly yelled, stopping at the door. “And that includes fucking me in the ass! So there!”

When Ryan wasn’t looking, Justin had a huge smile on his face and gave Kelly the thumbs up sign. After Kelly left, Justin turned to Ryan, who had a questioning look on her face. Justin gave Ryan a sad puppy-dog look and said sadly, “We had something special.”


In Kelly’s car, Kelly didn’t realize how sad she was until she realized what she’d done. And it’s a shame, too. ‘Cause I really like Justin. Now, he’s in Ryan’s clutches. Kelly put the key in the ignition and drove away. Oh, well. You don’t miss a good thing until you’ve lost it.


Saturday was the day of the party. The house was packed with tons of partygoers, eating corn nuts, Doritos, Fritos, pretzels, mixed nuts, and popcorn. Many a few were drinking beer and wine coolers and dancing. A.J was greeting people by the door while Jim was standing by the grill, cooking hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken, and grilled vegetables for the vegetarians.

After A.J greeted a guy and his girlfriend, he spotted Christina standing by in the living room, bopping her head to the music. A.J beamed. He wanted to talk to Christina alone, now that they were buddies now. He walked towards her.

“Chrissy, hey!” A.J shouted.

Christina smiled. “Hey!”

A.J smiled back. “So glad you came, Chris. You want something to drink or…”

He trailed off when a strange guy stepped in between them, handing Christina a can of beer.

“Hey,” The guy said, in a friendly way.

A.J stared at the guy up and down. Who the hell is this guy? Why is he interrupting us?

“Can I help you?” he asked rudely.

Christina frowned. “A.J!” she exclaimed.


Christina groaned. “That’s my date.”

He’s her date? A.J felt two inches smaller. He quickly turned away, hurt and confused.

R.J was standing near A.J and Christina and saw A.J walk away.

Something isn’t right, he thought.


In Justin’s room, Ryan was leafing through all the postcards she’d given him on all her journeys.

“You saved them all. How sweet,” she gushed.

Justin sighed in relief. “You don’t think I’m a dork?” he asked.

Ryan grinned. “Whatever you are, Justin, that is what I like.”

At that moment, R.J entered the room. “A.J left. Didn’t look good,” he announced to Justin.

Justin almost forgot about Ryan. “A.J left?” he asked.

“Just wandered down the beach.”

Justin excused himself and left with R.J.


“You okay, A.J?” Justin asked A.J. The rest of the gang had found A.J sitting on a rock on the sand, by the ocean. “You wanna tell us what’s wrong? Wanna feel R.J’s ass?”

Everyone laughed as the tension broke up. “No…I…went to say hi to Chris and she was there with a date,” he explained.

Ejay couldn’t see the point. “But you hooked up with three girls this year, so you’re doin’ fine,” he pointed out.

A.J shook his head. “Rule of three, Ejay,” he said, making the number zero with his fist.

A.J sighed. “I guess I was living in the past, you know, wanting to party with you guys and be with Chris. It’s just like high school. Remember that day after prom; we made a toast to the next step? I guess I never took it. My brother said by the end of the summer, I would see the big picture. I see it. No matter what, times change and things are different. Problem is, I don’t want them to be.”

R.J sighed. “You know, A.J, I haven’t moved on, either. I’ve been obsessed with the one woman I can’t have a real future with. Other than a very kinky, extremely warped one,” he said, choking on his words. “I gotta find a new goddess. It’s gonna take patience, but I’ve been celibate all summer.”

“You kinda get used to it, huh?” Justin asked.

“Are you insane?” R.J demanded.

Ejay shook his head. “Hey, look. A.J, different does not necessarily mean worse. As a matter of fact, I think things are just getting better. Or am I gonna have to drag your ass back to that party and prove it to you?”

A.J grinned. “I’ll walk,” he said, laughing.

The four guys laughed the whole way back to the party.


Meanwhile, Jim’s little brother was trying to hit on some girls. He’d tried several, but wasn’t getting any luck. One girl with curly black hair had caught his eye.

“Wow! You know, you have beautiful eyes!” he exclaimed to the girl.

The girl smiled. Aw! What a cute guy! I wonder why a young kid like him would be a party like this? Isn’t he supposed to be in bed? The girl thought, nearly snickering.

“Aw, you’re sweet,” she replied.

“That’s a really nice top,” he replied, feeling the soft fabric.

The girl managed another smile, not liking the direction of the conversation. “Oh…Thanks,” she muttered.

The boy beamed. “You’re welcome! Wanna fuck?”

The girl stared at the boy in disgust. “Are you serious?”

At that point, Jim noticed his brother. What the fuck’s he doin’?

“C’mon, baby! Give it to the Verrameister!”

“I think you better_” the girl began to say.

Forget her! The boy thought.

“Your loss!” He said, turning around. Another girl caught his eye. “Wow! You know, you have beautiful_”

He was cut off as Jim dragged him into a corner of the house, clearly upset.

“Come here you! You’re makin’ an ass out of yourself! You’re ruining my mojo! And you’re not the Verrameister! It’s takes years to develop true Verrameister style…”

“Come on, man! I just wanna see some boobs!” the kid whined. “Hey, pop-tart!” he exclaimed to a hot girl walking past.

“Dream on, midget!” the girl replied.

“Excuse him,” Jim muttered. He dragged his brother to the front door. “Come here! Take this,” he hissed, handing him a walkie talkie. “You’re on cop watch. Go out in the driveway. You see any cops, call me. Alright?” he said, throwing him outside.

“Jim!” the kid whined.


The guys had returned from their long walk to find the party in full swing.

“Gentleman, this happens to be a party,” R.J said.

Justin excused himself. “Guys, if you’ll excuse me, but I’m gonna look for Ryan,” he said.

“Good luck,” Ejay said.


Justin and Ryan walked along the nearly dark beach, hand in hand, making small talk with one another.

“So, what was this year like for you? Did you miss high school?” Justin asked.

Ryan smiled. “Well…no. When you travel as much as I do, you get used to moving on…Wow! Can we go up there?” She asked excitedly, noticing a lighthouse in the distance.

“The lighthouse?” Justin asked.

Ryan looked radiant. “Yeah!”

Justin hesitated. “Um…Yes…We can,” he mumbled.

Ryan jumped up and down. “How romantic!” she squealed.

She took off down the beach, Justin still standing, watching her.

“Justin! Come on!”

In the lighthouse, the two sat inside the nearly dark room by the window on a cot.

“Wow! Oh, it’s beautiful! Cool!” Ryan breathed. She stopped and paused, watching Justin not doing or saying much of anything.

“Justin, I have told you my memories of high school. What are yours?”

Justin smiled slightly. “Oh, well…um…you.”

Ryan smiled. “You have not changed,” she said, realizing how uncomfortable Justin looked. “Justin, relax. We are just, how do you say, tooting our horns.”

Justin chuckled. “Actually, that is quite difficult,” he replied.

“What do you mean?” Ryan asked.

“Well, this one time…at band camp…” He paused and started laughing. I sound like just like Kelly, he thought. “Holy shit!”

Ryan beamed, looking interested. “What? Tell me!”

“Ah, well…this one time at band camp, I got stuck playing this trombone and I can't play anything at all, so I totally sucked and everyone thought I was this Petey guy and I didn’t know what to think, so I just kept playing and playing and I didn’t know what I doing and it was so funny…” he said. He stopped laughing and got up. “I gotta go!” he exclaimed.

Ryan jerked up. “What! Why?” she asked.

Justin sighed. “Ryan, please don’t take this the wrong way, but…But, you’re everything I used to want. And as much as I may really, really regret what I’m about to do, there’s somebody else I want to be with,” he said.

Ryan looked sad. That dorky band camp girl!  She gulped, trying hard not to cry. “You…You want the band geek?” she asked.

Justin grinned, realizing a part about himself he’d never realized…until now.

“Ryan, I am a band geek,” he told her. “I just never joined the band.”

He smiled at her apologetically and kissed her cheek and left the lighthouse.

Well, if he wants to be happy with her, then I won’t stand in the way of his happiness and my own lust. I guess he’s right. Maybe we both aren’t the right type.

“You go get your geek,” Ryan shouted after Justin, wiping a tear out away from her face.

“Someday, I will find mine,” she said to herself.

I hope that’s soon enough.








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