Shad Acadia, 1998

Well, well, well.
You want to know about Shad.
Well, for starters, click on the little Shad Icon, I set it all up so it will take you right to their webpage (home?) What it is, is a summer thing; for one month and we do a lot of creative and innovative (ooooh, BIG word:))stuff. The thing I like most about it, is we get to meet new people(who turn into life-long friends), explore university campuses, and learn stuff that is applicable to life, not stuff set out in the curriculum that we have to learn......and never use again (unless you count finals).
In the application forms, they re-itterate over and over again that Shad is not a place, Shad is an experience, and it truly is. I mean, when all my friends first heard about it, they were like "you're PAYING to go away to a summer camp where you will have school work, curfews, lectures, etc?!?!" And thinking back on it, yup, that's what it was... and so much more. My friends I made there are amazing. The closeness of everyone, and the open friendly atmosphere was great, I have yet to be to another place where I have felt so at home (away from home). Thinking back, I would go again in a minute, no matter what the cost, because the experience is priceless... for everything else, there's visa (lol, ya'll seen those commercials, right?)
Well, my time at Shad is over now, even though the experience is over, it will be with me forever. I think it was said best
I had such a great time at Shad, the only thing that is disappointing is that none of my friends can even come close to understanding, they tried, but after the hundredth story, they just sorta tune me out. I believe that you have to have gone to Shad, to truly understand.
The only thing I don't regret leaving behind is the cafeteria food!!!!! (I'm sure all the other SHAD ACADIA shads will agree!!) FEEL FREE TO E-MAIL ME!!
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yur friend s_squared!!

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