New Jersey Chemistry Olympics - 2009

Event 3: Chemical Engineering Research: 

Device to Propel a Jet of Liquid to a Maximum Distance

This event is limited to the first 15 entries


Design and construct a device that is used to propel a jet of liquid to a maximum distance.  

Such a device uses in its design many chemical engineering and chemistry principles, for example:


Note:  most designs use a pressurized system, so materials of construction must be able to withstand operating pressure

 NJIT Efficacy Test

After all oral presentations, competitors will gather outside in front of Tiernan Hall to conduct the Efficacy Test.  All teams will propel a jet of water one at a time with the goal to achieve maximum distance.  Devices will be tested in the order outlined in the schedule.  (That is, the team that presented in the 8:30 time slot propels first).  Two rounds of testing will take place.  Once all teams have tested their device in Round 1, the teams may choose to test a second time in Round 2.  If they choose to test in Round 2 -- the distance in Round 1 will be discarded and replaced by the distance in Round 2 -- regardless of the efficacy of the Round 2 test.  The order of testing for Round 2 will be determined by a team's standing in Round 1 -- beginning with least effective. Once a team declares not to not to take part in Round 2 their Round 1 distance is final.

Once the judges call a team to test their device a team will have 60 seconds to load their device with water and pressurize it.  Devices must start empty.


Judging Criteria 

Team Identification

Each submission (research reports, web CDs, lab reports, etc) must include the following 4 items:


Event Designed by Laurent Simon & Joesph Kisutsca, NJIT

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Last Updated January 04, 2009

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