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2nd New Jersey Infantry.


Neshaminy 2003: The Battle of Salem Church

Arrived in camp at Neshaminy State Park at 7:00 PM on April 25. Pitched camp with members of the 3rd New Jersey who were already encamping. Assisted in setup of their mess tent before the rain set in.
April 26 - Awoke to intermittant rain and ate breakfast prepared by 3rd New Jersey. Attached to the 3rd New Jersey along with members of the 148th Penna to form 10th Company for the campaign. Our company strength was about 25 men. Private P. Sweeney given the honor of Left Guide for the regiment. Dress parade and drill from 10:00 to 11:30.
Formed up at 13:00 for battle. Marched from camp in light marching order and proceded into the woods. Went down large roads in column of companies. A short time after hearing the skirmishers we were deployed into the woods. 10th Company was detached from the Regiment and sent in further up the road. We fought into the woods. It appeared that we had the Rebs outflanked and were driving them back across an open field. As we approached a more wooded area, their rear guard held us at bay long enough for their artillery to form a battery near some hastily built breastworks. These were placed on the far end of another open area. The Confederates fell back to that position beyond a gravel road. Our unit was given orders to advance across the road and as things were somewhat confused, our company as well as all companies down to the color company, came into line on the right side of our right guide. 10th Company was then detached to charge an entrenched position to our left front at the double quick. Our hasty charge and good order gave the Rebels no choice but to beat a hasty retreat. A cease fire was sounded after we secured this position in the woods. We marched back to camp and proceded to settle in for the night, the soldiers of our company enjoyed a hearty meal and delighed in sharing stories and song by the campfire. We were invited for a brief suaree at General Daniel's camp which brought out the Irish in all as we were joined by an Irish minstrel.
April 27 - Awoke for roll call at 07:00 with breakfast shortly after again by the 3rd's infamous chef, the Dogrobber. Dress parade again at 10:00 ending around 11:15.
Formed for battle at 12:30 and marched out by 13:00. After hearing that the Confederates were possibly on a road to our rear right, we were ordered to face by the rear rank and break into column of platoons in preparation for fighting over a nearby bridge. This never came to be as the Rebels appeared in the woods to our now left flank. As we left wheeled into position to face the enemy we were able to drive them back into the woods a bit before the floodgates opened and we found ourselves fleeing in an almost rout. Our regiment reformed on the east side of a road facing the woodline. We took advantage of a small delay in the fighting to resupply with ammunition and enlist the help of a nurse to bring water to refresh the troops.
The confederates had formed in the woods and began an advance on our unit. We held in good fashion for some time but as Rebel reinforcements arrived we suffered heavy casualties and were pushed back to some hastily constructed breastworks. We held as long as we could, as our ammunition supply was running low men were taking rounds from the fallen. Finally the Confederates charged and overran our position.

15:30 - The remnants of our unit returned to camp and prepared to withdraw to more permanant quarters out of range of the enemy until the next campaign.

The 10th Company performed galliantly during the entirety of the campaign. I am proud to be associated with such a fine group of fighting men.

Sgt Walt Barger
2d New Jersey Infantry

2nd Regt N.J. Vol. Inf.
Company Street

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