I've compiled a list of some of my favorite jokes, and have attempted to sort them for you. I might be adding more soon, but for now, this is all I have. I have categories such as Drinking jokes!! which deal with things such as..... you guessed it... DRINKING! I also have a page of Smart ħ� jokes For the nerd in all of us...these are actually some of the funniest and most interesting. I also have plain old funny jokes!, and these aren't really catergorized, but they are funny all the same! And I also have MORE JOKES which are.......more jokes (not in any specific catergory). Also check out DARWIN AWARDS they are soooo funny. For those of you who have never heard of them, they are awards given out to the people who have died in some of the stupidest ways possible, (well, I guess to be technical, it's probably given out to their family, because they are long gone).
So take your pick and laugh away!! If you have any comments or jokes to add, feel free to e-mail me!

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