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Dream High

By: Nizmah Ulfa


A shine and brighter future are what many people wish to have in their life.  Both of that wishes can be called as dream. Dream is such of an important thing to be had by someone, to make their life have a clear determination. Dream also can be said as the starting point to make someone doesn’t go to the wrong way.

When we must start to set up our dream? As soon as possible, may be since we were still children in a kinder garden we must set up our goals and dreams in the future. Did you do it at that time? Is one of your goals and dreams that you have set up has reached? You have or you haven’t do it before, it hasn’t late if you want to start set it up now.

How to set our dreams and goals? The first thing that you need to see is you must know what is your ability or your passion. Don’t ever force yourself to become someone which not in your way or to become someone that a hundredth percent not in your passion, because it will only hurt you in the future. If you have already set it up, just be focused on that. Don’t ever try to do many things in the same time or even you want to try to be expert at many things, because it will not be effective for you.http://nizmahulfagoblog.wordpress.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.gif

Think logically every dreams and goals that you have set. We are asked to dream high in our life, but please don’t set a dream which you think will not be able to be reached by you. We must do our high effort to make it comes true. I agree if everyone in this world must have a clear dream and goal, because it will help us to have a brighter future in life. If you have no any dream and goal, your life will be unclear and you don’t really know which thing is the good one for you.

Let’s set up our dream :) Dream high!! :)