Dear Parents:

My Personal Privacy Policy

Geocities/Yahoo Privacy Policy

My privacy policy is very simple, since I ask you for no information, I have none to share with others. I collect no personal information on visitors.

However, some pages on my site use cookies to track visitors, to let me know how many people are viewing the pages and how often they visit. (A cookie is a very small file deposited on your computer hard drive. It does nothing but sit there. The next time you visit the site, the server holding my site files will recognize you as a return visitor and add you to the number of people who visit again. You can set your browser so that it will not accept cookies without your permission.)

The information collected when you visit a page on my site may include: where you came from, the type of browser you use, the screen resolution, and other statistical information. However, this information does not include names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. I will never share, rent, sell or give out ANY information I may receive through emails to me. Guestbook entries are visible to any other visitors, so you may wish not to leave email addresses there. If you want to contact me personally, you can send a private email to me at: [email protected]


This website is for kids. Everything in it will be wholesome and clean. I will not knowlingly link to pages which have questionable material in them, however, I cannot be responsible for the content of other websites.

Tips for using this site:

I encourage you to help  younger children with the activities and stories on this website. Any suggestions or comments are welcome.

Printing the coloring pages: I recommend printing the coloring pages on paper. Click on file, print, or the corresponding commands for your setup.

If you want to save the coloring page as a file and open it in a paint program, you will probably have to adjust the color depth (to 256 or 16million, since it is currently set at 2 colors) of the graphic in order to use color.

I'd love to hear from you or your children. Tell me what you think of Sassy's Place for Kids.




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