More About Me
    This man, this poet, was brought into this world on a chilly March day, the eighth to be exact, of the year 1979.  My evolution began at the ripe age of 15 or so, more as a way to better express myself to myself.  Writing was a way for me to release, a way for me to escape, and a way for me to manage my life.  We all know that teenage years can be so tough to live, some of us may have forgotten them, for they were so long ago.  That is neither here nor there though, back to me, I spent the years leading up to being a teenager with alot of animosity toward many people and situations, so as i entered a new time and a new school system, I felt I deserved a change as well, thus I began inking my ideas and  feelings permanently on paper.  You are probably wondering who was my influence to begin writing, on the other hand you may not, but I am going to tell you anyway, there was a man he was my freshman english teacher, he was odd to say the least, but amazing.  He had such a vivid mind and a true way with words.  This man really turned me onto the experiences writing can give you and soon enough I was talking to him about starting a literary magazine in my school.  This was something totally new for my school, you see we were a small vocational school, which helped  the expansion of this magazine which came to be called "The Quill."  The reason being in this school was such a help was because we had a printing press on grounds and the students ran it so it cost us virtually nothing to put out our first edition.  I became the editor of this magazine and alone with my mentor we sucessfully got enough students interested in the expansion of others minds, to put out our first edition in the spring of 1994.  We continued to expand with more and more writers for the next four years, since my graduation I have lost touch with my mentor and "The Quill," I hope that it is still expanding the minds of students, teachers and parents.

     From there I went to college for english and realized though I loved writing I did not love teaching writing nor did I really love school.  So I left but before I did I sucsessfully earned a licence as an EMT.  I went to work for an ambulance company in northwest NJ.  Within a year I had changed companies, again expanding myself.  It was with this company that I was put to the ultimate test.  It was a sunny day two years ago, I was off duty, when those for lack of better terms (and excuse my language) those chicken shit terrorists needed to take innocent people and fly them into more innocent people on the bloodiest day on US soil since the Civil War.  I spent 9-11-01 working in Bayone assisting the stripped city with their EMS calls and helping as many people coming out of the city as I could.  Two days later I was in Jersey City and took a boat from the waterfront directly into Hell.  I spent the next hours of my life in a blur, I dont really remember much from my stint on the pile, I do remember the horrific smell, I do remember certain images, but I try not to focus on them. 

     Soon after that, I left the EMS field, not for good, but for a break, some time off.  My life came to a grinding halt when I left, I felt lost, I stopped writing, I stopped living.  I still fight with demons, as we all do but now I am living and writing, and I am here to share a little bit of me with you.  So I am going to shut up about myself and let my writing to do the talking.

     As you read please remember this is not only my feeling and experiences but also an evolution of my mind and skills.  So read with an open mind and enjoy.  If you have any questions send me a message through yahoo or to my email, and thanks for visiting.

     Finally I must give thanks to everyone of the people who have stood behind my work and who helped in anyway getting this page up and running.  First and foremost to both of my parents who have stood behind me no matter how bumpy the road got or how high the mountains were I had to climb.  Next, and this is in no specific order of importance because without them I would not be who I am: My little sister Meghan, Tuna, Adam, Steve, Tim, Heather without your knowledge and support this would have never happened, Sue for genuinely caring, believing, and trusting me oh yeah and being my human dictionary, to Stu for your knowledge and advice, and also to Ois�n Mabry for his knowledge and advice.  I am sure I have missed many people and if you are one of them I am truly sorry, but you all know you are very important to me as a person and as an artist.
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