Our History + Vision
Welcome Ps Danny Lal at Northside Christian Church had a burden to start something for the young people from other countries that weren't fitting in with the other young people. A few others had a similar heart, and these guys got together and had a meeting. Out of that meeting, Northside International Youth Ministry was born in 2002.  The vision was to reach out to young internationals by providing a warm, friendly, accepting atmosphere for them working under Northside's vision - transforming lives by the power of the Gospel. The focus of the meetings was fun, food, friendship, and faith.

It was first run by Peter Malins who was an intern at the church at the time. His leaders were Robbie and Elisa Bansal, Prina Scot, Sophie Woodward, James Lo, and Hazel Mon. Over the years since, people have come and gone. Some of the ones who have joined have been Michelle Ingram, Amy Mackie, Joey Chee, Sacha Barry, and Joseph Villanueva. Last year, Prina Scot ran things, and did a great job after Pete left for the Philippines. This year, Michelle Ingram has been running things!

We are now in our third year and hope to keep going as long as we God wills for us to keep going!

"Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising it's shame and sat down at the right hand of the Father."
Our Team
2004 Calender so far...
Photos so far...
Ps Danny Lal
Some of the leaders from the 1st year.
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