Men pursuing the values of Promise-Keepers

North Jersey Men of Promise
Madison Ave. Christian Reformed Church

"From Ghetto to God"

Speaker: John Miller
      • A story of redemption
      • Testimonies
      • Interdenomoniational Communion
      • Praise Band
Thursday, April 7th, 7:15 PM
Hosted By:

Madison Avenue Christian Reformed Church
494 Madison Avenue, Paterson, New Jersey

John Miller has a wonderful story.  Born in the Ghetto of Elizabeth, New Jersey, a father in prison, temptations on every hand to pooh-pooh one's education and take the shortcut to a life of drugs and crime.  John barely escaped prison himself when he was part of a drug bust and a friend was found to have 60 grams of heroin ready to distribute.  

The only way John could see to escape was to join the army.  Stationed in Germany, imagine John's surprise when one day his wife came

home and announced she had received Christ as her Savior.  The rest is history, but John has now graduated college and is ministering to men who are on parole from crimes John barely escaped himself.  

Refreshments and fellowship will follow this event.  

For directions, call the Madison Ave Christian Reformed Church at (973) 279-3132.   For info about NJ Men of Promise call (973) 823-1929.

Come and join us for a time of Christian Fellowship


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PK 2005 Conferences

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Just What Are The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper?

No.1 - A Promise Keeper is committed to honoring Jesus Christ through worship, prayer and obedience to God’s Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.

No. 2 - A Promise Keeper is committed to pursuing vital relationships with a few other men, understanding that he needs brothers to help him keep his promises.

No. 3 - A Promise Keeper is committed to practicing spiritual, moral, ethical, and sexual purity.

No. 4 - A Promise Keeper is committed to building strong marriages and families through love, protection and biblical values.

No. 5 - A Promise Keeper is committed to supporting the mission of his church by honoring and praying for his pastor, and by actively giving his time and resources.

No. 6 - A Promise Keeper is committed to reaching beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity.

No. 7 - A Promise Keeper is committed to influencing his world, being obedient to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

North Jersey Men of Promise Mission Statement:

The North Jersey Men of Promise Task Force exists to encourage and equip men to become followers of Christ, through men's small groups in their local church; inter-church and area wide meetings; and national Promise Keepers conferences; thus building and unifying the church, the Body of Christ, across racial and denominational lines.

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John Miller: A Vision for Prisoners
Our guest speaker for April is a splendid example of what lies hidden in a man's heart, waiting for a better day and aware that he has potential for greater things than this culture has to offer. In fact, many men in their twenties, and especially beyond, having only the culture to measure life by, have secretly asked themselves, "Is this all there is?"
Fortunately for John, he escaped the life of crime so much a part of the ghetto life in Elizabeth, joined the army, then at a significant time, found Christ. What happened since is simply amazing. As John has gone to college preparing to work with men, he has since been thrown in touch with many young men struggling with whether they will continue their life of crime or turn to our Lord, he is seeing his story repeat itself.
Paul Tournier, the Swiss Christian psychiatrist, has said that most of us know much more about what's right and wrong than we let on. He says that what we need are friends who will encourage us to turn from the wrong to do the right. There are a lot of John Millers out there who are looking for answers to life's big questions, and we may be the friend in the place where John's army buddy was to share them.
Thank God that John, his wife and family are now involved in giving others the hope they once needed. It is exciting to think that John is in contact with parolees and others in trouble with the law, but he will never be able to meet more than a handful of men compared to the needs. If we allow God to open our hearts to Him, we will have something vital to give to the John Millers with whom He brings us into touch.
The song, "Rescue the Perishing" says, "Down in the Human heart, crushed by the tempter, feelings lie buried that grace can restore. Touched by a loving heart, wakened by kindness, chords that were broken will vibrate once more."

Thursday, April 7th, 7:15 PM - Madison Ave. Christian Reformed Church,
494 Madison Ave, Paterson. 973-279-3132

A Promise-Keeper exists for this -
P-K Summer Conferences
Philadelphia & Nassau Coliseum

No one who lives in North Jersey will have an excuse to miss one of the Promise-Keepers summer conferences this year as they will be as close as Philly and Nassau County (of course you'll need to through "The Big City" to get to Nassau), but for most North Jerseyans that's "all in a day's work". The dates for these events are Philly: June 24, 25 and Nassau: Sept. 16, 17.
If you have a choice, we are encouraging you to go to the Nassau Conference and here's why. The last conference to be held in New York City was the one at Shea Stadium in '97. It involved so much by way of expenses and union demands that P-K never came back to the area (except one held in Jersey a year or two later than Shea). This has made many men from the city angry, but they didn't know the reason why P-K had deserted NYC. But now, P-K is seeking to remedy that to some measure and will be trying to bring a conference back to the city in the near future. We have a sense that it will be encouraging to P-K for as many as possible to go to Nassau and let them know that we want them back in "The Big City."   Register at:

Looking Ahead
Please get these dates on your calendar for the rest of 2005. There may be some changes, but we will let you know.
June 9: Seminary Baptist Church, Paterson: (Unconfirmed)
Aug. 6: Picnic at Budd Lake, Budd Lake Union Chapel
Oct. 20-22: Men's Conference at Agape Christian Min., Paterson
Oct. 21:  P-K Night, Fri.
Dec. 3: Family Christmas Program, Location to be Announced
NJ Men of Promise info: Bill S. 973 823-1929

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