Alternate ending for Tom Clancy’s The Bear and The Dragon

Explanatory Paragraph.

In eastern Siberia, geologists have discovered what could possibly be the largest oil field n the known world, as well as very promising gold ore deposits. China is in the middle of on economic crisis; they have spent almost all of their hard currency on their military. A few key members of the Chinese Politburo decide for the Chinese people that the only solution is to gain control of the "Northern Resource Area". The American Central Intelligence Agency has found a way to get transcripts from a Politburo member’s personal diary. They alert the President, Jack Ryan, to China’s plans. Ryan, in a remarkable ploy, invites Russia to join the NATO alliance. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was originally created to defend Europe from Russian invasion, but that doesn’t preclude Russia from the mutual defense agreement. China, however, disregards this and invades northeast Russia with a massive land army. Russian strategy, American technology, and Chinese ego combine to cause a massive defeat for the Chinese Army. As a precaution, a joint U.S.-Russian Special Forces team is sent to destroy China’s small intercontinental missile arsenal. Unfortunately, the missiles were already fueled and on alert status, which allowed one to escape, undamaged, off too Washington D.C. Fortunately, another precautionary step had been taken; the guided missile cruiser U.S.S. Gettysburg had been stationed in the Washington Naval Ship Yard. The President makes the decision to stay in Washington, specifically on the Gettysburg. It was barely able to intercept the inbound thermonuclear warhead with its last missile. That brings us to the new chapter.


Final Reckonings

"Holy shit," whispered Jack. He suddenly realized he’d been holding his breath the entire time and let it out with a sigh. He was flooded with different emotions, all vying to take control. He wanted to throw up, to scream, to laugh, and to cry. He needed cigarettes, some booze, and someone to share ‘em with. He’d have Robby brought in to the House as soon as KNEECAP landed. He turned to the radar operator. "NORAD‘s sure that‘s the only inbound?" He received a firm nod in reply. Jack stood there for a few moments until he finally picked up the ship’s intercom.

"For those of you who may not know, this ship just successfully intercepted a nuclear warhead, fired in anger, from the People’s Republic of China. You brave men and women just saved the lives of everyone in a twenty-mile radius. I guess this is the part where I’m supposed to give you all some big glamorous speech about the importance of this night. But I won’t, because only politicians do that. I’m not a politician; I’m just a guy with a job he doesn’t like. What I would rather do right now is to go home and get drunk, as I’m sure most of you do," He paused as a wave of nervous laughter swept over the ship. "So as your CinC, I am here by ordering all hands to leave ship for no less than twenty-four hours, and join me at the White House for drinks, on the house." Jack looked in time to se the CO spray coffee on a nearby computer screen and petty officer. The cheer that went up was felt as much as it was heard.

* * *

"Good evening America. As you may, or may not know, America was attacked last night by the People’s Republic of China. In an act of desperation, they attempted to launch their nuclear-armed ballistic missiles at the US and our new ally, Russia. Thankfully, a joint team of Russian, US, and NATO Special Forces, was there to disable China’s missile fleet. One missile, aimed for Washington, was able to launch unharmed. At the last moment, with their last missile, the men and women of the U.S.S. Gettysburg were able to destroy the warhead before it could detonate."

Ryan’s head pounded, the bright camera lights driving bolts of pain through his skull. He hoped his eyes didn’t look bloodshot on camera. He was seated in the Oval Office, behind the massive oak desk in front of what seemed like an army of television cameras. He, the Secretary of State, the Secretary Defense, his NSA, the CIA directors, and the VP had spent the last hours deciding how to respond to the Chinese attack. There had been several heated debates, mostly fueled by copious amounts of alcohol, over what should be done.

"As I’m sure all of you are well aware, China recently began an invasion of the Russian mainland. Russia, having recently signed the NATO treaty, asked for and received our military assistance. As I speak to you now, our soldiers are fighting in a foreign land, fighting side by side with men who a few years ago were the enemy. Today, however, we have new enemy; an enemy that embodies everything we stand against. Oppression, tyranny, cruelty, and corruption are everyday ideals in the PRC. It is not, however, the people of China that are our enemy, but the so-called leaders of those people. It is they who send soldiers off to die to feed their own corruption and greed. These acts demand a response. Some of my advisors urged me to respond in kind, with nuclear weapons. But I will not, I repeat will NOT be responsible for the slaughter of millions of innocent civilians."

Ryan rose from the desk and walked over to a nearby television monitor. "It is for this reason that I am invoking the so-called ‘Ryan Doctrine’, which calls for the targeting of enemy government, political, and military leadership. At this very moment, the heads of the Chinese government are in an emergency session," On cue, the camera all zoomed in on the large screen. A large building could be seen in stark contrast to the ground. The footage was obviously shot with a night-vision camera from high altitude. "Some of you will recognize this for what it is; the building you see is the Politburo’s headquarters in Beijing. This video is live from a B-2 stealth bomber flying over Chinese airspace, armed with four two-thousand guided bombs. I ask you to please not allow your children to watch this;" He remained silent as the building soon passed under the camera. Silent still as four white objects plunged into the top of the structure, followed almost 1/50th of a second later by four massive explosions that merged into one giant fireball.

Jack returned to his comfortable chair behind the desk. He closed his eyes for a moment before speaking again. "War has long been considered an acceptable part of a nations growth. No longer. War is an evil thing; it is nothing less than murder, robbery, and rape on a global scale. It will now be recognized as such, and those responsible will be punished. As a nation we shall strive for peace; when necessary we will do everything in our power to prevent further conflict between countries. We will no longer tolerate warlords, despots, or dictators who would wage war to further their own agendas at the cost of their people. Even as we strive for peace we must not delude ourselves. We must always be prepared to do battle, for ourselves and for our friends. It is with these thoughts that I leave you, the people of America and the world. Good night, and God bless."

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