Welcome to the
2nd New Jersey Infantry.


1st Sergeant Walt Barger

Brave Patriot,

Thank you for visiting the web site of the 2nd NJ Volunteer Infantry. In it's pages and links you will be given an overview of the hobby of Civil War reenacting.

If you are considering becoming a Civil War living historian you are to be congratulated. There is a lot of nobility and fun in teaching the history of our great country. In wishing to become better teachers of the 1860's, we have all become better students of the time. Do not worry that you do not know enough to participate. We were all there at one time. All that is required is a desire to learn more about the Civil War period. Each member of our unit has learned about a section of the history and in doing so we teach each other.

The aspect of the Civil War soldier that I find most interesting is the drill, from that of the individual solder to that of brigade maneuvers. It is to this end that I am continuously seeking to increase my knowledge and pass it on to our rank and file. After all, the privates in the Civil War (as in any army) were the fighting force and backbone of the conflict. These men knew the drill like we know our ABC's. It is the memories of these men, not the famous Generals, that we are striving to keep alive, for were it not for these brave patroits the Generals would have been nothing.

While we are serious in our efforts to portray a military unit on the field, we also enjoy the down time much as our bretheren of the past would have. We have formed lasting bonds with those in our ranks as well as in the ranks of other units. There is a brotherhood that cannot be described in the time spent around the fire at night reliving history.

Please take your time and review the information provided in the pages of this website. Please contact us with any questions that you may have.

See you on the field of Honor.

1st Sergeant Walt Barger

2nd Regt N.J. Vol. Inf.
Company Street

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