<BGSOUND SRC="Mission_Impossible.mid">
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Ok yo here's the dilly.  First you create a folder on your hard drive called Downloaded Maps.  Then you either, download maps, download map packs or copy from CD any zipped map folders into the folder you created called Downloaded Maps.  This is the folder you work from and after finishing each map you delete the downloaded folder until there are none left.  For example you downloaded a new map called DB1 into your Downloaded Maps folder.  You click on it to open it.  You may be tempted to use the automatic extraction but I have found that the files do NOT automatically extract into the correct folder and you will have twice the amount of work to do to straighten it out.  SO click on the folder to open it.  From here on out everything will be copy and paste and every file will be placed somewhere within the C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam Apps\[email protected]\TeamFortressClassic\TFC folder.  Examine the contents of map folder DB1.  If you see any files labeled [ .WAD ] or [ _readme ] or [ _info ] or [ .LST ] or [ .CFG ]  copy them into the C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam Apps\[email protected]\TeamFortressClassic\TFC folder.   If you see any files labeled [ .BSP ] or [ .TXT ] or [ .RES ] copy them into the C:\Program Files\Steam\ Steam Apps\[email protected]\TeamFortressClassic\TFC\maps folder.   If you see any files marked [ .TGA ] copy them into the C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam Apps\[email protected]\TeamFortressClassic\TFC\gfx\env folder.  If you see any files labeled [ .MDL ] copy them into the C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam Apps\[email protected]\TeamFortressClassic\TFC\models folder.  If you see any files labeled [ .bmp ] and an associated text document with the same name copy both into the C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam Apps\[email protected]\TFC\ overviews folder.  If you see any [ sound ] folders click on them to open.  If it contains another folder with the maps name on it copy the entire folder to C:\Program Files\ Steam\Steam Apps\[email protected]\TeamFortressClassic\TFC\sound folder.  On the other hand if you click on the sounds folder and just get a bunch of different sounds with no associated map folder copy them all to the C:\Program Files\Steam\ Steam Apps\[email protected]\TeamFortressClassic\TFC\ sounds\misc folder.  Remember: you must remove all the sounds from the BOD soundpak folder and copy them into your misc folder.  Do not copy the BOD soundpak folder itself containing the sounds into your folder or your sounds will NOT work.  That should cover all the folders you'll be working with.  If you come up with an odd file and dont know where it goes, click on start, find, files and folders in C: drive and type:  *.abc . The computer will find the location of all other files ending in .abc.  All u have to do then is copy ur odd file into the folder containing other .abc files.  If u get stuck drop me a line preferably an Instant messanger and I will guide you further.  Any questions ? NO ! Good ?  You know where to find me.  Although I am hard, I am fair ! 

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