Exploring the many weird and wonderful sites that I find every now and then is always entertaining. Often I come across some really amazing sites full of resources, great fandom pages, good writing or artwork, and just random stuff. These links are sorted into the following categories: affiliates (people with whom I am linked to by some strange happening or the other :P ), resources (mind you, this list gets longer everytime), adored (the sites that I love), fandoms (anything related to fandoms of mine), other (just other random sites I can't find a category for. Usually things I like, but don't love - but are always worth sharing the link for).

If you would like to affiliate with me, please e-mail me at [email protected] under the subject affiliation. You can link me using a button, which I will make and upload soon, or a creation of your own.
The Kendracula
This Mess

8nero.com - my source for wicked brushes
Silver Willows - helpful Photoshop 7 Tutorials, and a massive list of resources - many of which I ended up using. Now defunct
Lissa Explains - best HTML guide out there because it's so easy to follow, read and understand. Primarily because it's aimed at kids. Nonetheless, an all time favourite resource.
Last Beautiful Girl - scan archive. Full of great pictures of actors, actresses, musicians etc.
Hybrid Genesis - this. is. beautiful. I wish I could have a subscription. Maybe one day... -sighs wistfully-
Fiction Writer's Character Chart
The Eclectic Writer

Ze Frank - Keeps me entertained for hours. Really fun, interactive site full of odd, weird and funny stuff.
Ko� RPG - My baby RPG which is now almost 2 years old. High quality writing in this play-by-post role-playing game. Would def. love some new blood, so go have a look!
HOPE:Rwanda - I absolutely love and believe in this project. The genocide in Rwanda in 1994 was such a horrific part of its history, mostly forgotten by the world now - and its people are still suffering. Please take the time out to have a look at this not only beautifully constructed site, but also a compassionate, loving action of peace-making.

The Leaky Cauldron - Best Harry Potter news source available, and connected to the Floo Network, the collective of which makes it an absolute favourite place to hang out and discover all HP goodness.

Nepenthe Academy

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