The following story contains sexual situations, language, and content that make it unsuitable for anyone under the age of 18. It features breast expansion, , male genital growth, vaginal expansion/stretching, promiscuity, masturbation, female-female sex, alcohol use, unprotected sex and other acts/practices which are unsafe and physically impossible. If you are easily offended, i.e. a member of the Green Party or a Mormon, then you too should probably not be reading this. You have been warned, and any damages occurred from this point are of no consequence to me.

This story is a work of fiction from a warped mind deprived of Internet access for a week. It is this minds first story, so bear with it. All feedback of anykind will be appreciated, even the flamingly bad ones. Really. This work is the intellectual property of nitro_pb, who can be reached at [email protected], and is a Copyrighted work. It cannot be reproduced, modified, or posted without my express permission. Any such violation will be pursued, and violators prosecuted to the fullest extent possible by a pissed-off Republican gun owner. For security and privacy reasons, this Copyright notice does not contain my real name, just that of my online alias. In other words, read and enjoy, but leave it alone.

A fucked up Dream


"So this is your house Alan? I can’t wait to get to see the inside! Especially your room, or maybe just the couch. Heehee," slurred the pleasantly drunk and it seemed rather randy Brittany. That’s enough to make anyone drop his keys. I just can’t believe my luck sometimes; I’m standing in my doorway with this hot and horny girl, drunk and ready to go at it, and I can’t find my damn keys. Oh, there it is, and we’re in. The gentleman that I am, I let her go in first and steal a quick look at her cute rear-end bounding it’s way into the living room.

We’d run into each other at the club and caught up on old times. I’d graduated a few years ahead of her in school, but we were never really that close. Not that I didn't’ want to get close, just never asked. Turned out that was a mistake; she’d had a crush on me all through High School, or so she claimed halfway through a bottle of Absolute. A big mistake. This girl was cute back in school, but like the proverbial fine wine, she just got better with a few years. She’s got this cute little nose, smooth almost Irish skin, and still has that long curly hair that I always liked. No freshman fifteen for this chica; no she’d stayed in shape, and what a damn fine shape it was.

We danced, or she did and I stumbled around. Then the damn DJ played Closing Time, a sure sign that indeed, the bar was about to close. Since she was far more sober than I, she offered to walk me home. Along the way she said something about sleeping at my house, since she couldn’t drive home like she was. I didn’t say no.

"Like what you see big boy?" Apparently not a quick enough look. Oh wait, she winked, good sign. I did like, but Nature called first. I told her to make herself at home while I went to relieve myself. While I was in there I checked the ‘ole medicine cabinet for some ‘Emergency Use Only’ rubbers. Hmm? Oh the EUO condoms; long story, don’t ask. Well the damn box was empty. I was fucked; no protection, no sex, or so my rule goes... Heh yeah, guess that is a funny choice of words. But I was quite pissed off, and I couldn’t just ask her to wait five minutes so I could go find a 24-hour pharmacy. So I just was going to take it like a man. I was going to go to sleep. I kicked of my shoes and plopped out on the couch. Out like a damn light.


Now here’s where it starts getting weird. I’m guessing it was the Skyscraper that brought it one, but I started having this dream. It seemed so real. It was kinda neat though ‘cause it was like I was watching it all happen through my own eyes, but I was asleep in my dream. I was still on the couch, and Britt was walking up to me. She seemed real disappointed when she saw that I was sleeping. I tried to make my dream self wake up, but I couldn’t even move. Then she got this big mischievous grin on her face.

"Well Big Al, I guess I’ll just have top find a way to wake you up." Out of the corner of my vision, I could see her peeling off her skintight jeans. Slowly. Ain’t that a tease; a strip show for guy when he’s asleep. I wonder if that’s ever actually happened before? Anyway, she still going cause her thong’s the next thing to go. And man that little piece of cotton was just soaked. She held it up to my face, and waved it around to give me a good whiff. It’s weird, but I could actually smell it; do you smell in dreams? Next thing I know it’s going up past my face, and as far as I could tell she put it around my head. So just great, there’s a half-naked, horny chick inches from my face and I can’t even fucking move. Hell of a dream so far huh?

But wait, there’s more. She was kind of mystified as to why that hadn’t woken me up yet. So she moved down a bit for a little manual jump-start. She unzipped my Wranglersâ?? and reached into them like she was trying to find the prize in a cereal box. She finally found her prize, and brought him out to light. She kept watching my face for some kind of reaction, and when none appeared she gave Chico a good yank. Still nothing. Not from my face anyway. But Chico had decided he wanted to play. She obliged, but in a pissed off ‘I-can’t-believe-you’re-still-sleep’ kind of way. She gave him a good run around, stroking, fondling, pinching, and ohhh scratching. This girl knew how to work it. Britt worked a bit too fast though, and I came after just a few minutes. Well almost.

As soon as she saw I was ready, she clamped down on my shaft and squeezed for all she was worth. God, I though my balls were gonna pop. She seemed pleased with herself though. "I’m not gonna let you come till you wake up and play with me. I’m gonna keep this up all night till you wake up." Then she stated laughing so hard she fell on top of me. "Well as long as I’m down here..." And with that she started licking the head of my cock, kissing it, and slurping at the bits of come that had leaked out. Apparently from the side wasn’t the best position, so she climbed up on the end of the couch to better get her head betweenst my legs. As she was practicing her Tootsie-Pop technique, she discovered that she could lean across the arm of the couch and rub her still naked and still wet cunt against it. The funny thing is that I’m lying there getting a blowjob that could wake a dead man (but not me it seems) and I just keep thinking how I’m gonna get that stain out of the upholstery. Once again I was reaching the edge of my limit, and once again she tried to squeeze the life out of me, but continued to slurp away. Fucking torture man. I’m not the only one climbing the mountain though; that armchair was working it’s magic on her. She was moaning and groaning and grinding her lips on Chico’s head and my couch. "Ohhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" I suddenly remembered my old friend Jeff had once referred to her as a screamer. Seems the stories were true.

"Well Alan, who’s your new friend here?" Oh bloody fucking hell, it was my roommate, Megan. My damn mind was going a mile a minute; what do I say, can I even talk, who’s gonna pay to get the couch cleaned, what the hell is she doing home. Y’know stuff like that. I saw her as she rounded my end of the couch. "Nice thong ya got there. It’s you, really. Here, let me fix that." She leaned over and pulled the straps over my ears.

Let’s review my dream situation real quick. I can’t move, there’s a recreantly orgasmed mortified young women, naked from the waist down sitting on my legs, a large wet stain on our $430 sofa, my balls hurt more than anything I’ve ever felt, my dear friend Chico is standing up in the air in front of my sexy red-haired roommate, who is regretfully sober. Not good, or so I thought at the time. Megan helped Brittany of the couch and led her to the kitchen, out of my limited view. I caught little snatches of what was being said, something about one of Meg’s psychology experiments and post-hypnotic suggestion. The grins on those two’s faces brought chills down my spine and blood to my loins. And then I heard those five words that um, *cough* research has told me you don’t want to hear in this kind of situation. "This is gonna be fun." Oh well, might as well enjoy the ride.

"Oh Alan, you’ve been so selfish tonight; Brittany here’s got you off twice already, well kinda heehee, but you haven’t even been able to return the favor. I bet if you’d been able to find these you would have. Why I bet you’d be banging away at that nice tight cunt of hers right now." And with that she brought out a handful of condoms, MY condoms. That crazy sexy bitch had stolen them. But why? "I bet you’re wondering why I hid them away." I was. "Well I just wanted to make sure that you didn’t use ‘em till I got home. And you’re home now, so we might as well put them to good use, wouldn’t you agree? I know you can see me and hear me, so just relaxed and enjoy the ride."

And without further ado, she ripped open a pack of Magnums and proceeded to unroll it. With a mock frown, she realized that it was, well a little bit loose on me. Then she cheered up and began to freak the hell out of me. "It looks like Chico here has a bit of growing to do before he can fit into his new suit. I think it’s my duty to help him along." She ripped the rubber off my cock and replaced it with her mouth. Her expert mouth from what I’d head and was starting to feel for myself. She started just sucking away. Hard, it felt like she was going to pull my cock out by the roots, or my balls were gonna turn inside out which ever came first. I saw her smile around my shaft as she started to pull back.

I was a bit confused when she got to the point where my glans should have been, but it was still rod. She pulled back a bit more, and by now I was certain that she’d stretched my cock out by a good 3 inches. But she hadn’t stopped sucking yet. Not that I really cared at the time. I was feeling things that no man had ever felt before. It felt like every nerve in my penis was stimulated, more and more by the second. It was too much. She sensed this as well ‘cause fucking hell there was the now familiar penis death grip again. "I liked your friend’s idea about not letting you come all night. And that’s three times already. Not bad for 30 minutes of play time." Who did I kill in another life to deserve this? Then I looked down. My balls were starting to get a nice studio blue color. But Chico was in good form down there, much more impressive than before, if you consider a freakishly long penis to be impressive.

Oh yeah, laugh all you want, but let your girl do that to you a couple of times. After a while it starts to feel like a punter used your scroatch for practice. Anyway, by the time she was done she’d stretched me out to at least a foot and a half long. She moved up the couch and sat on Indian Style on my thighs, my cock sticking up in the air through her crossed legs. Ii was just about head level with her now. She tilted her head down, and could have easily taken the head into her mouth again. But she decided to address Chico first. "Oh, look how you’ve all grown up now; you’re tall enough for your clothes, but we need to fatten you up abit and then you’ll fit right."

Now she took the head in her mouth. But this time it was different. Instead of that tremendous suction, it was reversed it. She was blowing into my slit, filling it up. It felt like I just kept getting harder and harder, thicker, and thicker. I was. I soon grew to big for her mouth, so she just put it over my hole and continued. I could feel the base now pressing up against her crotch, could feel the heat and moisture emanating from it. She started rubbing herself up and down against my ever-swelling shaft. And still it continued. I could feel myself pressing deeper into her cleavage, spreading her breasts apart more and more with each exhale. Upwards, it looked like she was giving her lover a long, deep, passionate kiss. In reality she was grasping my head-sized head and was giving my slit mouth-to-mouth. I was taking up all the space she had between her legs. Finally she brought herself to a quick orgasm from her pole dance, and broke the seal, stopping my girth growth.

I couldn’t see at the time, but it felt like my balls had grown as well. They felt just massive between my legs, and no longer throbbed as much as they rumbled. But the real show was my cock. I just can’t really think of anything to tell that’s that size. It looked as thick as a two-liter Coke bottle, and the head was bigger than the one on my shoulder. It was a deep red color, and jumped around with every heartbeat. It was enough to make any guy proud, even if it was freak. The sight of my elephantine cock and Meg’s ministrations had me running full speed towards the edge. Meagan obliged by squeezing her legs together as tight as she could, again denying me release. She almost didn’t make it, as I spasmed for a solid two minutes. That girl has got some strong legs; try and flex a muscle for two whole minutes. Ain’t easy.

"Oh my God! There’s no way in hell we’ll ever be able to fuck a cock that big!" I had to agree with Brittany there; I was a bit too big for anyone this side of equine. And Chico’s new suit was far too small now as well. Meg was unfazed though, and hopped of my lap. "Nonsense, we just have to get ourselves ready for Big Al here. I don’t think he’ll mind if we take a little time and get our selves fixed up while he recuperates." She led Britt to middle of the living room and made her lie down. "Now let’s see what we can do about getting you to an accommodating size." She began fingering our new friend's cunt, swirling her finger around her opening like she was stirring pudding. Then she moved to two fingers, one from each hand. Then four fingers. The stirring circles seemed to get bigger with each go round and it looked like her fingers kept going deeper into that hole. You ever see someone make a bowl out of clay? That’s exactly what it looked like, except it was pussy flesh, not clay, and it was now two arms instead of two hands molding it. Megan had her arms elbow deep in Brittany’s vagina before she finally stopped. Weather she’d reached her goal, or if it was to keep Britt from crushing her hands, I’m not sure; maybe both.

"Now here comes something that I think Al’s going to really like. See, I’ve been looking on his computer and I know his secret. He’s got a breast fetish, but not just any normal fetish. No, our naughty guy likes reading about breasts growing to enormous size. Well guess what Britt, we’re going to give him what he wants." By this time I was just along for the ride and enjoying the hell out of it. And if I got to see a previously thought impossible fantasy come to life, well that’s just pie. Britt seemed a bit confused, especially after looking again over at my pole, which had undeniably grown in the last hour. Her thoughts were cut off when Meg cupped her mouth over her stretched out lips.

Knowing what was to come, I shifted my attention as best I could to Brittany’s blouse, which to my good fortune was button down. I could just make out her nipples standing out against the blue fabric. At the time it wasn’t in any danger from her less-than-ample breasts. But we all knew that was soon to change with Meg’s first exhale. I could see her nips pop up to bottle cap size, not bad. The fabric lost a few loose folds. Nothing major. Then came another breath, and a third, and still more. Brittany was just in bliss, she’s couldn’t stop rubbing her swelling mounds, fingering her shot glass nipples; at first she was just moaning, but soon she started screaming and didn’t stop. Finally the moment I’d been waiting for, the buttons started to give on her blouse. The gaps grew with every breath, the fabric riding up her stomach, till finally it started to give. The first button popped off and cracked the glass on the entertainment system, followed by the rest in rapid fire.

Her new found breasts exploded out once her shirt went. They had to be the size of basketballs at least. What? No, I don’t know what bra size that is. Shut up and let me finish. They just stuck straight up into the air; it was like gravity just overlooked those tits. She got hit with a few strong spasms, and it was everything I could do not to cream right then. They just bounced back and forth, like some kind of pornographic lava lamp. Her nipples were so big now that she could grab them and pull ‘em like a cow’s. That by itself was enough to make her cum again.

Then something a bit unexpected happened. As is often the case when a women is having an orgasm when they’re getting eaten, they’ll press against the back of the head down there. Well normally nothing happens from this, but this wasn’t a normal situation. Remember how I told you Megan stretched out Brittany’s cunt real big? Well it might have been a bit too big, cause Britt shoved Megan’s whole read head inside of her tunnel. Megan stated panicking and hyperventilating. That’s right, she’d been blowing into her to inflate her breast’s, now she’s blowing even harder and faster from inside. Yup, you guessed it, Britt started to get real big real fast. She’s also cumming even harder now; she couldn’t do anything to get the head out of her if she wanted to. With a combined push, pull, a shouted "OH FUCK!", and a wet splorch sound, they separated. It only lasted about 30 seconds but that was long enough; God, those tits were just fucking huge! They looked for all the world like a pair of those big punching balloons attached to her chest with dildos glued to the ends.

They both just lay on the floor gasping for a few minutes, though for different reasons. "Well,...that didn’t...go exactly.. as planned..." Meg got out between breaths. "Did you like that big boy? Well now it’s my turn; you guys have had enough orgasms for a while, I’m starting to feel left out." She stood up, pulled her pants off, slid her wet lace panties off, and flung them at my head. She dragged the love seat into my view and plopped down on it. She placed the palm of her hand firmly over her bald pussy. Then like in the cartoons, she stuck her thumb in her mouth and started to blow. And sure enough, her shirt started to push out as her tits started to grow. She was wearing a t-shirt and I could see her bra underneath, which she made no move to take off yet. Bra or no bra, her boobs continued their expansion, as her shirt tried to stay together. By the time her shirt shredded under the strain, the cups of her bra were only just barely covering her dark areolas. By her eight orgasm, they barely held her growing nipples, and still she kept growing and cumming. I think she was determined to pop her bra, but it just didn’t want to go. Her flesh started to grow over the cups, finally overlapping them and continued on. She just blew harder, her freckled face turning red from the effort. The base of her breasts were starting to spread out across her chest. It was a race between a stubborn red head and her stubborn bra; NASCAR ain’t got nothing on that. There was a curious humming sound in the air, which I realized was cumming from the straps of the brazier, the tension was so great. She raised her arms up over her head and gave one last final deep breath. There was sound like a rifle shot from the bra, a scream of relief/mind altering orgasm from her, and crash from the entertainment center, again.

I don’t think she’d realized just how big she’d been growing, nor did I really know until she stopped. With the bra no longer keeping them back, her nipples shot out with a jolt; they had to be as big as Pringlesâ?? can. But that’s nothing compared to how big she was. I can’t even think of a god word for them, everything’s too small sounding. I almost hate to say it, but they were as big as bean bag chairs that had been filled a bit too much. And like Britt’s tits, they didn’t droop or sag or anything that one would expect them to do. The just jutted out. It wasn’t till she had to put her hands on top of them and part the way to look at me did she realize what she’d done. She actually seemed happy about it, but then again she had been flat as Olive Oyle five minutes ago. Course this is all from y twisted mind, so anything’s possible it seems.

"Big enough for you? I sure hope so. But now I can’t even reach my cunny to make it grown, and Britt can’t help me yet. I know, I’ll just stretch it the old fashioned way. But first..." She managed to pry her self off the chair with surprising ease and sauntered over to me. She leaned over me, her tits bumping in to my turgid cock, teasing me. She moved her hands down to my crotch, but not down far enough. She grabbed my belt and undid it, and with a flick pulled it out of the loops. I watched with dread as she wrapped it around the base if my shaft and pulled it tight, tourniquet style. "I always knew those first aid classes would come in handy. Speaking of coming, this will make sure you don’t do that till its time. Fucking great. At least I didn’t have to worry about getting soft.

With that ‘little problem’ taken care of, she again mounted my lap. After several minutes of study, she stood up with one leg off the couch, and the other bent on it. She slowly lowered herself so that we were freakishly large slit-to normal dripping slit. I couldn’t believe she was going to try to take my bowling ball sized head into her tight snatch. Impossible, or so I thought. But as she kept lowering herself, her lips began to part more and more, like a snake trying to swallow an egg. I don’t see how she did it; she couldn’t even see with those tits in the way, they were already resting on my chest and she hadn’t even gotten the tip of the head all the way in. Only 17 more inches to go. After five minutes of patient pressure, her lips closed around the ridge of the head with an audible plop. But it was too much for her; her orgasm hit with leg shaking ferocity. I almost felt bad when I saw her legs give out, but it felt too good at he time. She sort of hung in mid air for a second or two before gravity caught up to her. It almost seemed like she was in slow motion as she fell around the entire length of my cock. I could see the head travel up her body before it stopped somewhere between her breasts. I don’t think she was really ready for it though, ‘cause she just gasped and passed out on her boobs.

By this time Brittany had recovered enough to walk, and seeing the predicament came to the rescue. She leaned Meg back and slid her back on the sofa. She had her almost all the way off my pole before she lost her grip. There was so much suction in her stretched out pussy that with this wet slurping sound, it pulled her all the way back on my cock. Brittany pulled her back again, but this time let go intentionally, and then did it again. And again, and then just found a good rhythm and kept the pace up. I can’t even begin to describe how good it felt to have that tight monster cunt sucking and squeezing on half a cubic foot of cock. It was mind blowing, but thanks to that damn belt that was the only thing blowing. It felt like my balls were going to blow out my ass. This whole time, Megan was still out; the only response we got from her was some moans and her legs kept flailing about. Her giant breast were just bounding from one end of her tot he other with each thrust from Brittany. I think she finally woke up cause she put her leg on my crotch and pushed herself off of Chico. She just laid there for a few minutes, barely moving, just breathing in and out slowly. It seemed like it took eight minutes for her breasts to stop jiggling.

She carefully swung her legs off the couch, reached for one of my cigarettes from the pack on the coffee table. After a few attempts to get it lit and a few first-timer coughs, she looked up at Brittany and said "Your turn." Her cunt looked like a gaping mouth, even after she had sat down on the love seat again, with her legs as closed as she could manage. Brittany didn’t have to be asked twice. Since she was already an accepting size, Britt decided to just plop down and ride it. She couldn’t even speak, she just had her mouth open and moving, but nothing came out. Finally she was able to say "Oh Gooood, this this feels better than even your head Megan. And I haven’t even started moving yet."

That said she started to slowly grind herself back and forth, up and down. I wanted nothing more than to grab onto those suckers bouncing in front of me. And I couldn’t even fucking move my hands. It seemed Britt sensed my troubles, cause she grabbed my hands and put them around her phallic nipples. My hands stayed in place up in the air while her breasts moved back and forth. In effect I was jacking off her nipples, but it was her nipples, not my hands that were doing all the work. I don’t think she cared one way or the other though. She just kept thrashing back and forth, or at least as much as one can when they have tits the size of beach balls leaping all over the place. If I hadn’t had my hands wrapped around her handles, she probably would have been thrown off from the sheer momentum of those things.

After what seemed like twenty minutes, she just collapsed, spent. She drug herself off of me with the now familiar sounds. my balls were pain made solid. They had swelled up as big as medicine balls. They were this hideous purple color that I knew couldn’t be a good thing. The shaft and head were and even deeper shade, with veins bulging everywhere. If they didn’t take off that damn belt soon, I was gonna explode. Like she had just read my mind, Megan ambled over to me. She bent down and began trying to undo the belt. It took her a while as it had started to dig into my flesh down there and there was a good bit of pressure against it. When she finally undid it, a cup of semen oozed out, and then purpleness mostly faded.

"Well since you’ve been such a good big boy tonight, we’re going to let you cum now. We’re going to give you a tit fuck like no one’s been givin a tit fuck before." She motioned Brittany over to the couch and meg climbed up, with Britt kneeling on the floor opposite her. They ran their hands through my spilt cum and started rubbing my shaft all over, getting it even more lubricated than it had been. Britt put her hands at the base, and wrapped her tits on to of them so that they were resting on her arms. Meg placed her giant mams on top of Britt’s and her hands on top of them. Without any kind of signal, they got into rhythm, sliding up and down my pole. I used every bit of control I had to keep myself from going yet. They sped up their strokes, sliding nearly off the tip, and going all the way to my pubes. I could just see the tip of my cock on the downward stroke, when the momentum flattened out the breasts a bit. I couldn’t last long with this. I could feel the pent up fluid in my balls starting to build even more. They could tell too, and sped up even more.

It was too much. My whole body stiffened, and they pulled back to watch. The ‘spurt’ was just one continuous stream of semen. It hit the ceiling with a splat and splashed down all over my lover breasts, heads, hands, arms, legs; everywhere. Megan attempted to try and swallow some as it came out, but it was like drinking from a fire hose. Yeah, that’s about what it looked like; that scene from Scary Movie. I came for five minutes before I finally ran out. And then


My fucking alarm went off. I was so hung over I could barely open my eyes. I was lucky to make it to the kitchen from sheer habit. I ran a pot of coffee and went to go wash the cat shit taste out of my mouth. I came back and poured down one cup as fast as I could, then dropped a few Alka-seltzers in the next and went back to the living room to watch the news. I picked up the remote, but it wouldn’t turn the TV on. I made it about half way there before I said fuck for the first time of the day. I’d fucking stepped on a button. I looked down and saw five or six more just laying around on the floor. As I got closer to the entertainment center, I could tell the problem; something had crashed into a lamp and must have shorted out the plug. Cue Fuck’s 3-5I went back, and sat on the couch, which groaned in disapproval. I picked up my cup and was just about to take a sip when something fell into it. After I finished saying fuck’s 6-13, I looked up at the ceiling. There was cum all over it.

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