American Idol or American Pie?



Chapter One


“Here’s to the next step,” A.J replied, raising his cup in a toast.

“The next step!” The other guys chimed in, toasting their cups.



That was over a year ago. Things had changed and things were different. The guys had experienced different things with the women of their lives. Before prom, four friends made a pact with each other, vowing they would lose their virginity before prom night. In the process of trying, one managed to find someone he cared about when he least expected it. Another lost his girlfriend when they split up to go to different colleges. Someone else met someone old enough to be his mother…and the next one hooked up with a girl who completely used him and ditched him the night after prom.

But all in all, at least all of them found what they were looking for. What was the next step, anyway?

This story has the answer…


The story takes place a few days before summer vacation. School was already out. It was hot and people were restless.

Which is exactly how both Kristen Holt and Justin Guarini felt. Kristen’s dorm room was next door to Justin. While in school, the two of them often studied together, but other than that, no real relationship occurred.

The reason why Kristen was in bed with Justin is a different story, but no studying was going on this time.

“Well, I guess this is friendly good-bye sex,” Kristen replied.

“We’ve never even had friendly hello sex,” Justin said.

“So, do you not want to do this?” Kristen asked.

Justin nodded. “No, no, no, no…I do, no I definitely do. It’s just that, see…this is actually my first time,” he blabbered.

His first time! I hope he knows what he’s doing! Kristen thought.

“I see,” Kristen said.

“No! It’s not my first time. It’s my first time since my first time, so technically this is my second time. And I, and I…I don’t wanna suck at it. So, if I’m not up to par performance wise…”

Kristen cut him off. “Justin, this isn’t exactly a turn-on. I mean, girls like a guy with confidence.”

Justin laughed nervously. “Oh, I’m confident. I’m…I am absolutely totally confident.”

Kristen grinned. “Yeah?” she asked.


“Good, then. Let’s get naked.”

“Okay,” Justin replied. Kristen pressed her lips against his.


Jerry and Kathy Guarini were on their way to the school to see their son. In the car, Jerry couldn’t help say aloud, “Seems like just yesterday, my dad picked me up after my first year of college. We popped a couple of beers and he said, ‘Now, you’re a man.’ And today, I get to say the same thing to my son.”

Kathy frowned. “Honey, your speeches embarrass him, so just try and do what the kids say and be cool, okay?”

Jerry snorted. “Honey, I think I bring new meaning to the word ‘cool’,” he replied. He spotted the dormitory building. “That’s his dormitory up ahead,” he said to Kathy. Kathy pulled up in the small parking lot.


Back in the dorm room, Justin and Kristen were making out.

I wonder if he knows he’s a lousy kisser, Kristen thought.

I wonder if she knows she needs a haircut. Her hair keeps finding its way in my mouth! Justin thought.

The both of them shrugged and continued kissing.


Today is my son’s lucky day! Jerry thought, walking into the building hall with a six-pack of beer.

The landlord of the building stopped him before Jerry could get any closer. “Can’t bring alcohol into the dorm,” he told him.

“Oh, um…good. Thank you, Rickey,” he said, reading the landlord’s nametag. “I’m just here to surprise my son, Justin,” he told him.


“Pin my leg up,” Kristen told Justin. She was on top of him, trying to find the best kind of pleasure.

This is getting me nowhere! She thought.

“Huh?” Justin asked.

Kristen sighed. “Pin my leg up,” she replied. She rolled around so that Justin was on top of her. “Like this,” she demonstrated, raising her legs up in the air.


Jerry was still trying to get past Rickey to let him in the dorm room. “Maybe you could help me out,” he said.

Rickey sighed. This guy is bugging me. I better just let him in without anyone seeing the beer, he thought. “Okay,” he replied.


“Is that…is that the one?” Justin asked Kristen.

What is he doing? My ex-boyfriend was a thousand times better than he is! Kristen thought. Suddenly, Kristen felt a flicker of pleasure. “There,” she moaned. Justin moaned right along with her.

“Now, I remember,” Justin, muttered.


Rickey brought Jerry outside the door of Justin’s room. There was no ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door, for neither Justin nor Kristen had thought of one. Norm took out a key and turned the lock.

“I didn’t do this for you,” he said.

“Thanks, dude,” Jerry said, still grateful to him. Rickey nodded and left.

Jerry opened the door to his stepson’s room and walked in.

“Where’s my big guy?” he replied.

“Oh, my God!” Kristen shrieked.

“Oh, no!” Justin yelled.

Jerry dropped the beers, the bottles breaking. “Hey! Hey…Justin, Justin! I got here a little early,” he replied.

“Jerry, get out!” Justin demanded, hiding his face.

“I’ll wait in the car,” Jerry replied.

“Go, Jerry! Oh, my...jezz.”

Kristen looked at Justin. “Is that your stepfather?” she asked.

Justin blushed. “Yeah. Kristen, I am so sorry.”

“For your own edification…Son, I’m not embarrassed,” Jerry replied.

He’s not! What about me? Justin thought.

“I am!” Justin hissed.

“It’s a perfectly normal thing for two human beings,” Jerry said, sitting down on the bed with Justin and Kristen.

“Jerry, what are you doing?” Justin asked.

This is not happening!

“This is human nature. Human nature at its best. Son, everybody does it. Your mother and I…well, not so much anymore…but…”

Kathy’s heels clicked on the wooden floor as she entered. “I made your favorite,” she replied cheerfully. “Oh, my God!” she shrieked, dropping the homemade apple pie on the floor. She covered her eyes with her hands.

“Honey, no. No…I’m just gonna take her to the car,” Jerry said, grabbing his wife’s arm.

“Please! Just go!” Justin replied.

“If you wouldn’t mind,” Kristen added.

“I’ll just take her to the car,” Jerry offered, noticing Justin’s immense embarrassment.

Kristen’s parents were walking around, looking for their daughter. They stopped by Justin’s room when they heard Kristen’s voice.

“Did I just hear Kristen’s voice?” Kristen’s mother asked cheerfully. She stopped dead when she saw Kristen in bed with a strange boy. “Ohhh!”

“Hi, Mummy,” Kristen greeted timidly.

Kristen’s father peeked in. “Kristen!” he exclaimed.

“Hey, Daddy,” Kristen replied. She blushed.

“You must be the parents of this young lady,” Jerry said to Kristen’s parents. “Sorry I didn’t get her name, but hopefully, my stepson did. You see, I’ve not been here the whole time. I just…”

Mr. Holt was so angry; he didn’t have time to listen to any stories. “Kristen! Get dressed!” he snapped.

“Beer?” Jerry offered, offering Mr. Holt a half-broken bottle of beer.

“Overt your eyes,” Mr. Holt told both Mrs. Holt and Kristen. “Turn around.”

“Thanks, Justin! What’d, you not believe in locks?”

Justin just covered his eyes in embarrassment.




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