The archive has been divided up into sections due to the following:

  1. I plan to open up �publishing� to more authors
  2. I have a rather large assortment of work, and as I am not considering ending the writing of one form in preference of another, I need to define clearly what is what
  3. Some visitors are here for different things and it is not fair if I impose on them work or forms they do not want to read.

Most of you won�t have to worry, as these divisions won�t affect you at all. But as it is a new change, I wanted to explain the reasons behind it.

And without further adieu:

shoebox - poetry/lyrics/free verse

ink stains - ficlets and drabbles. Includes character sketches and random experiments. Just stains of randomness is all�

parchment rolls - fan fiction based on Harry Potter and original fiction based on the world of Ko�

mine crafted treasures - all original fiction

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