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By: Nizmah Ulfa

                Have you ever felt a failure? How many is that and what do you think about the failure that you must face In front of you?

                Life is never flat. God will always give us the obstacles to remind us and to make us be the better person than before. There are many ways that God will give us to make us better than before. One of that is by given us the failure. Once you must face a failure in front you, never ever give up to find the solution of your failure, because God will not give the obstacles more that your capability. So, continue your life and don’t ever try to leave deeply toward your failure. Failure is not something which too bad for us. If the God still give us the failure, its mean God still loves us, because God still gives us chance to be the better one in the future.

                What you need to do if failure is occurs in front of your eyes in your unwanted condition is, keep smiling, always remember your God and never use your emotion to finish a problem. Because emotion will only make something become worst. Besides that, try to minimize the number of http://nizmahulfagoblog.wordpress.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.giffailure that possible to occurs in your life! J spirit J God always accompany us