No Pulse, No Breath

Silence hovers over my closed eyes,
My blackened mind unforseeing the world around,
Contentment broken by the screams of thee birth,
I rose to my weary pedestals,
Answering in a sleep drunken state,
to hear the horrific news,
Rubbing my eyes thinking this is a dream,
Uncollected thoughts run free,
Instinct took my fingers,
Running them over the keypad,
Entering a number with a familiar voice,
The next is a blur,
To many thoughts to grab one,
To ride it like a bucking bronco,
And be thrown like a cowboy,
These thoughts scrambled,
Cleanse and dress and out the door,
Moving like the wind is at my back,
And my feet gliding over the earth,
The minutes seemed much like hours,
Suddenly I was hurled,
Into the depths of Hell,
Our hands worked,
Our minds wandered,
To the new world,
Found on the tip of that island,
Just over the river,
We worked late into the darkness,
But the crowd much to small,
Standing, waiting was our work often,
Then the call came down from above,
And as I dropped my feet,
To the deck of that water running machine,
Anticipation overwhelmed my soul,
A soothing voice calmed my nerves,
With directions,
And as I was sprayed,
With the water of our travel,
I could feel my pulse pounding,
I stepped off into that ankle deep dust,
Grabbed my safety equipment,
And began my frantic search for survival,
No pulse or breath found though,
Bodies burnt, broken, and cold,
Desk monuments destroyed,
Paper flew about our head and hand,
But no pulse or breath found,
Death hovered in the air,
So thick you could taste it,
Through your safety mask,
It burnt your eyes,
Our hands sore,
With blisters we worked on,
Someone had to survive right,
Sediments on the pile,
They were,
A band of brothers and sisters,
Searched for the missing puzzle pieces,
To their families,
But no pulse or breath found,
Those puzzle pieces will always fit,
In our hearts,
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