Chapter Five


Justin stood outside, waiting for Kelly. Kelly had disguised him as a regular band camp kid. He looked at his watch, wondering what was taking her so long.

“Hey! What are you doing?” A band director asked Justin, starling him. He took off and hit face first into a huge bell hanging from a tree.

“Oooh!” The band director helped Justin up on his feet. “You’re alright here. Everyone’s supposed to be in the amphitheater, come on.”


Meanwhile, another band director was waiting. He was upset that the show was running late and he was complaining about it.

“It’s piss poor to be this late. I’m very angry right now; you can tell by the tone in my voice I’m angry. I’m pissed off is what I am…this is piss poor.”

“Here we go,” the first band director told Justin, who was still lightheaded and dizzy from that bell.

“Are you Petey?” The second director asked Justin.

“Petey?” The first one asked, having no clue it was him.

“Yeah, sure…” Justin muttered.

“Petey! That explains everything! Alright, well…always something with these kids.” He pushed Justin towards the stairs leading to the stage. “Go”

“Petey, we are just so thrilled to have you here. None my kids are of your caliber,” The second band director replied as Justin almost tripped. “Watch that. We are just so overjoyed to have someone with your kind of talent here,”

The first band director handed the other a trombone. “Oh, great, that’s great. Whoa, look at this! Your old best friend,” he said, handing Justin the trombone. Justin looked mortified and surprised.

“Come one, come on. I know it’s not yours, but you are gonna make beautiful music. Just hold this and break a leg.” He pushed Justin onstage.

A crowd of about 1000 people were clapping and cheering for Justin.

“What was he doing unsupervised?” The second band director asked the first one.

“Please, who knows? I’ll tell you something, though. I’m fed up with these Wood Lake North kids.”


A bus had just broken down on the side of the road. It’s the bus with the Wood Lake North mentally challenged kids.  One kid is playing the trombone and his name is Petey.

“Kids, entertain yourselves. Play along with Petey,” the bus driver told the kids.


Justin tried to flee the stage, but the band director stopped him.

“Oh, no…no…no. Here we go, Petey,” he said, motioning to the crowd. Alright, alright, a little encouragement. Folks, he’s just a little nervous.

“This isn’t right,” Justin muttered.

“Just blow on it, kid. Alright, here we go.”

Justin looked around, scared. He spotted Kelly sitting down with a group of other band members.

“Play! Do something!” Kelly hissed.

Justin shrugged and blew into the trombone. It made a horrible sound.

“Special, my ass,” the band director muttered to himself.

“C’mon! Give the lil’ guy some support!” One guy in the audience yelled.

The audience started applauding and cheering Justin on.

“Come on,” Kelly whispered.

“What the hell,” Justin muttered to himself. “Yeah! Alright! Rock N’ Roll!” Justin yelled into the mic.

Justin began to launch himself into a horrible trombone solo and began dancing on stage and making sexual gestures with his crotch. When he was done, the audience cheers even though they knew it was bad, but they gave Justin support anyway because they think he’s retarded.

“Thank you! Thank you, folks! You’re beautiful!” Justin yelled.

Everyone bursts into cheers. “My name is Petey! Thank you! And I have gigantic balls!” The crowd stopped cheering, staring at Justin in shock.

Justin fumbled around on stage, trying to rush off.

“Kelly…” he mumbled.

Kelly blushed. “Not now! Come back later! Gooo!” she stage-whispered.

Justin quickly rushed off the stage.

“Hey! Hey you, get back here! I wanna talk to you!” the band director shouted to Justin.

Ashley Hartman, a girl seated next to Kelly looked amazed. “You are so sweet. Your friend is…he’s very special,” she remarked.

Kelly beamed. “He’s my bitch,” she told Ashley proudly.


“Well. Kelly has confirmed it. I suck,” Justin told A.J a day later. They were at work, carrying paint into the truck.

“What?” A.J asked.

“I gotta get some practice,” Justin replied.

“Don’t worry about it. I mean, that’s why we got the house, J-Man. We plop a keg on the deck and the girls come in off the beach. It’s like a hummingbird feeder.”

“You think so?” Justin asked.

“I know so. Guaranteed hotties.”


Hours later, the party was in process, but at that moment, no girls had arrived yet.

“Fellas, nice pad. Good view. But, the Aikenater’s sensors detect no female life forms in the vaccinate. High likelihood of a sausage fest in progress.”

“The girls are coming. I made some calls,” A.J replied.

Clay shook his head unbelievgly. “Yeah,” he muttered, walking away.

“Aikenater’s got a point, A.J,” Justin agreed.

“Since when do you start listening to the Aikenater?” A.J demanded.

“Since he made me realize there is an abundance of wiener here. I mean, look around, dude.”

A.J got up from the lounge chair and into the house, where he found Ejay and Christina playing pool.

“Okay, now it’s your turn,” Christina said to Ejay.

Ejay looked embarrassed. “Aww. Come on, there’s nothing to tell.”

“Hey, what’s up?” A.J asked.

“Hey!” Christina exclaimed.

“What are you guys talking about?” A.J asked.

“Ya know. We’re just trading war stories about college. Who hooked up with who. Who slept with who,” Vanessa informed him.

“So, Chris?” A.J asked.

Christina sighed. “Well, there was this one guy. How ‘bout you?”

“Well, there were about a few girls. Three.”

“Woooo! Look at you, you stud! Alright, Ejay. Now that A.J told us, what about you? You haven’t had the slightest bit of attraction to any girl at school?”

“Don’t you fucking say no! I know you did!” Jim yelled, coming into the room.

“Even if I did, it wouldn’t be more than just a momentary thing,” Ejay answered.

“Very uninteresting. And what about you two? Vanessa? Nikki? How many chicks did you guys sleep with this year?”

“And how many guys did you sleep with this year, Jim?” Vanessa asked, batting her eyelashes.

She and Nikki burst out laughing.

“Oh, gee. Wouldn’t you like to know, Jim?” Nikki mocked, laughing with Vanessa.

“Fuck yeah, I would!”

Nikki smirked evilly at Jim and took another swig of her beer.

Jim tossed a football to Ejay. “Come on, E!”

“Damn ball. Pool’s yours,” he told A.J and Christina.

“Hey, Chris? You wanna play?” A.J asked.

“Sure. You wanna break?”  


“Where are the fuckin’ females?” Jim asked in disappointment and amazement. “Justin, can’t you leave your shirt on? You’re scaring the chicks away,” Jim replied while Justin gave him the finger.

“Give him a break,” Ejay replied.

At that very moment, Jim spotted a bunch of girls sitting on the beach. “Ejay, go deep,” he said.

“Playin’?” Ejay asked Justin.


“No, no keep going slant pattern,” Jim directed Ejay.

“What are you doing?” Justin asked.

“Fishing,” Jim answered.

Jim threw the ball towards the girls. Ejay jumped in midair to catch it and landed right on the girls’ beach towel.

“Are you okay Are you alright? God, are you okay?” The girls asked.

“I’m soooo sorry. Is everybody okay?”

A few seconds later, the girls load up their things and followed Ejay back to the house.

“Amazing!” Justin replied.

“Yes, the force is strong in that one,” Jim agreed.


Clay walked around the patio, checking out all the various women. He spotted Nikki and Vanessa standing on the patio, by themselves.

“Whoa! The Aikenater detects serious heat at a distance of two meters preparing to deploy beer,” he said, using his cheesy Terminator act.

Vanessa grinned. “I’ll just leave you two alone,” she replied, smirking.

“Vanessa! Don’t leave me here!” she hissed, but Vanessa was already lost in the throngs of people. She turned back to Clay.

Nikki had had enough. “Aiken, dude. Let me give you a valuable piece of advice, okay? Drop the Terminator thing.”

“Please repeat previous statement,” Clay replied.

“Look, I know your last name is Aiken, right? And that rhymes with the Terminator, which was a big hit movie, like twelve years ago?  But you can’t really tell me a girl’s ever really gone for it,” Nikki replied.

“System overload. Hasta la vista, Nikki,” Clay said, walking away from Nikki.

Nikki shook her head and sighed. “Freak,” she muttered.


“Chris! Hey, you guys are leaving?” A.J asked Christina, Vanessa, Nikki, who were just about to walk out the door. “Umm, you know we’ve barely had a chance to, you know, hang out, catch up.”

Christina smiled, happy A.J still wanted to be friends with her. “Well, what are you doin’ this weekend?” she asked.

A.J gave Christina a weak smile. “I can get together,” he said.

“Cool. Then let’s hangout,” Christina replied.


“Bye, A.J,” Nikki replied.

“See you, Niks,” A.J said.

“Bye,” Christina said, closing the door behind her.


The next day, Christina was working in Sears in the clothing department. Nikki and Vanessa were both hanging out, talking and sucking on lollipops.

“No, no. Oh, that’s all wrong,” Vanessa told a customer who had chosen a polka-dotted halter-top.

Christina gave the customer the change. “Thank you and have a nice day,” she told the girl.

“Bye,” The girl replied, waving.

After the girl had left, Operation Girl Talk began. “What does he mean, meet up?” Nikki asked.

Christina rolled her eyes. “You know, like, hang out, grab lunch. Whatever. I told you, we’re just friends now and he totally understands.”

Vanessa frowned. “Oh, yeah. I’m sure he understands quite well,” she said sarcastically.

“He does,” Christina replied.

Nikki focused her attention to a guy with some shirts. “Oh no, sir. These are all wrong for you. I mean, seriously.”

Christina rolled her eyes again.


The guys were continuing their painting on the house that day. A.J was talking about his situation with Christina with the guys.

“Sure, we’re friends. But it’s not like I see her making plans with anyone else.”

“Right,” Ejay agreed.

“I mean, I don’t see her with a boyfriend. I think that puts me on deck.”

Jim snorted. “HA!”

A.J frowned. “Christina only slept with one guy since we went out. I mean, that makes me, like, 50% of her entire guy related life.”

Jim held himself from laughing. “You dip shit. She didn’t sleep with just one guy. She slept with at least three.”

A.J stared at Jim, shocked. “What?”

“When a girl tells you how many guys she’s slept with, multiply it by three and that’s the real number,” he told him, laughing. He walked away. “Didn’t you fuckers learn anything in college?”


“A.J Gil did not sleep with three girls in Michigan!” Nikki stated firmly.

“But why would lie to me?” Christina asked.

“It’s not a lie, it’s an adjustment. It’s the rule of three, okay?”

Christina looked puzzled. “The rule of what?” she asked.

Vanessa and Nikki looked at each other. “You want to take this?” Nikki asked Vanessa.

“Three. If a guy tells you how many girls he’s hooked up with, it’s not even close to that. You take that number and divide by three, and then you get the real total. So, if A.J is saying it’s been three girls, it’s been more like one…or none,” Vanessa explained.

“None?” Christina asked, flabbergasted.

Nikki shrugged. “Rule of three. It’s an exact science consistent of gravity.”


Back at the house, the guys were still hard at work painting the house. At that moment, two girls stepped out of the house, laughing. They stopped to kiss for a second and walked out hand in hand to the car. Jim’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at the sight of it.

“Oh, my god! Guys! Check it out!” He yelled, pointing to the two girls. “Lesbians! Lesbians live here!”

R.J was on the porch, painting the wall. “You know, Mr. Homophobic Wizard, that it is possible for women to hold hands and not be gay. Friends can hold hands.”

“Hey, Helton, I don’t wanna hear about you and your boyfriends, so go jerk off,” Jim replied.

“Unnecessary. Tantra teaches you to hold an orgasm over time in anticipation of an ultimate moment. To release it upon the world…Filling up to the brim…”

“That’s fucking disgusting! Oh, I’m gonna throw up!” Jim yelled.


Inside, Ejay slipped inside the house to make a quickie phone call to Tamyra.

Tamyra picked up the phone. “Hello?” she answered.

“Hey, Tammy! You’re in!”


“How’s the studyin’ going?”

“I’d hardly call it studying. Hanging out at the Casa Museum, hanging out at the Sagrat Familla, going with Pierre to the Parkway.”

“Hey, who’s Pierre?”

“One of the guys in the program. He’s got a girlfriend back in France, so we kinda got something in common.”

“Oh, that sounds cool.”

Tamyra smirked. “Yeah. I’ve heard them on the phone at night and…well, it made me think…” Tamyra said, lying on the bed. “Hey, Ejay…I’m reaching under my shirt and I’m rubbing myself.”

Ejay laughed goofily.

Tamyra sat up from the bed. “Ejay, come on. It’s phone sex. Help me out, here.”

Ejay smiled. “Okay, I’m goin’ over to my bed,” he told Tamyra, his voice going down a few notches.

“Yeah,” Tamyra replied, getting excited.

“And I’m lying down and I’m slowly reaching downstairs.”

Tamyra began breathing heavily. “Grab it and tell me how big it is,” she demanded.

Ejay suddenly stopped. “Tammy, I’m feeling kind of awkward,” he said.

“But, Ejay. If we can’t physically be with each other, then we have to learn to be more vocal. Right?”

Ejay sighed. “Okay. You’re right,” he said. “Okay, here we go. I’m reachin’ in my pants now and I’m rubbin’ it for you, Tamyra. OOOH, and it feels soooo good!”

Tamyra’s breathing got even harder. “Yeah, me, too!”

“Oh, yeah, I got a_”


“Call waiting,” Ejay muttered, disappointed and angry. He answered it. “Hello?” he asked, irritated.

The guy on the other end was very hard to understand.   He must be a foreigner, Ejay thought. And indeed he was.

He kept talking gibberish until Ejay told him he had the wrong number, but the guy continued to talk.

“Dude, wrong number,” Ejay kept telling him.

The guy continued talking. Ejay lost patience. He had to get back to Tamyra. “Alright, look, man. I got my hand on my dick right now, okay? I’m trying to have sex with my girlfriend over the phone.”

“Good for you, man,” the guy replied. He hung up the phone.

Finally! Ejay finally clicked back to Tamyra. “Okay,” he told her.

“Hey,” Tamyra replied.

“Hey, sorry about that. Where were we?”

“I think you were reaching for something,” she told him seductively.

“Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. I’m rubbing it and it feels so good,” Ejay replied.

“Hey, Ejay. I’m touching myself. What else do you want me to do?” Tamyra asked.

Downstairs, Jim managed to take another phone and eavesdrop. “Oh, Tamyra! Baby! Why don’t you tell me how my dick is as big as Jim’s!?” He teased.

Ejay’s mouth dropped open. “Jim, get off!” he yelled.

Jim laughed. “I am getting off, just listening to the two of you guys. Keep going!”

Tamyra frowned. “I think we should try this another time,” she told Ejay dryly.

“Yeah, alright. Bye, bye. I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

“Awww, Come on, you guys! I was almost there!” Jim whined.

“Nice talking with you, James,” Tamyra said. She hung up.

“Jim, man!” Ejay yelled.

Jim hung up the phone. “Repressed,” he muttered.


The next day, the guys were still continuing painting the house, but this time, they had plans for checking out the two girls who lived there.

The girls left the house for a walk. As soon as they left, Jim grabbed his walkie talkie and spoke into it. “Potential lesbians leaving the building,” he said. He climbed a ladder to the second floor through a ladder. “Alright, here’s my chance. I need conformation.”

“Jim?” R.J asked.

“Hey, man? What are you doing?” Justin hissed.

Ejay groaned in exasperation. “Go get him!” he replied.

Justin climbed the ladder, in hot pursuit of Jim. “You ass! Jim, get out! Jim...Jim?!”

Jim suddenly popped up, holding a dildo in his hand, “Holy shit, I found a dildo!” he yelled, holding it up, waving it around excitedly.

“Jim!” Justin yelled.

Jim ran down the stairs, yelling behind him. “Rubber dicks for everyone! Your people demand rubber dicks!”

Justin grabbed his walkie talkie. “Need help, R.J,” he said.

“Dildo, dildo, dildo!” Jim screamed.

“What are you doing? What are you doing?” Justin asked.

“I’m looking for more lesbian artifacts,” Jim said, waving the dildo in Justin’s face.

Justin snatched it out of Jim’s hand. “Where did you get this?” he demanded.

“Helton’s ass,” Jim replied.


Outside, Ejay and A.J were standing by the front door and suddenly spotted the two girls coming back.

“Shit,” A.J whispered.

“Oh, my God,” Ejay muttered.

“Guys, they’re back,” A.J told the others into his walkie talkies.

“Stall them!” Justin replied.

To R.J and Jim, he hissed, “Come on! Come on!”

“Come on!” R.J replied, running ahead of them.

“This is awesome!” Jim replied


Back outside, Ejay tried to stall the girls. “Yo, Julia. Just reading the paper, huh?”

He couldn’t stall them fast enough. They smiled at him and walked right by him.


“Which room? Which room?” Justin asked Jim frantically.

“I can’t remember shit. I was too excited. I’m in a lesbian strong hold,” Jim said, a little dreamily.

Justin pointed to a window. “Was it in here?” he asked.

“Shit man, why you askin’ me so many questions?” Jim asked.

“Was it in here, Jim?” Justin asked.


“What do you mean, ‘maybe’? Was it or was it not here?”


Julia DeMato entered the house with her roommate, Kimberly Caldwell. Julia waved to the guys. “Happy painting, boys,” she told them, closing the door.

As soon as they got inside, A.J went back to his walkie talkie. “You guys gotta get the hell outta there. They’re inside!”

“Oh, shit! The girls!” Justin replied.

“What’d do we do?” Jim hissed.

“Hide!” Justin said.

Jim hid behind a curtain.

“Very original, James,” R.J remarked, commenting his hiding place.

“Don’t call me James,” Jim replied.

The girls were halfway up the stairs when Jim and R.J  hid themselves in the closet while Justin hid under the bed, still holding the dildo.

The girls suddenly came into the room.

“Where’s that little leopard one?” Julia asked Kimberly.

“Oh, I love that one! It’s so cute on you!” Kimberly gushed.

The girls began to undress.

“Oh, hey! Did I show you my cute little pink shoes?” Kimberly asked.

“Do they match your pink bikini?” Julia asked.

Jim and R.J peeked through the closet at the two half-naked girls.

“They’re getting naked,” he whispered into the walkie talkie.

Ejay and A.J both run for the ladder, but A.J got there first. “Oh, shit. They’re de-pantsing,” he told Ejay.

“Ooooh, man,” Ejay replied. “Hey, man? Wait a minute. A.J, they can’t hear us inside, can they? We won’t cross over their radio or anything, will we?”


Across the way, a fast food restaurant was listening to every word.


“No, man. These work on CB Frequency. These girls are so hot!

“Two possible lesbians in their bras and panties,” Ejay replied.

The restaurant worker heard the broadcast. “Lesbians?”

“Did you say lesbians?” the cashier asked.


“Hot lesbians,” Ejay told him.


In the bedroom, the two girls were still changing, now topless.

“This isn’t gonna fit. Look at me,” Julia whined, holding at bra against her chest. “Too big!”

“I’ll get to the blue stringy number,” Kimberly offered. She opened a drawer and noticed something was wrong. “Johnny West is missing,” she pouted.

Under the bed, Justin looked at the dildo in his hand. Maybe ‘Johnny West’ is this thing! He thought.

“Maybe you kicked it under the bed,” Julia hinted.

“Okay, let me look,” Kimberly replied. She knelt to look, but stopped when Julia pointed out, “Wait, didn’t you have it when we were downstairs?”

“Ooh, maybe,” Kimberly said.

They left the room.

“Guys, get out of there!” A.J told the guys.

Jim and R.J scurried out of the closet while Justin dragged himself out from under the bed.

“C’mon! It’s clear! Let’s go!”  Jim hissed.

Justin opened the drawer and put the dildo back inside. Then he followed the others.

“They’re comin’ back!” Jim hissed.

The guys all hid in the closet. Just then, Julia and Kimberly came back, Kimberly holding a cowboy doll, ‘Johnny West’.

“I’m just so glad I found him. He’s my favorite collectible.”

“I know,” Julia agreed.

Kimberly opened the drawer. “Holy shit! There’s a dildo in my drawer,” she told Julia.

Julia’s mouth went wide. “Oh, my god! You coulda asked me if you wanted to borrow it!” she replied, grabbing it out of the drawer.

“I’ve never even seen it before!” Kimberly replied.

At that moment, the guys kept shushing each other, but the girls could hear.

“What the hell is that?” Kimberly asked.

“I don’t know, but I’m calling 911,” Julia replied.

The boys burst out of the closet. “No! Don’t call 911!” they yelled.

“My god, it’s the painting kids,” Kimberly replied in shock.

Julia continued to head for the door. “I don’t care. I’m still calling the cops.”

Justin groaned. “Okay, look…no…no…no. This isn’t right. Okay, look, Jim did break in here_”

“You dick!” Jim replied.

“But…we…we…we just followed him in, to get him out!” he finished.

The girls still weren’t buying it. They turned to leave.

“I just wanted proof that you chicks were really lesbians,” Jim replied.

The girls stopped dead in their tracks. Crafty smiles played on both their faces. They turned to face each other to whisper a discussion.

“You wanna mess with them?” Kimberly asked.

Julia smiled. “Yeah, it’ll be fun!”

“Okay, let’s do it!”

The girls turned back to the boys. “And, you guys like that?” Julia asked seductively.

Jim grabbed his walkie talkie. “Ejay, stand by for conformation.”


“That’s a big 10/4 on the conformation,” A trucker replied. He could hear the broadcast as well on his CB radio.

“Sounds like your friends wanna play, too,” Kimberly said, taking the walkie talkie from Jim. “You won’t be needing this. Who wants me to touch Julia?”

“I do! I do!” a voice yells over the walkie talkie as Justin raised his hand.

“Who the hell is that?” Justin asked.

“Who’s this?” Kimberly asked.


Men at the local police station were all surrounded by the radio, listening intently.

“Um…this is John Smith. I’m turning off my radio now,” he lied, turning up the volume.


Back at the house, everything was in full swing. “Okay, where should I touch Julia?” Kimberly asked.

“Ass, baby! Feel that ass!” Jim requested.

“Okay,” Julia drawled.

Kimberly knelt down and began to rub up Julia’s thigh. Suddenly, she stopped before touching her butt.

“I know…you touch his ass first!” Kimberly said to Jim, pointing to Justin.

“Excuse me?” Jim questioned.

Julia nodded her head in agreement. “Yeah, yeah, I like that. That’s good.”

Justin ran his hand through his mop of curls. “Well…Yeah, I got some painting I should…that_”

R.J interrupted him. “Justin, Justin. I can handle it.”

“What?” Jim asked in horror.

“Jim, I’m comfortable with my sexuality and I would love to see that show.”

Kimberly clapped her hands. “Bravo!”

R.J pulled his pants down, his butt cheek exposed.

“One finger, on the cheek,” Jim said.

Julia shook her head. “We want firm palm grasping,” she said, demonstrating with the dildo.

“Oh, that’s too much. No, no,” R.J said, pulling his pants back up.

Julia pouted. “You don’t touch, we don’t touch.”


The trucker came back on his radio. “Squeeze his ass, son. You’ll like it.”


“Come on, boys!” Julia yelled, encouraging them.

R.J sighed and pulled down his pants again. “Jesus Christ!”

Jim smacked his hand down hard on R.J’s butt, palming it like a basketball. At the window, A.J got grossed out and leaves the ladder.


Meanwhile, two little boys were playing with walkie talkies. “Hey, leader? What’s your position?” he asked.

“I’m touching his ass, I’m touching his ass, I’m touching his ass, I’m touching his ass! Oh, my God!” Jim yelled over the walkie talkie.

“Mommy!” the boy yelled.


“You can go,” A.J said to Ejay.


“That really wasn’t bad,” R.J replied.

“I wanna go home,” Jim whimpered.

“That’s too bad,” Julia replied, reaching over to touch Kimberly.

“Never mind. I’m staying,” Jim decided.

Julia grabbed the walkie talkie. “Kimmy is feeling my breast,” she whispered.

A.J and Ejay hear that and fight over the ladder. A.J heads for the ladder, but Ejay pulled him off and climbs up himself.

“No way, dude!” he replied.


The two little boys brought the walkie talkies to their parents. Their mom and dad were shocked at what was being said.

“My breasts are just so luscious!” Julia squealed in delight.

The mother thrust the walkie talkies at her husband angrily. “What a wonderful Christmas gift you bought the boys!” she said.

“My nipples are so hard!” Julia continued.

The father grabbed the walkie talkies quickly. “I think I can fix these,” he replied.


Back in the bedroom, the guys kept watching Kimberly and Julia continue to kiss one another. All of them were getting very excited.

“Sweet Jesus!” Justin gasped.

Kimberly stopped kissing Julia and smiled craftily. “Your turn,” she said.

Justin grinned. “Oh, yeah!” he replied, heading for Kimberly.

Kimberly laughed. “Ooooh, no. Him,” she said, pointing at Jim. “Kiss.”

“Dude, no,” Jim gasped, disgusted and shocked.

“Wait, what?” Justin said, stunned.

“Oh, yeah. You want more, we want more. Go get ‘em, tiger!” Kimberly cheered.

“You’ll like it. Do it for us! You’re gonna love it!” Julia added.

“Okay, dude. 1,2,3…” Justin began, kissing Jim’s cheek.

“That doesn’t even count!” Julia yelled.

“That counted!” Jim yelled indignantly.

“That totally counted!” Justin agreed.

“That’s how you kiss your mother,” Kimberly said.

Jim turned to R.J. “Don’t you say anything!” he threatened.

“Make it real. You do that, and we’ll do anything you want,” Julia replied.

“Any...anything?” Justin asked.

“Anything,” Kimberly said.

“Anything,” Julia agreed.

“You better like it,” Jim replied.

The girls giggled. “I promise,” they replied.

“I wouldn’t lie,” Julia added.

Justin and Jim both took a deep breath and went for it, kissing each other passionately. Jim smacked Justin’s hand away when Justin tried to wrap his hand around his neck.

That is what I’m talking about,” Kimberly replied.

It was Ejay’s turn to be disgusted. “A.J, you can look now,” he said, climbing down.

Julia and Kimberly were both enjoying the guys’ displeasurement. They laughed. “Where’s your tongue?” They both teased.

At that moment, the guys stopped kissing, spitting out each other’s spit and gagging.

“Good boys!” Julia cheered.

“Very good!” Kimberly agreed.

“You are one fuckin’ lousy kisser!” Jim replied.

“What! I wasn’t trying! That’s not fair! I wasn’t trying there…I’m really not _”

“No judgment,” Kimberly said.

“Nope,” Julia replied.

Justin turned to Jim. “Wait a second, you were trying?” he asked.

“Fuck no!”

“You were trying!”

You were trying! Awww…no…I kissed Justin…weird…”

“Silence, silence!” R.J yelled. He turned to Julia and Kimberly. “Ladies?”

“Yes?” Julia answered.

“As you were?”

Julia smiled at Kimberly. “Here we go!”

The girls then begin to kiss each other and make out. The guys watch. Suddenly, everyone who is listening and watching are getting aroused.


“Honey! The food’s ready!” The mother called to her husband with the radio.

“I’m not hungry!” he yelled, listening intently to the broadcast.


Julia pulled off Kimberly’s bra.

“It was worth it,” Jim said.

“Hello…” Julia said, laughing. She stared at Kimberly’s breasts.

“I want more,” R.J said breathlessly.

“Hell, yeah,” Jim agreed.

“Yeah,” Justin also agreed.

Kimberly put her bra back on. “We are gonna get more physical as soon as we get some…”

“Handjobs,” Julia finished.

Justin chuckled. “Okay!” he said.

The guys looked excited and began laughing.

“You do him. We’d love to watch,” Julia said to Justin and R.J.

“I’m sorry?” Justin said to the girls.

“Yeah,” Julia said.

“You go,” Kimberly replied.

“We go,” Julia added.

“You go.”

“We go,” Julia finished. The two girls laughed. “Don’t be a wimp.”

When the guys looked alarmed, Jim looked at everyone. “Okay. It’s okay. I know what I have to do. I need to keep this party going,” he said, unzipping his shorts. “I’m taking one for the team,”


R.J and Justin ran out of the house, frantically. Jim ran behind them.

“Mother of God!” Justin yelled

 “Come on, you pussies! We had them!” he yelled.

“I am not touching that!” R.J replied.

“You put that thing away, Jim!” Justin replied.

“Why can’t you guys be team players, huh? I was the one doing all the sacrificing!” Jim yelled behind them.





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