-personal profile report obtained in
General Personality Characteristics

You have poweful emotional attachments to the past, your family, your childhood, those places you associate with safety and security and your beginnings.  Maintaining a connection with your roots and heritage and keeping family bonds strong are very important to you.  Loyal, devoted, and sentimental, you tend to cling to whatever is dear to you, be it person, familiar place, or cherished posession.

You are sympathetic, nurturing, supportive, and very sensitive to the emotional needs of other people.  You like to be needed, to care for others, and you often worry about the people you love.  You have a very strong need for a sense of belonging and acceptance, and you center much of your life around your home.  You are more concerned about people and their feelings than with power, achievement, or position in society.  Kindness, consideration, and tenderness impress you more than any sort of honor the world can bestow.

You are primarily emotional and your views are often dominated by your feelings and by your own personal, subjective experiences, rather than reason, logic, or abstract principles.  It is difficult for you to judge situations in a fair, objective manner for your personal sympathies and loyalties usually enter in.  You take things very personally, and sometimes build a wall around yourself to protect yourself from pain and rejection.  You feel rather shy and vulnerable at heart.  You also tend to be moody, experiencing frequent emotional ups and downs.  You need to have a place and time in your life to withdraw, introspect, dream, and replenish yourself; otherwise you become cranky and unhappy with those around you.

You function in an instinctive, nonrational manner and like to immerse yourself in creative activities where you can express your feelings, imagination, and instincts.  You often love to cook, since it can be both creative and a way to nurture and nourish others.  You also have a great affinity for music, because it evokes and communicates feelings that may be difficult or impossible to put into words.

Your compassion, sensitivity, and imagination are your strong points.  Your faults include an inability to release the past and go forward, clannishness and prejudice, and a tendency to be self-pitying when you meet hardships in life.

Mental Interests and Abilities

You are highly interested in inner, subjective, and personal issues, and your thinking is based more on feelings, intuition, personal experiences, and prejudices rathern than reason or logic.  Intellectual abilities and accomplishments without heart or soul mean little to you.  You are empathic and would be an exellent counselor, for you are a sensitive listner and deeply interested in a person's feelings and inner life.  In addition to psychology, you are drawn to education, art, poetry, music, or mythology.  You are not especially confident about speaking in public, but will open up and share your thoughts in small, intimate groups.  You enjoy keeping a diary or personal journal and reading the chronicles or other's lives and personal development.
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